Last updated 2 years ago
Reputation system is an essential component for e-marketplaces to facilitate business transactions and fostering honest behavior. Cardano lacks a decentralized reputation system for e-marketplaces.
A DID based reputation system that allows players to be rewarded based upon their positive activity in-game.
This is the total amount allocated to Gamers DID - Trust Built by Gaming.
A DID based reputation system that allows players to be rewarded based upon their positive activity in-game.
PlayerMint’s team of 5 has 12 years experience in gaming and 11 in blockchain. Successful in F4, 6, and 8.
ProofSpace has extensive full stack dev, product and ops experience. PRISM & Indy are integrated into their proven decentralized ID platform. Successful in F7 and 8.
Contextual Background
The world of gaming is focused on providing experiences to a global fanbase that takes them through adventures, puzzles, strategy, combat, friendship, and storytelling. Some of these experiences bake in valuable reward to entice players. This has been seen in games like Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) with various cosmetics that are traded for hundreds to thousands - sometimes even in Bitcoin. It has also been seen in World of Warcraft (WOW), where the in-game currency has an exchange rate to fiat.
These games introduce these rewards, in part, through in-game action at the end of matches and quests. Sounds similar to play-to-earn right? Well, the model works and even after 10 years CS:GO is still the most played game on Steam.
The issue is this model of rewarding players invites bad actors. Cheaters, bots, and smurfs (experienced players making new accounts to face lower level players) join the games in hordes to obtain in-game assets and sell them for a profit. Standard players have trouble enjoying these games when they are competing against cheaters leveraging a hacked client for enhanced performance. Game studios respond to these bad actors with anti-cheat mechanisms such as VAC, Vanguard, Ricochet, and Easy Anti-Cheat. When these mechanisms work they detect irregular in-game actions, such as auto-aiming, and then ban the associated account. The issue is these bad actors can easily create new accounts and get back into the game, especially when the game is free, such as CS:GO. Additionally anti-cheat mechanisms can’t determine if a player is a smurf or not. Game studios use terms of service to prevent this, but it does little to stop players looking for easier rewards.
This has all been experienced in traditional games, where there is no blockchain backing that brings the trustworthiness and utility of smart contracts. Imagine how these bad actors will react when they can play-to-earn an NFT that they can be staked or used to provide collateral on a loan. The issue of cheaters, bots, and smurfs should be expected when building blockchain gaming applications and infrastructure. But how can we stop it?
The Solution
The best way to stop these bad actors is to apply blockchain based game theory. Use tokenization to make it more rewarding to play a game as a trusted entity, as opposed to an ever churning list of cheating accounts. This is accomplished through a DID based reputation system, where the player builds trust based off of their gaming and wallet metrics. Things like total hours played, number of games owned, number of reports on account, and number of epochs staked can paint a picture of the player without requiring overly personal information. These metrics can be obtained from users who have completed an Oauth process like Epic Online Services, Steam, and the web 3.0 equivalent in combination with an API like Overwolf.
Based upon the reported gaming and wallet metrics we can develop a trust score for each user. More metrics that show positive engagement = higher trust score. Game studios and developers can then use this trust score to impact the rate, quantity, and quality of rewards that a player is obtaining. This tool will be aimed at supporting Cardano based games to start, with the goal of utilizing their own Oauth and API systems to strengthen the validity of the DID and possible sources of metrics.
Kicking Things Off
To initiate the usage of the DID as well as provide a set of gameplay metrics, PlayerMint will be the first project to integrate the DID. PlayerMint is a play-to-earn layer that integrates with existing video games like Fortnite to reward gameplay performance. PlayerMint is worried that gamers will ‘smurf’ in order to play against lower skilled foes and obtain more tokens. This has led them to pioneer the Gamer DID with ProofSpace.
The planned impact is to apply subtle, yet meaningful multipliers to the amount of tokens a gamer earns through PlayerMint based on their trust score. The goal is to make it more rewarding to build up a single trustworthy account as opposed to many ‘smurf’ accounts.
Planned Trust Metrics
The following is a list of metrics that we plan to integrate into the first iteration of the DID.
As time goes on ProofSpace and PlayerMint will update the list of metrics so the trust score is as accurate as possible. The goal is to bring in other gaming based projects so they can benefit from the trust score and add to the list of metrics.
Game Developer Experience
Here is how a game developer would engage with the Gamer DID:
Gamer Experience
Here is how the gamer would interact with the Gamer DID:
PlayerMint Specific Experience
Why We’re Building This
Giving gamers a decentralized identity around which they can build a reputation and earn rewards will:
The Gamer DID fits wonderfully with the Dapps, Products & Integrations challenge (gaming is one of the “types of proposals to include”). The challenge focuses on building products that service the Cardano community in ways better than current centralized providers. As discussed in the “Contextual History” portion of impact, the issue of bad actors in games is nothing new. Centralized clients like anti-cheat mechanisms have done their best to combat the issue but it is still very prevalent. The Gamer DID brings a fresh decentralized take on the issue that can service the developers of blockchain games and their players (the community).
A quality mechanism to build trust within gaming without revealing personal info will help make Cardano the go-to blockchain for game developers and their players.
