Last updated 2 years ago
Connected vehicles require enhanced layers of security and data privacy. Current fleet management solutions are centralized platforms.
To install & evolve existing proven collaborative tools into a platform designed to catalyze interactive project creation and leverage our community’s extraordinary knowledge, & skills.
This is the total amount allocated to Global Collaboration Platform.
To install & evolve existing proven collaborative tools into a platform designed to catalyze interactive project creation and leverage our community’s extraordinary knowledge, & skills.
Dan Kimball: 40yr Tech Entrepreneur, ConceptNet Development.
CoFounder of &
Alex Thayer: 7yrs Full Stack Java Dev- HYPE Innovation Dev-Team,
Multinational Collaboration Platform Design
Michael Avis: 15yrs Director of HYPE Innovation Business Development
A Collaboration Platform is THE UNIQUE PLACE where
Future GREAT IDEAS and BEST PROPOSALS will be born.
Collaboration is the fulcrum for Successful Projects
What kind of on-line interactive environments
will enable the scaling of global collaboration?
Can we cut cross the language barrier?
A Community truly works together when we can
This project will employ a Natural Language AI Solution that stores and retrieves words by their meaning, independent of the users native language. This “Semantic” storage is essential for global engagement across languages.
To install, integrate, evaluate, research and engage the community in evolving a global interactive platform designed to provide Catalyst with a continuous community wide collaboration environment.
To provide an Collaboration Platform for Continuous Community Engagement:
CORE GOAL: Establish an Integrated Catalyst Community Innovation Platform
A platform that provides structure for continuous Open Sourcing of the community for:
Prepare to engage and coordinate the Catalyst Community for
Catalyst struggles with the complexities of large community interaction. We’re engaging in groups far larger than our natural human ability to coordinate our collective skills and passions. We want to maximize our collaboration yet we struggle to work with so many people. We know collaborating at scale will vastly increase our ability to solve problems collectively.
The core driver of our individual engagements in any collaborative project is our individual passion for solving the problems that interest us most. Along with the joy we each get in doing the things we do best.
The ultimate goal is to create an on-line environment that can coordinate a multitude of individuals around collaborative projects. We need an environment that can put people together without generating chaos. People’s individual interests are the “attractors” that pull people together. We want people to naturally cluster around their individual skills and interests to encourage their collaboration, and we also want to gracefully acknowledge and manage diverging interests and needs when they emerge, as they will among any group of diverse and talented people.
4 Parts of a Collaboration Platform
This project's objective is to install, explore, prototype and evaluate the best existing platforms and environments to integrate for a Global Collaboration Environment.
1 Collaborative Data Platform
Establish a data platform for engaging Communities in a customizable tool to engage peer to peer networks of individuals at scale.
2 AI Sentiment Analysis
Integrate the latest natural language AI tools to extract meaning from the community expression of their intentions across multiple languages.
3 Interactive Network Visualization
Establish and integrate user interface tools to organize information and structure collaborative project design
4 Collaboration Paradigm
To Integrate a conceptual framework for guiding project coordination and collaboration for private personal growth and public team/project development.
Collaborative Data Platform
Our development partnership with HYPE Innovation provides us with a collaborative platform for use in organizing our efforts. HYPE’s Collaboration Platform supports tens of thousands of users. They provide their software to 10,000 organizations in 185 countries. It is designed specifically for flexible decentralized collaboration at massive scale. It is a customizable tool for engaging peer to peer in networks of individuals.
AI Sentiment Analysis
Using a well-established Open Source Natural Language AI solution, ConceptNet can extract meaning and interpret intent in multiple languages. This AI solution goes way beyond the extraction of keywords. It applies analysis of text to figure out the meaning of the text independently of the languages. This “Semantic Analysis” process is essential to global projects.
Interactive Network Visualization
We will explore and evaluate various user interface tools that can help people organize and more easily absorb information to structure project design collaboratively. It will display the results of the analysis in ways that can enable quicker understanding and more effective coordination between individuals across language barriers.
