Last updated 2 years ago
Global education is a mess. Cardano could better integrate tools needed to expand the userbase and interoperability using existing brands with accessible, distributed, life-long learning opportunities
To offer a unified experience of life-long learning through an already established Media3 brand that brings the best of the blockchain tools to create a robust and rewarding governance protocol
This is the total amount allocated to Global Levelling Up of Education CP.
To offer a unified experience of life-long learning through an already established Media3 brand that brings the best of the blockchain tools to create a robust and rewarding governance protocol
Checkpoint is an established and trusted media brand with a global reach of around 750,000 people specialising in content that has positioned itself as a Media3 pioneer. Checkpoint with its reputation for high quality content, has already minted its governance token on Cardano.
Before outlining the benefits of the education element and the pedagogy of Checkpoint’s learning materials, it’s important to outline the way in which Checkpoint proposes to bring in the Cardano blockchain to solve this issue. By developing the $LOAD token, it will allow for greater adoption into the Cardano blockchain.
By migrating to blockchain, Checkpoint is effectively on-boarding users to Cardano. In order for the wider tokenomics model to work, the $LOAD token needs to become a robust governance protocol (has been outlined in the Orange Paper’s tokenomics section). This means a smart contract needs to be implemented to prepare the ecosystem for full Cardano marketplace integration and adoption which includes, but isn’t limited to, wallets on the Checkpoint sites (Gero wallet partnership as well as potential licensing of smart contracts), NFT marketplaces for Checkpoint’s metaverse and the continuation of delivery of already available content. This is why a large sum of the ask is attributed to this. We have already discussed the costings with MLabs and have a strategic partnership with them in order to deliver the smart contract for the governance token, as well as a potential marketplace for us to mint and sell our NFT offerings.
As a Media3 brand, Checkpoint is focused on bringing the best in gaming content to its readership. This means there is also an opportunity to utilise the Checkpoint platform to explore projects that – through gaming and innovative use of technology – help with the wider adoption of blockchain and its interoperability.
For that to happen, we need to reimagine digital content and better utilise video games (the most popular type of Web3 content), which we call Media3.
By creating the proposed framework, it will allow for easier on-boarding to Cardano, and wider blockchains. It also allows for more partnerships for marketplaces (to support the Checkpoint Multiverse), content, interoperability and on-going life learning as Checkpoint is not competing in the space of infrastructure building, but rather content creation.
As for the Checkpoint pedagogy, we have identified that education is different in every country, with governments generally setting out the curriculum for the short-term goals and needs of the country. Most countries still subscribe to the education system that was put in place for the industrial revolution, over 100 years ago. The digital world and space needs an updated curriculum that allows for skills and knowledge together with understanding to be acquired. Currently most curricula are founded in knowledge base only, with no practical or skills-based support. It's been identified that knowledge-based learning alone does not lead to successful learning. It's in the space between the knowledge, the skills and the understanding - where the interaction with the subject matter happens - that real learning takes place. This is universal.
Checkpoint utilises already existing cultural reference points, or cultural capital, among young children to show them that videogames can help develop their understanding of the world around them. By understanding how they engage with videogames, children can also identify work and social opportunities in a fast-moving digital landscape. Life is basically becoming a videogame, so the skills you need to play and win a videogame are the skills you need in life - or at least some skills. But the depth the videogames offer is immense and cover topics from resource management and economy to personal fears and bereavement.
This is where Checkpoint aims to add value. Leveraging the cultural capital of games, and their ubiquitous nature, Checkpoint empowers users to comment, address and understand the world around us.
So, in summary:
This project aims to engage teachers, parents and children all over the world. Supported by the interactive magazine and the bedtime stories, the brand offers a holistic approach to learning and, but utilising the cultural capital of already existing games, Checkpoint can capitalise on its approach, making teaching easier and more engaging.
A good overview of this is an interview Checkpoint Founder, Tamer Asfahani, did with TalkTV. In addition to this, you can also see examples of the learning materials attached in this proposal. project has already been implemented into the real world, with examples of our lessons already available. Two great ones are our Design & Technology lesson with Sonic the Hedgehog and our Guided Lesson on space with the European Space Agency (ESA). In both lessons the children had the opportunity to also speak to developers from the games and scientists from ESA.
