Last updated 2 years ago
Currently, there are no audited solutions for a Cardano user to fractionalize an NFT and current solutions require some Programming Knowledge.
Minting tokens with GameChanger Wallet and distributing them with Marlowe could provide an easy and auditable solution for NFT Fractionalization.
This is the total amount allocated to Fractionalized NFTs with Marlowe.
Minting tokens with GameChanger Wallet and distributing them with Marlowe could provide an easy and auditable solution for NFT Fractionalization.
Relevant Experience;
Marlowe Pioneer Program
Plutus Pioneer Program
Gamechanger Wallet Development
A more automated process of Fractionalizing NFTs could be achieved with Marlowe. And GameChanger Wallet would provide an easy way for Cardano Users to mint collections of "Fractions" of an NFT.
Using Marlowe we can have an Auditable Solution for Distributing these Fractions and a way to Assure the Original NFT is going to stay in a contract with whatever conditions the user wants to set.
Here is a concept of how this could would work shown in the Marlowe Playground.
Integrating Marlowe and Gamechanger deeper into the ecosystem by providing automated tools for the community will help strengthen our core foundations in Cardano. Open-source and Auditable tools should be at the forefront of our ideas and Community Tools.
Fractionalized NFTs in Marlowe will have to wait for Marlowe Release, but simulations can be created and tested while we wait.
Multiple Solutions will be built out in the Marlowe Playground and be launched on testnet when it becomes available. The more tools that Marlowe can release to us, the more we can automate.
We will write a Gamechanger Script to mint multiple tokens in one transaction, and focus on ease of use for the user. We can gather user inputs using a form similar to the NFT Creator GameChanger already provides.
Snippet of GameChanger Wallet's NFT Creator
Marlowe Development - $3000
Gamechanger Script Development and Automation - $5000
Derrick Oatway - Marlowe Development - -
Dominick Garey - Cardano CLI/Plutus Development -
We could further automate this idea by creating tools to create the "Fraction" images. This could be part of a Future proposal after we see how users interact with the current process.
Currently this will have to be up to the user as there are so many possible ways to Fractionalize an NFT.
We will be collaborating through miro, trello, github and various discord channels to help identify team member and user needs throughout the development Process.
The finished product of this idea should be an automated way for the Community to build something like this. Here is a concept for an unsig to be fractionalized into 8 pieces and is what we will have in mind while building these tools.
Using Marlowe and Gamechanger for Fractionalization is a new concept we haven't seen in Catalyst, or Cardano.
Relevant Experience;
Marlowe Pioneer Program
Plutus Pioneer Program
Gamechanger Wallet Development