Last updated 2 years ago
There are no web3 bio links website... We aim to change that with creating a bio links website powered by Cardano and decentralised storage.
To reach a bigger patients and doctors volume base, Help2Health must be multilingual. Translate into English & Portuguese as a necessary step for the global scaling of our health care services.
This is the total amount allocated to Help2HEALTH ramping Up to 2B People.
To reach a bigger patients and doctors volume base, Help2Health must be multilingual. Translate into English & Portuguese as a necessary step for the global scaling of our health care services.
Team with +20 years of experience in E-HEALTH, TELEMEDICINE & PHARMA
Help2Health Cardano+Citaldoc is a benchmark in telemedicine with 100K registered
Help2Health have been selected in FUND8 in the Business Solution category
1.1) Why is it important?
Impact in healthcare requires to be available to big volumes of patients. Thus translating “Help2health Cardano + Citaldoc” into English and Portuguese will enable us to escalate our telemedicine services, ADA payment methods and Cardano health smart contracts to over 2 Billion people.
This action that will allow to reach more patients and health professionals in the world, will facilitate access to qualified, efficient, safe and personalized medical care.
The adoption of smart contracts of Cardano Blockchain in sensible health data such as doctor’s Prescription and Medical records will enable patients to have a more active role in the management and ownership of their health matters.
HUGE OPPORTUNITY: We are convinced that the adoption of the Cardano and ADA/Djed, in the health sector, will unlock the huge potential of smart contracts and crypto to promote prevention and access to health care for more people since nowadays the use of crypto and smart contract in the health sector is low or non-existent
1.2) Who is served and benefited from Help2Health Cardano + Citaldoc?
● Patients
● Healthcare professionals
● Health care centers
● Health insurance companies
● Companies
● Governments
● Pharmaceutical industry
● Other related stakeholders
Help2Health has been one of the companies selected by Catalyst Fund8 in the Business Solutions category (BtB, BtC)
We recommend the reading of the presentation made in the Catalyst Fund8 that was selected by the community
We thank the Catalyst Community for identifying this untapped opportunity in the health sector and voting for us to achieve the funding requested in Fund 8, providing us recommendations and ideas that have been important to build up Help2Health Cardano + Citaldoc project.
We hope we are providing you in this document solid fundamentals and good grounds to continue receiving your support in this Catalyst FUND9
Our effort is directed to the development of the platform, the incorporation of new languages to scale globally, the education of patients in the responsible and efficient use of telemedicine, education in the impact and importance of the application of blockchain in the health sector. , financial education, health care education and ethical and responsible medical marketing
"Help2HEALTH ramping Up to 2B People" is a continuation project already in operation, with a constituted team and well-defined objectives, which facilitates its implementation and fulfillment of the goals.
1.3) Synthesis of the problems
● Reduce language barriers to achieve greater access to health by incorporating professionals and patients who speak English and Portuguese
● To have positive outcomes in Health care is necessary to build a significant volume of patients.
● Access to quality health care
● Patient costs
● Data protection of health data.
● Adoption of cryptocurrencies in the health sector
● Financial education and blockchain diffusion
2.1) Product
Help2Health: Cardano + Citaldoc is a synergistic project of ( that incorporates ADA / DJED payment methods, offers crypto incentives and implements smart contracts in telehealth (remote medical consultations, face-to-face medical appointments, prescription medication, request for studies, etc.) aiming to expand safe health data and empower patients to manage their personal health data.
This presentation in the Catalyst Fund9 “Help2Health ramping Up to +2B People” project includes the translation of the platform initially into English and Portuguese for the purpose of internationalization (I18n) and subsequent localization (L10n) of our Telemedicine services and enhance the scope in terms of the use of our multilingual platform deeper
The core of this presentation is motivated by the unavoidable need to translate both the webapp and the mobile applications (IOS & Android) into other languages, seeking the internationalization (I18n) and localization (L10n) of the services we offer.
Currently the platform is in Spanish, so the incorporation of other languages is mandatory for global scaling and thus obtain new professionals and patients from other latitudes, becoming global.
For this FUND9 we propose the translation into English and Portuguese, a translation that we will carry out with the Translator Team Cardano LATAM
The Translator Team Cardano LATAM is a group with people and organizations from different parts of Latin America and the world that share the values and principles of Cardano LATAM. They are contributing and coordinating their efforts with their skills (related to translation, curatorship and research) to the growth of this community. They are actively offering their services to the community and working on the translation of Catalyst institutional documents, such as PA Guide and Launch Guide.
In later stages, new languages will be added, taking advantage of the initial experience that we will achieve in this area.