The content, as you can see from the links, has already been produced, and we will continue to produce content as we grow. All of what you've seen has been done bootstrapped and in order to continue to grow our learning materials and get into more schools, we need to hire more teachers and designers to help produce the output.
We've already seen the impact of our work within schools, and the result will be more people subscribing to and using the Checkpoint Learning materials. This, in turn, allows for the next generation to be on-boarded into technologies like blockchain and Web3. They will understand these technologies and their potential.
Cardano is unique amongst cryptocurrencies because it was developed as more than just a solution to a financial system that is rapidly growing outdated. From the outset, Cardano was created to solve issues with earlier cryptocurrencies.
A proof-of-stake blockchain, Cardano is the first to be founded on peer-reviewed research and developed through evidence-based methods. At Checkpoint, we also believe Cardano is more mission-driven than other Layer 1 blockchains. As the team states, Cardano aims to “make the world work better for all” by delivering a “more secure, transparent, and sustainable foundation for individuals to transact and exchange, systems to govern, and enterprises to grow.”
At Checkpoint, we’ve chosen to build our project on Cardano precisely because Cardano’s values and mission align with ours. Through our multi-platform content, it’s our mission to show how videogames can educate and enact positive change.
In addition, Checkpoint in itself creates content and is driven by research and evidence-based knowledge. Outside of the themed, in-depth, researched and interview-driven content on the main magazine, Checkpoint Kids is informed and shaped by the latest thinking around education with reference to established and recognised research that clearly outlines the benefit of games used within context.
Cardano is the product of frustration; frustration with the way that previous protocols promised the world and never even delivered on half of what they set out to create. Cardano’s goal from the outset was to make realistic promises and deliver on them. Cardano aims to help people connect seamlessly and efficiently without the need for intermediaries, and it’s stayed committed to that goal.
The idea behind Cardano is that cryptocurrency is about more than the underlying protocols and the technology that makes it possible. It’s a system that is more than the sum of its parts — that brings the power into people’s hands and takes it away from centralised institutions like banks.
On top of the Cardano platform’s efficiency and transparency, the IOHK team’s values and goals align with Checkpoint’s mission and goals. It’s the perfect match for us. This philosophy is one we've adopted, but applied to education.
Cardano’s up-and-coming nature also made it an attractive choice because of the blockchain’s astronomical growth compared to other altcoins. As the blockchain itself grows, we also expect to see Checkpoint grow alongside it, and we’re excited for what the future has in store.
Web3 is about putting power back in the hands of people. We must get it right.
For that to happen, we need to reimagine digital content and better utilise video games (the most popular type of Web3 content).
Nobody has done these three things — until now.
Enter Checkpoint — a multi-faceted, digitally-interactive media brand that will pioneer how Web3 content should function.
Through the power of the decentralised blockchain, interactive content, in-depth analysis, and gamification, we’ll help users see how they all have the power to make videogames a force for good.
Checkpoint aims to be one of the first brands to utilise Web3, the multiverse and the blockchain to integrate all of our content into one seamless user experience. Users can connect to Checkpoint Hub any way they like:
Mobile phone
VR headset
Currently, plenty of projects are doing great things in the metaverse space - despite the recent slumps. Axie Infinity has popularised play-to-earn gaming in the metaverse. Decentraland has made an incredible virtual world owned by users. And Sandbox has introduced a powerful platform where you can build, own and monetise virtual experiences.
However, these platforms function mainly as a tool for entertainment and financial gains. They don’t address broader issues in the world.
This is where Checkpoint aims to add value. Leveraging the cultural capital of games, and their ubiquitous nature, Checkpoint empowers users to comment, address and understand the world around us.
This is why we like to call Checkpoint a thinking person’s gaming fix.