Collaboration Paradigm
To explore this new territory, we will use the Person-Planet Project-Paradigm (PPPP). PPPP is a conceptual framework for guiding project coordination and collaboration. It inspires personal evaluation while it coordinates the development of projects in teams.
Participants not only use the tool, but they also refine & extend it. The idea is to engage participants to share and compare their interactions and identify both converging and diverging interests, needs, skills and expectations.
A Collaboration Paradigm is intended to guide engagement.
This is a part of a set of Interactive heuristic tools and games, intended to help guide and build consensus around the intentions of a community, and help community members work more effectively as a team.
The Person Planet Process is presented in the form of a Graphical Map of the time-tested ingredients of Collaboration
A collaboration platform for Cardano in a foundational product for engaging in Cardano products of all kinds.
Product Integration into innovative collaboration environments will help in the development of new products on Cardano.
Using Natural Language Processing AI's like ConceptNet will encourage
Language independent collaboration engagement globally.
The Tools are just mature enough now to provide
this kind of social collaboration for the first time
Collaboration Platforms will provide a new generation of Social Media and Social Engagement for establishing working Relationship between members globally.
Our Corporate Partner HYPE Innovation as a global provider of Innovation Managment Platforms for Centralized companies for many years. and for the UN - UNICEF
HYPE now that there will be even larger opportunities for collaboration platforms with massive online memberships.
Reliance on external software:
Community engagement for evaluation could be lower than expected. Although referenced communities are currently engaged in preparation, we also have relationships with additional communities to use as contingencies.
Detailed Plan with Timeline and Milestones:
Our plan is to initiate our collaborative work in the 3rd quarter of 2022, independent of Catalyst funding.
Community Engagement UX Research Plan:
Step 1:
Install and Integrate Software Elements
HYPE Innovation Platform
Sentiment Analysis SDK
Data Visualization Platform
Data Interface Integration
Other Tools, Miro, Spacial Chat, etc.
Step 2:
Community building/research group accumulation
Step 3:
Research preparation through designing activities that deduce information based on interest groups and sub-interest groups
Step 4:
Collaboration based activities to understand how teams work and conduct UX research on how pre-existing teams work and organize themselves.
Sampled from Rats DAO, ADAO, Snapbrillia etc.
Step 5:
Research Documentation.
We publicly document the research and make design and technology requirement conclusions.
Step 6:
Design Mockups
Based on research conclusions, we create design mockups for testing with the community.
Success after:
3 months Stage1 - Fund 9
6 Months Stage2 - Fund 10
12 Months Stage3 - Fund 11
Global Collaboration Platform: Action Steps & 12 Week Budget Hours
Installation, Configuration, Tool Integration
5 Integration, & Configuration Developers - 4 weeks
SubTotal - 440 Hours
Community Engagement
2 people at each session across - 6 weeks
SubTotal - 220 Hours
Engagement Evaluation
3 people over - 3 weeks
SubTotal-240 Hours
Collaboration Paradigm Testing
2 people at each session across - 6 weeks
SubTotal - 240 Hours
Total Man Hours
1140 Hours @ Rate $50
Total Budget Requested
Dan Kimball: Serial Tech entrepreneur with 40 years of developing products and companies.
Co-founder of an active EOSIO community governed DAO project &
Micheal Avis: 15 yr Director of HYPE Innovation Bus. Dev. Deep Experience with SaaS Innovation Management in Industry. OpenIDEO, Unicef, Multi-National Open Innovation Management Solutions
Alex Thayer: Implementation Consultant at HYPE Innovation 7yrs. BS Computer Science, Full Stack Java Developer. Multinational Collaboration Platform Designer.
Harsha Gullapalli: 3+ years as a UI/UX designer & researcher, design educator & digital filmmaker.
Co-founder of Gods of Block DAO.
Dennis Rivers: MA ( Interpersonal Communication Skills Expert, Anti-Nuclear Activist, and Earth Citizen, Co-Founder of Person-Planet Project-Paradigm collaborative framework for collective action. Author of The 7 Challenges Workbook with hundreds of thousands of copies distributed by UN, community colleges, businesses and non-profits for communications training.