Other needs that we seek to cover are those of incorporating new functionalities into the system and continuing with the usability and design improvements started in Fund8.
We will continue with educational actions for health professionals and patients areas such as telemedicine, financial education, Cardano, blockchain and cryptocurrencies (ADA), digital office, medical marketing and legal aspects and also pursuing the integration of the Cardano universe to the health market and all its stakeholders.
Other objectives are to continue carrying out marketing and advertising actions, already incorporating the English and Portuguese-speaking market and thus expanding our services internationally.
We take into account that within the Cardano Catalyst Community there are many health professionals who may be willing to be part and of course thousands of potential users who seek medical guidance at some point through Help2Health Cardano + Citaldoc.
We want to invite everyone interested to join us to participate.
2.2) What is Citaldoc?
Citaldoc ( is an already operational telemedicine platform that seeks to incorporate smart contracts based on Cardano and thus offer greater security and privacy in medical teleconsultations, electronic medical records, medication prescriptions, transfer of results of studies and incorporate the payment of benefits with ADA and/or Djed.
This will enable patient and professional users to receive bonuses and incentives in said digital currencies.
We have called this integration of the e-health universe and that of Cardano the “Help2Health: Cardano + Citaldoc” Project.
Please describe how your proposed solution will address the challenge?
With the Help2Health project: Cardano + Citaldoc we aim to become a transformational factor in people's health care, promoting the global scaling of our telemedicine service adding blockchain technology and cryptocurrency transactions (ADA) in the health universe.
With this Project we want to improve the access for more people to safe health at an adequate cost, with high quality and better protection of patient sensitive data.
We consider Help2Health: Cardano + Citaldoc as an outstanding and avant-garde contribution to regular medical practice, it is a way of transcending and feeling useful to society.
Here is an interview conducted by Innovatio to our team, which can help to deepen about Help2Health MARKET
People who speak English, Portuguese and Spanish in the world (2021 data)
· People who speak English worldwide
Total 1348 Million (379 Million native speakers)
· People who speak Spanish worldwide
543 Million (460 Million native speakers)
· People who speak Portuguese worldwide
258 Million (221 Million native speakers)
Total number of people who speak English, Portuguese and Spanish in the world
Representing 27.5% of the world population
● Telemedicine market
By 2025, it is estimated that the telemedicine market in LATAM will be 3.48 Billion U$D, an increase of 120% compared to 1.57 billion U$D in 2020.
● Estimated Global Telemedicine Market for 2026 is USD 175 Billions
Note: Latin America is the region with the highest increase in medical costs in 2021 due to the Covid19 effect
Source: Global Medical Trends 2021
- Citaldoc - Plataforma de telemedicina
- Healthcare data on the blockchain - Cardano Foundation
- Sustainable Health Agenda for the Americas 2018-2030
- Health at a Glance: Latin America and the Caribbean 2020
- PAHO - Pan American Health Organization
- Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development
- World
- Opportunities and Challenges of Blockchain Technologies in Health Care
People who speak English, Portuguese and Spanish in the world (2021 data)
- English speaking countries
- Portuguese speaking countries
- Internationalization and localization
- React Internationalization y Localization
- I18next Documentation
- React - i18next documentation
- Latin America: telemedicine market value 2020-2025
- Global Medical Trends 2021
- Index Mundi / Health Professionals per country
3.1) Opportunities
● Complement what was proposed in the Catalyst Fund8 through the English and Portuguese translation of Help2Health Cardano + Citaldoc, promoting the expansion of our Telemedicine services to more than 2.1 billion people.
● The pandemic and post-pandemic COVID19
● The growth of the blockchain market, especially the ecosystem related to Cardano and the still incipient use in the Health sector.
● The positive impact of integrating the use of smart contracts in the health area
● The push for payment of services with ADA
● The expansion and acceptance of telemedicine worldwide
● Have a fully functioning Citaldoc telemedicine platform (+100,000 registered users)
3.2) Challenges
● Reduce the language gap by allowing users who speak English and Portuguese to join as health professionals to offer their services to patients in their preferred language.
We are looking for a worldwide scaling of our telemedicine service.
● Incorporate professionals in the development area with a profile oriented to the Cardano, Haskell and Plutus blockchain.
Stimulate the education of human resources oriented towards this knowledge
● Another main challenge is cultural and educational.
● Educate health professionals and patients about the relevance of cryptocurrencies and blockchain applied to health care.
● Educate health professionals and patients in the use of telemedicine tools efficiently and responsibly.