Taking wider issues such as education, historical storytelling and big data to name a few, Checkpoint’s content calls us to answer the big questions:
As we move to Web3 and blockchain-based platforms, we know gaming will play a big role in this new world of content. Some experts predict GameFi will become a $300b USD industry within a few years.
We must realise the power video games have in modern society. At Checkpoint, we see the power and growth of video games as an opportunity.
Through interactive content across all Checkpoint Properties, which unifies our brand in one place, we cover video games and their influence on society, culture, education, politics and more. Here are some examples:
At Checkpoint Magazine, we offer themed, in-depth analysis of video games.
At Checkpoint Magazine Kids, we encourage learning through play and feature content for kids, by kids. This magazine is quite popular in schools.
Inspired by the wonderful world of gaming, Checkpoint Bedtime Stories puts children at the heart of the action.
Checkpoint Learning Materials uses video games for learning in schools and at home.
Checkpoint isn’t a new project. We’ve been creating content in the Web 2.0 world for some time. We have live apps and a wealth of content already live for you to enjoy. We’re now ready to take our mission to Web3.
All content is also FREE.
Even more amazing, the Checkpoint Multiverse already exists. You can access it on Oculus now, and on a browser or any device soon.
Checkpoint aims to be the pioneer of Web3 content. We’ll continue to explore the impact video games have on important issues, from politics and culture to education and human rights.
Going forward, we promise our community:
To ensure the financial sustainability of the project, we’ll have two tokens to fuel the ecosystem: a governance token and a utility token (read about our tokenomics). We’ll also have NFT trading card collections to drive sales and encourage ownership on the platform.
We also have revenue streams outside of crypto, including:
- Advertising in our Multiverse and on our content platforms
- Corporate social responsibility sponsorships
- School subscriptions
- Checkpoint has solid revenue projections.
We’ll empower users to become active participants, and therefore onboard users to the Cardano blockchain.
Checkpoint will continue to grow with evidence-based research playing a key role in informing our educational content. This approach should ensure the long-term sustainability and success of our project.
We want to show the value of gaming in helping to prepare future generations for jobs that don’t yet exist. We’ll do this by nurturing their intrapersonal skills and resilience, as well as helping them understand the value of research and fact-checking.
We’ll lead the way in Web3 content.
We’re committed to being on the cutting edge of evolving technology. That’s why we’re delivering interactive content on the next iteration of the internet: Web3. Simply put, when new trends and technologies arise, we’ll be there.
Checkpoint’s mission is to
One of the biggest questions will be around Cardano's current state and maturity as to its ability to support this project. The simple answer is yes, as this is just one element of Checkpoint that feeds back into the wider brand. There is no technical requirement for our lesson plans to work on any blockchain as they're totally independent and are analogue learning opportunities. That means that we want to make them accessible for everyone with restrictions of technology. We are already working with a number of other educators (such as Totally Awesome, Vedx and the Global XR Academy, as well as higher education institutions in the UK) that all understand the need for children to be prepared for a digital future.
Checkpoint is already delivering content to teachers and home educators. The ambition is big, Checkpoint wants to create a grass-roots movement within education, and that requires teachers to be on-board and trust the materials we put to them. Only by standardising education and giving children and young people the same opportunity will we be able to tackle the wider issues of climate change, extinction, socio-economic inequality and much more.
The risk here is that teachers won't see its potential. However, within the schools we've been involved with, there is a real appetite to do more and we're now being approached to write lessons for schools.
This risk is initial, but once mass adoption takes place, then we can expect to see fewer risks as long as we keep the quality high. This is also another reason for the commitment to the Cardano blockchain, as its ethos and philosophy is shared. Checkpoint wants to mitigate as much risk by onboarding its audience onto a blockchain with integrity and real utility and longevity. Although blockchain is still seen as a risk in some spheres, it’s by communication and education that minds can be changed. Shifting our business to be a first mover in an unestablished space is risky, but the bigger risk is not taking the risk!
The other risk, of course, is the price of ADA. Although we're asking for $240k, we have to consider that this price might drop further in this funding, so we'd need to move pretty quickly after a successful funding round to make sure we maximise the price. As a result, we've added a 12% contingency for this exact reason.