The main challenges of this project are based on its capacity to have a truly authentic trust score and community of developers and players that utilize it.
Developing a trust score based upon a set of metrics will not be easy. This will take authentication on the users side with legitimate Oauth systems and then necessitate APIs to grab player metrics from trustworthy databases. The use of developer approved services like the mentioned Epic Online Services and Overwolf will ensure legitimacy and trustworthiness. Working with blockchain game developers on leveraging on-chain data as metrics for trustworthiness will ensure developers with less resources can still contribute to the DID.
In addition to ensuring the metrics are of quality, a formula will be needed to aggregate all the data from the metrics and derive a trust score based off of it. This is a difficult process as the validity and value of each metric will need to be determined. How trustworthy is a stake history of 8 months and 22 hours played vs a stake history of 1 month and 63 hours played? The answer is to source input from a community of gamers with knowledge on the topic. Through many trials and usage of live data in a testnet environment an understanding of a metrics value can be determined. This combined with constant iteration can ensure a community backed DID that proves trustworthiness fairly is built.
The final major challenge of the Gamer DID is to ensure it’s adopted by a community of developers and players. What’s the point of all this tech without anyone using it? This difficult issue will be solved through a representation of usage. As PlayerMint integrates and displays the advantages of the Gamer DID it can grow in usage. This combined with outreach to projects building on Cardano can ensure a level of usage between gamers and developers occurs.
PlayerMint’s knowledge in the blockchain gaming space and ProofSpace’s understanding of DIDs provides the necessary blocks to build the Gamer DID.
Below is a breakdown of tasks for verifiable the gamer DID:
Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Deliverables and Milestones
Month 1
Month 2
Month 3
Month 4
Managing the workload of this and other proposals:
All of the proposals associated with PlayerMint, focus around the development and usage of its core play-to-earn marketplace application. The team of 7 with 1 advisor have the necessary skills to fulfill all of the deliverables set in the submitted Project Catalyst proposals.
PlayerMint also employs the help of MLabs to assist from a development perspective. MLabs is a blockchain consultancy with a specialization in Cardano.
In the interest of transparency PlayerMint has also shared a daily set of deliverables in its Discord called the “Daily Dues”. These can be reviewed along with their Project Catalyst monthly reports to determine progress.
Here is a link explaining workload management.
The following list displays the deliverable items followed by the budget needed to achieve them:
Two projects in the Cardano ecosystem are collaborating on this proposal.
PlayerMint - Gaming Experience
PlayerMint is a blockchain layer that integrates with existing games like Fortnite. This layer provides play-to-earn capabilities, enabling gamers to monetize their gameplay performance in triple-A titles. The token earned is called PMX and is spendable across an NFT marketplace. PlayerMint leverages Epic Online Services to authenticate gamer accounts and Overwolf to determine gameplay performance.
PlayerMint Team working on this project:
PlayerMint has created an external Google doc for you to get a sense of the current development progress being made. It is possible that when reading this PlayerMint’s testnet is live. Proposals can no longer be edited after a certain date so this document enables constant updating.
ProofSpace - DID Experience
ProofSpace is a multi-network identity platform, wrapped with no-code tools for building and scaling decentralized ID workflows and ecosystems. Our goal is to eliminate the barriers to adopting Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and proliferate the range and volume of use cases on production. Our vision is to power global digital inclusion and cross-chain commerce with interoperable verifiable credentials, and in so doing expand use of blockchain as a medium of trust. We are live with Hyperledger Indy, on testnet with Atala PRISM and reviewing SSI protocols on Polkadot, Ethereum and Solana.
ProofSpace Team working on this project:
If this proposal is funded the completed deliverable of v1 of the Gamer DID will be produced and made public. This DID will be implemented into PlayerMint and tested for impact.
If during or at the end of this development process other projects are interested in partaking in the Gamer DID (what we hope to happen) then we will look into sustainable mechanisms of revenue creation. This may start with another proposal but will ultimately lead to a mechanism that can finance the project through its usage.
In short, the deliverables of this proposal can be produced independent of a future Project Catalyst proposal. If interest in the Gamer DID is high, then a future proposal is very possible.
Every deliverable of the project described in our detailed plan will be visible to the community. Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) include:
Success is the completed development of v1 of the Gamer DID with integration in the PlayerMint app and interest from gamers and developers in the space.
Level of success can be determined by the number of gamers opting into the DID and number of bad actors prevented. Success can further be determined by the interest expressed by other gaming projects in the Cardano ecosystem. Other developers wanting to utilize the DID expresses its successful usage in PlayerMint.
No, this is a new project proposal but is being built by projects with previous proposals.
SDG goals:
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
SDG subgoals:
Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors
Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services
By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Average hourly earnings of employees, by sex, age, occupation and persons with disabilities
The above is copied from the "SDG Proposer Tool".
PlayerMint’s team of 5 has 12 years experience in gaming and 11 in blockchain. Successful in F4, 6, and 8.
ProofSpace has extensive full stack dev, product and ops experience. PRISM & Indy are integrated into their proven decentralized ID platform. Successful in F7 and 8.