● Integrate the rest of the stakeholders (pharma, health coverage, pharmacies, diagnostic centers, governments.
3.3) Take advantage of opportunities to solve challenges !!
Through the Help2Health project: Cardano + Citaldoc we are convinced of achieving a positive adoption of the use of cryptocurrencies and smart contracts in the health sector.
Educating the use of health technologies and encouraging financial education will help to generate healthy preventive habits, reduce existing inequity, help reduce health spending and improve the economic income of patients, professionals and other health stakeholders, thus achieving a remarkable social purpose while safely expanding patient health data sharing and empowering individuals to better manage their personal health data .
The internationalization (I18N) and localization (L10n) of our platform will result in the health of people and in the expansion of the Cardano blockchain in this area that is so significant for the world population.
This stage of our project is called Help2HEALTH ramping Up to +2B People
Project timing: 8 months from approval
September 2022 to April 2023
4.1) Courses of action for the solution:
To develop the Help2Health Cardano+ Citaldoc multilingual platform (Help2HEALTH ramping Up +2B People), two fundamental concepts must be kept in mind
First, Internationalization, or i18n, which is the process of creating applications that can be adapted to different languages. Works as a first stage
Second, localization (L10n) will be incorporated, which implies translation to a place or language specified by the user, this being possible thanks to the initial internationalization.
Localizing an app means developing it to support multiple languages and regions.
This makes the app accessible and usable to a wider range of users with a lower learning curve.
In application development, the localization obtains the language, but also the linguistic, cultural, legal, the format of dates, times, etc.
To achieve this, we will work in 2 areas that complement each other
1) - Development of programming to install, configure and prepare the environment within our servers of the libraries, frameworks and/or APIs necessary for internationalization(i18n) and subsequent localization, (L10n) on our platform
Potential libraries/ frameworks that we will use: i18next and react-i18next
2) - Translation of the contents
At this stage, Catalyst FUND 9, will initially translate the platform and mobile applications from Spanish to English and Portuguese.
In the next stages we will incorporate more languages, taking advantage of the learning acquired.
Citaldoc is a platform with a lot of information, specific functions and generation of personalized notifications.
For this reason, it is very important at the beginning to collect the information in a very precise and neat way to facilitate the work of the translator team.
The initial period of analysis, collection, organization and debugging of the contents will take approximately 60 to 90 days. This organization of work aims to facilitate the work of translators and developers and thus achieve a platform with 3 (three) languages (spanish, english and portuguese) by April 2023.
The request for funds for complementary activities in the generation of educational content, investment in marketing, scaling up the commercial area and search for new users will be included in Catalyst's Fund 9, bridging the language and geolocation gap.
Investments will be also made in Legal & Accounting to build the adequate corporate structure for a platform with global presence.
Hours of development will be included both for the translation area and for improvements and updates to the telemedicine, crypto payment and smart contract platform
We appreciate your support through your vote for our proposal
Expanding the number of languages is essential to achieve a greater reach of our initiative based on the Cardano blockchain and ADA as a payment method.
The transformation of Help2Health Cardano + Citaldoc into a multilingual platform is an important step in the development of a global network focused on people's health care.
It is because of this need that the seed of “Help2HEALTH Ramping Up to 2B People” was born
Complementary actions to the scaling and translation of Help2Health Cardano + Citaldoc
a. Educational in the use of cryptocurrencies, wallets, etc. through workshops, digital campaigns, webinars and other mass media aimed at health professionals, providers and patients.
Stimulate financial education for all stakeholders in the health universe with a focus on the blockchain and crypto world of Cardano – ADA.
b. Offer of discounts and bonuses in ADA for the benefits of medical consultations, clinical analyzes and preventive controls that will result in better health care for patients and lower costs for medical insurance.
Example: mammograms, pap's, colonoscopies, blood tests, cholesterol and glucose, skin care, spirometry, healthy nutrition, among others.
Institutional support will be sought from the Medical Associations of each specialty to support the dissemination of these initiatives, as well as from patient associations.
c. Developing
Update, integrate with smart contracts based on Cardano, incorporate payment in ADA and Djed and its benefits. Develop a basic electronic medical record.
Optimize our AWS server
MONTH PHASE September 2022 – April 2023
Project timing: 8 months from approval
We segment actions into 4 areas
A) TRANSLATION TO ENGLISH & PORTUGUESE (Internacionalization & Localization)
For this task we will work with the Translator Team Cardano LATAM
The Translator Team Cardano LATAM is a group with people and organizations from different parts of Latin America and the world that share the values and principles of Cardano LATAM.