This funding should cover 6 months operation.
September – 2022
- To implement the smart contract provided by MLabs and Gero and fully audited
- To make available the LOAD token for purchase through seed sales
- To deliver a further two lesson plans with two magazines (one magazine and set of lesson plans completed)
October – 2022
- To begin development of a new backend CMS for all sites that will centralise content and distribution (planning started)
- To on-board two teachers and put them through the Checkpoint CPD training (teachers identified)
November – 2022
- To make available our CPD through partner sites such as Vedx and Global XR Academy
- To complete our Multiverse and Infiniverse VR experience on the Oculus platform
- To make available our NFT marketplace in beta
December - 2022
- To have produced a further lesson plan (Home and School) and Kids Magazine issue
- To have on-boarded a further two schools
January 2023
- To have produced a further lesson plan (Home and School) and Kids Magazine issue
- To begin beta testing on the new backend for the websites.
- To have completed the next Checkpoint Handbook
February 2023
- To make available our subscription model for schools and educators
- To start delivering advertising in our multiverse
- To have on-boarded a further 300,000 active users across the brand – and therefore potential proxy onto the Cardano blockchain
There are currently over 20 learning packs for school and home learning available for free from
Approx: based on 27 weeks work quoted - $100,000 Audit approx - $30,000
*This price includes the price required for two onboarded teachers. The teachers will be paid on a project basis and not be full time with Checkpoint. Each teacher will be expected to produce at least two lesson plans each per annum. It’s important we don’t overwork the teachers and incentivise them to produce content with us that they can then use in the classroom feedback and informing out lesson plans more effectively.
People currently working on the project:
Tamer Asfahani - award winning broadcast journalist with over 10 years in games journalism and 20 years in broadcasting. Tamer is the founder of Checkpoint and has recently been appointed as a Parent Governor in his local primary school.
LinkedIn -
Paul Elmes - veteran designer of over 30 years is the co-founder and Creative Director of Checkpoint. Paul has worked designed and art-directed for most of the UK's national magazines and newspaper supplements and specialises in contract magazines, advertorials and promotional supplements.
LinkedIn -
Chris Winson-Longley - a teacher for over 25 years, Chris was a highly respected in-class specialist before retirement in 2020. In his time he was head of Literacy and Numeracy, lead initiatives for curriculum enhancing activities and was head of curriculum and department of English. His extensive experience and knowledge meant he was consistently rated as "Outstanding" by the ministry's standards (OFSTED) and is heads up Checkpoint Learning.
LinkedIn -
All of the above named have been creating the already existing back-catalogue of content, and as the learning materials have been used in schools, Checkpoint has identified teachers who understand the pedagogy of the materials and have agreed to help with the content. These teachers have their own specialisms to help expand the reach of the materials. The teachers will work on a project by project basis, allowing them the flexibility to work when they can. Turnaround time for a learning pack is around 8 weeks (including design and QA), so we expect the teachers to contribute two packs a year from the aforementioned budget.
As for the web development, that will be done by Gadi Elimelech, director of Webago - a London based web design and application development company. Gadi and Tamer have worked before, with Gadi's team undergoing the complex task of building the first bi-lingual CMS for the games industry for back in 2010. ArabicGamers is the birthplace of Checkpoint and there is a plan to rebrand and bring back ArabicGamers into the Checkpoint fold in time.
Finally, our partnerships are growing. We are currently discussing a licensing deal with Gero to take on their smart contract if it is able to deliver what we need for the utility token. Our strategic partnership with Gero also means we will be encouraging our readers and partners to utilise this wallet for their blockchain activity where they can. As our token is native and we aim to continue to grow out assets, Gero Wallet is an important part of our growth.
We also have a strategic partnership with MLabs. Any coding for the smart contracts will be carried out by MLabs. We are currently discussing the best route to market between the contract offerings, but MLabs has built the Gero smart contract, and therefore we are keeping the on and off-chain licensed code (if that's the route that works out best) with MLabs.