Sheida Mirahsani: - Certified human resources management professional - Online Collaboration Dynamics. Computer Science. Dfinity ICP - Motoko Bootcamp.
Peter Wolcott: 4 years Project Management Experience 2 years deep network observation in multiple global communities with >500+ members Catalyst Swarm Veteran and CC Admin Secretary where I project manage Catalyst Circle and Swarm Events and Evolutions
Mike Brunt: 30 Years as a Full Stack Developer - Expert in Java Virtual Machines environments. Known as the "JVM Whisperer" Deep Experience in multiple Block-Chain Environments. Developer Freeos Dev in the Dfinity ICP Canister.
Scott Luxor: Multi-media digital journalist with extensive experience working as both a content producer and as a newsroom editor. Experience includes photojournalism, writing, editing, graphic design, video and video editing. Helping the average person understand difficult concepts is one of my strengths.
Several professionals of leading organizations are joining as partners with deep experience in relevant domains:
Gene Bazan Ph.D. - Founder - Applied Heuristics Associates, Professor of City and Regional Planning at 3 universities US & abroad. 30yrs environmental, civic, governmental and business organizations on board and staff. Created the Center for Sustainability at Penn State. Designer of collaborative games and systems for community engaged planning.
Jerome Kelsey: Founder — Brings 20 years of systems and software design, and lead game design. A proponent of free and open societies, direct democracy, gift economies and systems design, Jerome founded FreeDAO as an unstoppable service to bring new tools that can enhance human freedoms.
Jerome Hartigan: Co-founder Business Strategy and Operations, decades of business strategy, keynote speaking and governance experience, Former Olympic athlete with a keen understanding of effective team and group dynamics, he brings his passion for people to ensure FreeDAO brings sustainable success for those that service it, and for those that it services.
We have partnered with a world-class innovation platform company "HYPE Innovation''.
HYPE's Innovation Management platform has been proven by many corporate clients as well as large open communities and NGO's such as UNICEF, and (a global design and innovation company) You can get a public facing view of the HYPE software at :
The unique HYPE innovation platform is directed at maximizing Collaboration between members. It’s design is not dependent on Hierarchy, as are competitors in Innovation & Idea Management
Additional Resources
We are seeking one additional team member, from a timezone that can bridge between eastern and western hemispheres, with passion and experience in collaboration and community governance.
Several professionals and leading organizations are joining as partners with deep experience in relevant domains:
In order to evolve this Collaboration Platform to we also plan to propose in Future Catalyst Funds
We aim to continue our collaborations and develop useful products honoring the knowledge and practices we are researching, developing, re-sharing and capturing.
With the success, we anticipate expansion of this project…
We aim to deliver the results of our research and collaborative process directly back to the communities we are working with, as well as to the Catalyst community at large (Swarm and After Town Hall sessions). We'll capture these video sessions and related knowledge resources in open source Gitbook form. As a result, we seek to create long-term value for today's DAOing community… and tomorrow's.
GitBook -
Short Term Success would be:
We can demonstrate a first generation Collaboration Platform with natural language support
Long Term Success would be to:
This is a proposal is deeply related to our proposals on Collaboration and DAOs
but they were not funded.
But we have submitted earlier deeply related but less evolved proposals in
Fund7 & Fund 8
We received very strong reviews on these and they were nearly funded both times.
This is our strongest proposal yet.
We've kept at this because it is a necessary lever for the solving of big problems.
Perhaps the most important Goal is GOAL 9:
Good Collaboration on Block-Chain projects will lead to all dimensions of that GOAL.
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation!
9.1 Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all.
Our Corporate Partner HYPE Innovation in collaboration with IDEO and the US is the provider of Innovation Management Platforms for the UN - UNICEF
They are working with us to develop collaboration platforms because of the
deep impact on all sustainability goals.
Dan Kimball: 40yr Tech Entrepreneur, ConceptNet Development.
CoFounder of &
Alex Thayer: 7yrs Full Stack Java Dev- HYPE Innovation Dev-Team,
Multinational Collaboration Platform Design
Michael Avis: 15yrs Director of HYPE Innovation Business Development