· Preparation stage of content to be translated (September 2022 to January 2023)
Download, refine and organize content so that it can be shared with translators
This is an extensive job as it is a platform with a lot of information, with a lot of source code that must be debugged and methodically prepared for translation.
Very specific and complex job.
· Beginning of translation into English and Portuguese.
It will be carried out jointly with 2 (two) teams, 1 (one) for the Portuguese language and another for the English language.
October 2022 to April 2023
· Incorporation, configuration and adjustments of the necessary libraries / frameworks on the server to facilitate the translation task-
September 2022 to November 2022
Ensure proper operation through tests and trials
The "Health2Help Cardano + Citaldoc" Platform is developed in Reactjs, Nodejs and MongoDB, so we consider the integration with the i18next and react-i18next libraries / frameworks is appropriate
· Informatic development oriented to Translation
Organizationally, we divide informatic development into 2 (two) areas
1) Translation development (I18n internationalization and L10n localization of – “Help2HEALTH ramping Up +2B People”)
2) Developments aimed at general improvements of the platform.
Like below the proposal that got funding in Catalyst's Fund8.
Focus on new features and new improvements in the area of usability
Informatic development oriented to Translation
Internationalization, or i18n, is the process of creating applications that can be adapted to different languages.
It works as a first stage to later incorporate the location, or L10n, which it implies the translation to a place or language specified by the user and adapts to the linguistic, cultural, legal, date format and other characteristics that facilitate usability and the user's learning curve.
Stages in React Internationalization
Product Design > Product Development > Product Testing (QA)
Stages in React Localization
Product Localization > Local Testing and QA > Local Product Marketing
Second Quality Control of the translations carried out, adjustment and improvements
Quality control that the computer support is working properly (March and April 2023)
General development of the platform
(September 2022 - April 2022)
● Computer security consulting
● Consulting on smart contracts in Cardano applied to health
● Improvements in design, usability and performance of the platform (it is an ongoing work)
● Improvements and additions in the operation and the texts of the notifications that are sent by email and by app via push notification. Include the new notifications for the payment method in ADA
● Update of the professional's control panel to incorporate if it accepts tele consulting in other languages. Language and level selector (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced)
● Integration with WhatsApp Business api to have another notification channel when there is an online consultation waiting.
● FIAT PAYMENTS improvements roll back payment function
Citaldoc's fiat payment gateway works correctly
We will make an improvement in the payment roll back for automatic refunds when a consultation is canceled or not carried out. We seek to automate that process.
● Module for fast generation of discount coupons for specific promotions
We currently have an electronic coupon system, but not with an administrator who avoids touching the source code and database in each new coupon that we generate. This facilitates administration and speeds up the processes to offer specific discounts and incentives.
● PRINT AND EXPORT of databases of the patients of each doctor and the shifts per day/week, etc.
● User access through their Facebook and Gmail accounts
● Analysis and conceptualization of routines oriented to Gamification for patients and professionals.
● Update of Android & IOS Apps and publication in Itunes and Google Play.
● Incorporate any improvement that is considered important for the platform
C) Education and Marketing (September 2022 to April 2023)
- Webinars and workshops for professionals and providers on the use of the telemedicine tool, training, fee collection formats in ADA and Djed, benefits and blockchain world.
Special guests and opinion formers from the health, technology and financial areas
- Development of educational videos to distribute to our users, social networks, allies and used in advertising. Multilingual Version (Spanish, English and Portuguese)
- Development of easy-to-read manuals for professionals and instructions for patients in pdf format (Spanish, English and Portuguese)
- Constant work on social networks: Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter, etc. Paid advertising in said media
- Marketing actions to recruit health professionals and patients.
- ACTIVE participation in Catalyst and Cardano events (continuous action).
Social networks
- Instagram: presentation of doctors according to each specialty, posts of interest, recurrent diseases, vaccinations and important dates, implement paid advertising
- Linkedin: presentation of co-founders and staff, congresses, awards and references in the area of health, blockchain, financial education, medical marketing, etc.
- Discord or/and Blog
- Facebook: ONLY posts that advertise
- Twitter: interaction with tweets and use of twitter space to interview doctors and discuss various topics.
- Youtube: video tutorials of the application and presentation and recording of webinars and events that we carry out or are part of as guests
Weekly plan:
● Daily TW interaction
● IG posts 2-3 times a week
● Good morning IG stories and feed posts
● Linkedin: 1-2 posts per week
● Discord, Telegram for the Cardano community
Face-to-face activities
- Webinar: dates to be confirmed. Topics: Implementation of other uses for medicine, patients and health personnel, tutorial on how to open a wallet or exchange.