Furthermore, we are working on specific key partnerships with Higher Education institutions in the United Kingdom, one we hope to announce in the next few weeks will be part of our advisory board and support with research and evidence from their PhD students, informing our learning. They will, furthermore, build elements of our CPD course (which they've already approved) into their Bachelor courses for teaching.
Finally, we are endorsed by the National Literacy Trust in the UK, as well as being recognised by other institutions, charities and organisations for our outreach work.
It is likely that we'll be back to Catalyst for later funding as the project grows. We will still need to raise funding to complete the website and it's likely we'll need to increase our lesson plan output to reach a wider demographic of learners. Currently our lesson plans and home learning materials are aimed at 7-10 year olds.
It's also important to recognise that our focus is to try to get the learners at a younger age, utilising their imaginations and experiences earlier means that the learning experiences are more impactful and meaningful. By instilling a love of learning at a young age, the learner can overcome any subject matter presented.
We will measure the progress by the number of schools which we onboard, the number of lessons that are downloaded and used by the teachers and schools, as well as home educators.
To measure this, we can see how many downloads we've had with basic website metrics.
The progress will show when the content is delivered. Part of the lesson packs and home learning packs (as well as the guided lessons) encourage children to share their work with the magazine. The magazine is focused at the same age group and Checkpoint Kids Magazine is a magazine for kids by kids. This gives a wholesome feeling to the magazine and allows the child to feel ownership of the content and the brand.
Furthermore, we expect to do more outreach with Scotland and Wales education boards as they're already looking for content for their new curriculum.
By onboarding the number of schools outlined in our timeline would be a good measure of our progress and is easily trackable.
In addition, expanded partnerships with tool providers and game platforms (such as ADAQuest) for the wider adoption of blockchain through the Checkpoint ecosystem.
The success of the project will include, but be limited to:
This is a new proposal which has not been funded previously.
SDG goals:
Goal 4. Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG subgoals:
4.2 By 2030, ensure that all girls and boys have access to quality early childhood development, care and pre‑primary education so that they are ready for primary education
4.3 By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university
4.4 By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
4.5 By 2030, eliminate gender disparities in education and ensure equal access to all levels of education and vocational training for the vulnerable, including persons with disabilities, indigenous peoples and children in vulnerable situations
4.6 By 2030, ensure that all youth and a substantial proportion of adults, both men and women, achieve literacy and numeracy
4.7 By 2030, ensure that all learners acquire the knowledge and skills needed to promote sustainable development, including, among others, through education for sustainable development and sustainable lifestyles, human rights, gender equality, promotion of a culture of peace and non-violence, global citizenship and appreciation of cultural diversity and of culture’s contribution to sustainable development
4.a Build and upgrade education facilities that are child, disability and gender sensitive and provide safe, non-violent, inclusive and effective learning environments for all
4.b By 2020, substantially expand globally the number of scholarships available to developing countries, in particular least developed countries, small island developing States and African countries, for enrolment in higher education, including vocational training and information and communications technology, technical, engineering and scientific programmes, in developed countries and other developing countries
4.c By 2030, substantially increase the supply of qualified teachers, including through international cooperation for teacher training in developing countries, especially least developed countries and small island developing States
9.1 Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all
9.5 Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all countries, in particular developing countries, including, by 2030, encouraging innovation and substantially increasing the number of research and development workers per 1 million people and public and private research and development spending
9.a Facilitate sustainable and resilient infrastructure development in developing countries through enhanced financial, technological and technical support to African countries, least developed countries, landlocked developing countries and small island developing States
9.c Significantly increase access to information and communications technology and strive to provide universal and affordable access to the Internet in least developed countries by 2020
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
4.3.1 Participation rate of youth and adults in formal and non-formal education and training in the previous 12 months, by sex
4.7.1 Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development are mainstreamed in (a) national education policies; (b) curricula; (c) teacher education; and (d) student assessment
Checkpoint is an established and trusted media brand with a global reach of around 750,000 people specialising in content that has positioned itself as a Media3 pioneer. Checkpoint with its reputation for high quality content, has already minted its governance token on Cardano.