Last updated 2 years ago
There is no card-type hardware wallet compatible with Cardano in the world yet. A hardware wallet that fits in a wallet and can be used by the user via fingerprint authentication opens up apps.
We will increase the feasibility of blockchain-enabled systems by developing an Oracle Platform. This Platform will be designed to be available from Cardano's environment.
This is the total amount allocated to IoT/M2M Oracle Platform Development.
We will increase the feasibility of blockchain-enabled systems by developing an Oracle Platform. This Platform will be designed to be available from Cardano's environment.
Our team consists of blockchain and embedded systems developers, specializing in software and hardware perspectives.
We also have partnerships with various global electronics companies.
Smart Contracts, an innovative feature enabled by blockchain, is expanding its field of use to include NFT transactions, DeFi, and more.
Smart contracts are executed automatically when predefined conditions are met.
The data outside the blockchain that is referenced by smart contracts is called "oracles" and a variety of oracles are required to realize advanced smart contracts.
Our proposed platform focuses on these "oracles".
Many of the observable phenomena around us can be quantified by electronic sensors. Specifically, temperature, humidity, light brightness, air composition, fingerprints, heart rate, blood pressure, weight, switch on/off status... and many more.
The ability to provide these sensor values as oracles creates opportunities to utilize blockchain in various fields such as medicine, agriculture, logistics, insurance, etc.
Therefore, by providing a variety of oracles with guaranteed accuracy, this project will create an environment in which existing systems can be replaced with blockchain-based systems or innovative systems that have never been developed before.
Let us give one concrete example.
In a solar power trading system, if oracles of power generation can be obtained, the system can evolve smarter. For example, ADA could be automatically transferred via smart contracts based on the amount of electricity generated.
This means that the different roles of "power generation management and monitoring" and "payment" systems, which are often separated in conventional system design, can be integrated through blockchain technology.
Our proposed Oracle platform will provide
+ An API that allows smart contract execution environments to reference Oracle
+ A mechanism for developers to connect their own sensors to the Oracle Platform
+ Development documentation and playground for the above.
These enable developers to implement a wide variety of systems.
・開発者が独自にセンサーをOracle Platformへ接続できる仕組み
Oracle data security risks are possible.
Just as IT technology continues to evolve daily, so make cyber attacks. Therefore, it is essential to take security measures to prevent the authenticity and falsification of oracle data, assuming various cases. We will verify the operation of the Oracle platform with multiple ISAs, as cyber-attacks that take advantage of CPU vulnerabilities are particularly difficult to deal with.
September to October 2022
Develop specifications for Oracle Platform APIs.
Select sensors and manufacturers with a high frequency of use and affinity in the system
November to December 2022
Develop sensor device drivers and middleware
January to June 2023
Confirm operation of Oracle API with Plutus Application Framework.
July to December 2023
Distribute Oracle SDK using Docker containers, etc., and provide an environment where developers can quickly try it out.
・Oracle Platform APIの仕様策定
・Plutus Application FrameworkにてOracle APIの動作確認を実施
・DockerコンテナなどでOracle SDKを配布し、開発者が気軽に試せる環境を公開
Hardware and Software purchases $10,000/project
Project manager x 1 $15,000/year
Software engineers x 2 $15,000/year x 2
Hardware engineer x 1 $15,000/year
ハードウェア購入費 x $10,000
プロジェクトマネージャー1名 x $15,000
ソフトウェアエンジニア2名 x $30,000
ハードウェアエンジニア1名 x $15,000
Project Manager
Blockchain Developer: Back-end
Blockchain developer: front end
Embedded Systems Developer: Sensor Control
This proposal aims to create a foundation for the Oracle Platform and a mechanism to connect sensors that already exist in the market. We may make additional proposals in Catalyst as we implement more advanced systems that support a greater variety of sensors and provide greater security.
今回の提案内容では、Oracle Platformの基盤作成と、既に市場に存在するセンサーを繋げる仕組みの作成を目標としています。より多様なセンサーをサポートし、より高いセキュリティを実現した高度なシステムを実現する際に、Catalystで追加の提案を行う可能性があります。
We will post the progress of the project on the official website.
The Oracle Platform APIs allow developers to build systems.
Oracle PlatformのAPIにより開発者がシステム構築をできるようになることです。
New Project
Our team consists of blockchain and embedded systems developers, specializing in software and hardware perspectives.
We also have partnerships with various global electronics companies.