-Townhall Latam and US
- Contact with the professionals registered with Citaldoc to stimulate the use of the updated platform. Invite them to our webinars, workshops, delivery of manuals, videos and dedicated and proactive technical support.
- Search for more interested professionals and patients.
D) Backend and Administration (January to April 2023)
We clarify that many actions proposed for this area in FOND9 are already covered by FOND8.
For this reason, there are actions that are budgeted from January to April 2023 to avoid overlapping expenses.
- Administration and management, Legal advisory
- Recruitment one more administrative and sales manager who will join the work carried out by the founding team in those areas
- Recruitment project manager
- Update of the Terms and Conditions and the Privacy Policies, to the new functionalities and internationalization
- Technical support, hosting, technical administration of the platform
- Accounting and finance consultancy, build Corp legal structure. Cybersecurity.
- Greater immersion in the Cardano blockchain world to detect opportunities, generate links and actions in conjunction with other companies, entrepreneurs, the Cardano community.
Funding: In this initial stage of 8 months, the sum of U$D 93.440
We segment actions into 4 areas
Total investment in this area: U$D 25.000
The language adaptation to the web application and the mobile applications (IOS & ANDROID) and their respective stores, to the manuals for health professionals, administrative and patient users, to the graphic design and content for social networks and the press, the subtitling of educational and advertising videos and everything that a translation implies.
In this action we will work together with the Translator Team Cardano LATAM, a group with people and organizations from different parts of Latin America and the world that share the values and principles of Cardano LATAM
Included in this calculation area is the work required in specific development for the translation service, which includes preparation, server configuration, integration with the necessary libraries/frameworks, adjustments in the frontend and backend of patients and doctors, among other necessary tasks.
System maintenance, updating and technical support.
Translators costs:
· Portuguese: U$D 10.000
· English: U$D 10.000
· Developers: 5.000 U$D
This requires a very specific technical work to have a suitable environment for internationalization (I18n) and localization (L10n)
Total investment in this area: U$D 19.640
Timeline: September 2022 to April 2023
- Cybersecurity Audit consulting outsourced services are included. U$D 5000
- General Informatic development: 488 hours x 30 U$D x hour = U$D 14640
· Cybersecurity Audit
Service outsourced by Data Governance LATAM
Privacy Impact Assessment (PIA)
Data Protection Officer DPO as a Service
U$D 5000
· Blockchain and Crypto area
Incorporation of new smart contracts, improvements in the flow and usability of the crypto payment gateway.
Incorporation of new routines to increase the use of blockchain in the platform among other necessary improvements
U$D 6000 (200 hours)
· Improvements in design, usability and performance of the platform (it is an ongoing work)
U$D 2400 (80 hours)
· Improvements and additions in the operation and texts of the notifications that are sent by email and by app via push notification. Include the new notifications for the payment method in ADA
U$D 480 (16 hours)
· Update of the control panel of the professional incorporate if it accepts teleconsulting in other languages. Language and level selector (Basic, Intermediate, Advanced)
U$D 300 (10 hours)
· Integration with WhatsApp Business API to have another notification channel when there is an online consultation waiting.
U$D 240 (8 hours)
· FIAT PAYMENTS improvements payment rolls back function
Citaldoc's fiat payment gateway works correctly
We will make an improvement in the payment roll back for automatic refunds when a consultation is canceled or not carried out.
We seek to automate that process.
We will update the fee values configured by professionals
U$D 480 (16 hours)
· Quick acceptance or cancellation of the query, from email notifications, by app notification
U$D 240 (8 hours)
· Module for fast generation of discount coupons for specific promotions.
We currently have an electronic coupon system, but not with an administrator who avoids touching the source code and database in each new coupon that we generate. This facilitates administration and speeds up the processes to offer specific discounts and incentives.
U$D 720 (24 hours)
· PRINT AND EXPORT of databases of the patients of each doctor and the shifts per day/week, etc. It is a function that medical users ask us to generate in pdf and csv format
U$D 240 (8 hours)
· User access through patients & doctor’s Facebook and Gmail accounts
U$D 240 (8 hours)
· Analysis and conceptualization of routines oriented to Gamification for patients and professionals.
U$D 1200 (40 hours)
· Update of IOS & ANDROID Mobile Apps, update of code and content in stores
U$D 1200 (40 hours)
· Incorporate any improvement that is considered important for the platform
Ej. Paypal integration
U$D 900 (30 hours)
Total investment in this area: U$D 16.800
Educational outreach activities
Total investment education: U$D 6.000
Objectives in 6 months
U$D 1000/month
Total: U$D 6000
November 2022 to April 2023
Webinars and workshops aimed at health professionals, patients and health stakeholders (Spanish, Portuguese, English)
Special guests, leading opinion makers in the health, blockchain and financial education area. (Spanish, Portuguese, English)
Creation of educational material, manuals and videos aimed at professionals and patients (Spanish, Portuguese, English)
Formation of affinity, learning, research and development (R&D) teams.
Stimulate the creation of a Cardano + Health HUB based on scientific evidence for the efficient application of Blockchain in the health world
Social media marketing
Total investment mktg: U$D 10.800
Action: 4 months January to April 2023
Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Linkedin, Discord, Telegram
U$D 90 /day divided into 3 languages (Spanish, Portuguese, English)
U$D 2700 /Month
D) Backend Administration – Tech Support
Total Backend investment: 32.000 U$D
Note: We clarify that many actions proposed for this area in FOND9 are already covered by FOND8.
For this reason, there are actions that are budgeted from January to April 2023 to avoid overlapping expenses.
● Technical support, hosting, technical administration of the platform
U$D 1000/month /
Total 4 months: January to April 2023
Total U$D 4.000
● 2 (two) Staff for sales, community leader and administrative support, full time
U$D 750 /Month x 2 x 5 month
5 months / December 2022 – April 2023
Total U$D 7.500
● Update Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policies. MULTILINGUAL
Legal consultancy of the global and multilingual platform
Total U$D 7.500
● Accountant consultancy of the global and multilingual platform
Total U$D 7.000
· 1 (one) Project manager FULL TIME
U$D 1200 /month
Period 5 month: (December 2022 to April 2023)
Total: U$D 6.000
Cdor. Rodolfo Civale
● Former CEO GSK (GlaxoSmithKline) Cono Sur 2009 - 2018
● Co Founder Citaldoc
● Citaldoc 2019 - today
● Ceo de Ahora Salud 2020 - today
● Mentor of technology companies with medical and pharmaceutical orientation.
● Reference of the Pharmaceutical Industry in Latin America
Dr. Jorge Nasanovsky
● Co Founder Citaldoc
● COO (2015 – today)
● Pediatrician (1992 – today)
● Participated in the development of scientific software for health professionals. Electronic medical record, Growth and Nutrition, Pregnancy Control. 2002 - Today
● Coordinator of the scientific development of the WebApplication and Mobile Applications of the Argentine Society of Pediatrics (2019 – Today)
● Launch November 2022
● Co-author of books for parents (0 to 12 months. Baby Instruction Manual 2003 - Arrorró mi niño 2008)
● Former Secretary of the TICs Subcommittee of the Argentine Society of Pediatrics
● Speaker at national and international Medicine Congresses
● Current Coordinator of the development of the APP Argentine Society of Pediatrics
● Pediatric Area / Medical Director. Moreno Pcia. Buenos Aires / Argentina
● Author of books for parents and scientific publications on telemedicine & e-health
● General Director of Zona Pediatrica (1999 / today)
Dra. Maria de las Mercedes Ruggeri
● Co Founder Citaldoc
● Pediatrician (National University of Tucumán- Hospital de Pediatría JP Garrahan)
● Director of Pediatric Area Medical Care Center
● Co-author of health education books for parents (0 to 12 months. Baby Instruction Manual 2003 - Arrorró mi niño 2008)
● Participated in the development and testing of scientific software for health professionals. Electronic Medical, Growth and Nutrition, Pregnancy Control.
● Online content for families on child health issue
● Full Member of the Argentine Society of Pediatrics
Sofia Oddo
· Community Leader at Help2Health Cardano + Citaldoc Junio 2022 - actualidad
· Ex Community Leader at Innovatio
· Medicine student at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Buenos Aires (UBA)
· Sofia is a young woman with extensive skills and knowledge in the area of social media marketing and the dynamics of the Cardano Catalyst Community.
Programming development BLOCKCHAIN AREA
Daniel (Web3) Rodriguez
· Blockchain Developer and Technical Trainer - Metaverse and NFT's Mr. Developer .NET & Mr. SQL server
· Blockchain developer, enthusiast (specifically Cardano Network and ETH/Polygon) and community advisor at DAO ALDEA.
· Independent Crypto Financial Advisor at BuenBit.
· Investor, programmer analyst and development lead at Imperivm, from the NextEarth metaverse.
· Programming, Functional Analysis, Role of Scrum Master, Information Systems Architecture, Use of Agile Methodology, Implementation of Information Systems, Design, Analysis and Programming WEB IT, Project Leadership, Willingness for Teamwork, Capacity for Work and Compliance of Directives.
· Appropriate Attention and Service Attitude towards the User / Client, Willingness and ability to update knowledge.
· IT recruitment and management of IT companies.
· Excellent handling of Development Applications and Databases and Utilities, Design, assembly and repair of analog and digital electronic circuits.
· Teaching in various institutes in Rosario and its area (where I currently reside).
· English Language: Reading and Writing (Excellent) - Conversation (Upper Intermediate).
Facundo Manuel Liñeira
· Relativ Founder
Computer Consulting Services Jan. 2020 - present
· PMO Agile Coach / BiometricPro / Feb. 2022 - present
· Associate Professor
Instituto Superior Colegio Modelo Lomas de Zamora / 2019 - present
· Project Manager
IAF (Alexander Fleming Institute) Sept. 2018 - Jan. 2022 - 3 years 5 months
· AdvertMind S.A.
QA Analyst / Sr. Functional Analyst QA Analyst / Sr. Functional Analyst
nov. 2014 - Sept. 2018
· Santander Rio Argentina
Business intelligence analyst. business intelligence analyst - mar. 2014 - nov. 2014 · 9 meses
· •
Quality Assurance Analyst SsrQuality Assurance Analyst Ssr
may. 2011 - oct. 2013 · 2 años 6 meses
· •Telefonica de Argentina S.A.
Service Project ManagerService Project Manager / Aug. 2010 - May 2011
Martin Arturo Bonorino
· Relativ / Founder
Full stack developer 2020– today
· Everis-Argentina
Project Leader Aug. 2011-today
Functional Analyst Jan. 2009 - Aug. 2011
· Programmer Sept. 2007 - Jan. 2009
Team in charge of the TRANSLATION into English and Portuguese
The Translator Team Cardano LATAM
The Translator Team Cardano LATAM is a group with people and organizations from different parts of Latin America and the world that share the values and principles of Cardano LATAM. They are contributing and coordinating their efforts with their skills (related to translation, curatorship and research) to the growth of this community. They are actively offering their services to the community and working on the translation of Catalyst institutional documents, such as PA Guide and Launch Guide.
Help2Health referent linked to the Latam Translator Team / (English translation)
Martina Nasanovsky
Help2Health referent linked to the Latam Translator Team
(English translation)
· Native English competence. Certificate of proficiency in English - C2 level - Cambridge 2018
· Intern at the Argentinian Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as a paralegal at the direction of intenational legal assitance since march 2022
· Law student at the University of Buenos Aires since 2018
· Teachers Assistant on the subject of Human Rights and Guarantees for the Travieso - Rohr Chair, from 2019 to 2021
· Graduated from Ort Technical Highschool in 2017 with a technical bachelors degree in industrial design
· Community Manager for Citaldoc from 2020 a 2022
Fernando Hönig
Fernando is the Founder and CEO of StackZone, a next-gen multi Cloud Management Platform, disruptive from its core, who solves governance and reduce the cost of adopting best practices in public cloud.
He leads the vision for StackZone’s SaaS platform, which helps organizations focus in their customers and services.
As an entrepreneur and former CEO and Founder of Nubego and DeltaHost, Fernando built a professional career surrounded by customers and technology partners enabling them to understand and utilize public cloud according to best practices.
8.0) Help2health is a project that requires continuity in search of scaling globally and implementing new features.
Our project presentations are part of a broad but well-defined objective.
For this reason we carry them out "step by step" and thus we can guarantee the achievement of the desired goals.
This Fund9 presentation is the continuation of what was proposed in Fund8, incorporating as a first step the translation into English and Portuguese
As this stage of internationalization and localization of the platform progresses, more languages will be incorporated progressively in future Funds: French, German, Italian, Japanese, Chinese and languages of the African and Asian continents among others
More critical smart contracts will be integrated for the protection of sensitive patient health data, interoperability, and increased cryptocurrency payment options.
We will advance in the development of our own token and we consider the constitution of a DAO to be relevant
Catalyst is an ideal ecosystem for blockchain projects of which we feel an active part and in which we fully trust due to its type of organization and decision-making and for the quality and support of the community.
You will see us in future presentations to continue advancing in the Help2Health project to continue expanding solutions to improve the health of people globally.
9.0) KPIs
Help2HEALTH ramping Up +2B People
• For Fund9 we consider that the most relevant KPI in the presentation of the monthly reports is to document the progress of the translation of the platform into English and Portuguese.
• Documentation and presentation of advances in computer development necessary to have the appropriate work environment for the incorporation of Help2Health Cardano + Citaldoc libraries and specific frameworks for internationalization and localization (i18next and react-i18next).
• Documentation, screenshots, sample video, updating of manuals and instructions for use for professionals and patients.
• Presentation of the updates of the terms and conditions and of the privacy policies that include the rights and obligations of the users and of the platform in the incorporated languages.
• Statistics on the incorporation of new users from other latitudes and the language selected for communication.
• The statistics of the actions carried out on social networks and their growth.
• Documentation of participation in Catalyst and Cardano events
• Participation in events held by Help2Health aimed at health professionals and patients.
• Meetings with companies and leaders of the Cardano community to achieve specific alliances.
The reports of the KPIs of the FUND8 with their statistical data will be included:
● Total teleconsultation requests
● Face-to-face appointment requests
● Payment of teleconsultations with FIAT
● Payment of teleconsultations with ADA and/or Djed
● Discounts earned in crypto (expressed in ADA)
● Number of registered professionals
● Number of Professionals that accept ADA and/or Djed
● Attendees to Webinars and workshops
● Guidance inquiries to technical support
● Social Media Advertising Statistics (Instagram, Facebook, Linkedin, Twitter)
● Organic statistics in social networks
● Compliance with computer development times
● Project progress meetings with the vCA (Veteran Community Advisors)
Seeking expansion through translation from Spanish to English and Portuguese, with the aim of being one (Internationalization I18N & Localization L10n)
Opening the opportunity of medical care to more than 2 Billion people
“Help2HEALTH ramping Up to 2B People”
September 2022 to April 2023
Continue to add languages to globally expand platform operations
10.1) SHORT-TERM SUCCESS (Focus of the Catalyst FUND9 proposal and complementation of the Catalyst FUND8 proposal)
The goal is to continue adding users and scale worldwide
For this reason, the importance of working on Internationalization (I18n) & Localization (L10n) from this stage.
To achieve this, our platform and mobile applications will adapt to the new languages incorporated, as well as elements of the Cardano open source collection and adding alliances with entities and references of the Cardano universe.
Video tutorials, manuals and instructions will be distributed.
If we consider medium and long term to a period between 1 to 5 years
Success will mean that between 10,000 and 50,000 health professionals from Spanish, English and Portuguese-speaking countries have their digital office and accept ADA, Djed and/or our future token for their transactions and that between 5M and 15M patients use the service.
We understand that by incorporating more languages, global expansion could impact billions of people to whom our service will provide benefits in health care, equity in medical care and protection of their economy and health expenses.
We emphasize that it is a goal for a few years, but that we have to keep in mind on the horizon.
We emphasize that it is a goal for a few years, but that we have to keep in mind on the horizon
"Help2HEALTH ramping Up to 2B People" is an extension , a second stage of the FUND8 proposal.
Help2Health have been selected in FUND8 in the Business Solution category
Extra information
We are currently making progress in all the areas proposed in Fund8.
We have recruited a team of developers with whom we work for the Argentine Society of Pediatrics in a scientific project for the development of a MOBILE APP
With them we are going to improve the general areas of the Citaldoc platform, which is the core of Help2Health, especially in relation to telemedicine functions (video consultations and chat messages)
We have incorporated into the team an expert developer in Blockchain that we met in the Cardano Latam Community, this being a highly trained human resource and an excellent person, who has integrated in such a natural and proactive way that it makes us very happy to tell with him in the project and we know that it is reciprocal
Similar situation with the incorporation of our Community leader with extensive experience in social networks and in the Cardano community, who is an advanced medical student at the University of Buenos Aires.
We actively participate in the online and face-to-face activities of the Cardano Community in LATAM, we feel part of this movement and supported.
We have no doubt that we will continue contributing our ideas and their execution in the area that we handle, which is technology applied to health.
We only have words of thanks for the community, beyond achieving or not obtaining funds
We will work with perseverance, creativity and giving our best to continue supporting the Blockchain world with a focus on Cardano.
We have no doubt about this.
All our thanks. The Help2Health Team
SDG goals:
Goal 3. Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
SDG subgoals:
3.8 Achieve universal health coverage, including financial risk protection, access to quality essential health-care services and access to safe, effective, quality and affordable essential medicines and vaccines for all
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
3.8.1 Coverage of essential health services
Team with +20 years of experience in E-HEALTH, TELEMEDICINE & PHARMA
Help2Health Cardano+Citaldoc is a benchmark in telemedicine with 100K registered
Help2Health have been selected in FUND8 in the Business Solution category