[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem.
We will create a platform to provide documents, information, knowledge about the Cardano ecosystems&Cardano knowledge, multi-language at a reasonable cost by the Win-Win collaboration of the community
[GENERAL] Summarize your relevant experience.
Our team includes software developers, project operators, administrators, Community builders, Multilingual Interpreters, Catalyst PA, vPA, and funds Proposers.
[IMPACT] Please describe your proposed solution.
We will build the Learn to Earn Cardano Ecosystem platform. In the platform Learn to Earn Cardano Ecosystem, We will create separate channels for projects in Cardano ecosystem, channels to share information and knowledge Cardano blockchain, Catalyst. And the platform will develop in 3 phases:
Phase 1: Provide initial resources for the Learn to Earn Cardano Ecosystem platform by collecting, synthesizing, and regularly updating information and knowledge about projects in the Cardano ecosystem and Cardano knowledge blockchain, Catalyst, Blockchain, and programming knowledge training.
Phase 2: We will create a multilingual resource for the Learn to Earn Cardano Ecosystem platform, starting with three languages English, Japanese and Vietnamese.
Phase 3: Launching the Learn to Earn mechanism for community members to participate in knowledge and skills training courses, and participate in contributing information, knowledge, and content to Channels, and contributing language translations for such content.
Learn to Earn mechanism
Each member participating in the Learn to Earn Cardano Ecosystem platform will own an account with the feature of registering to study, read, contribute articles and register for translation.
Membership levels are divided into several levels. Corresponding to each level will have different rights and benefits. The higher the level, the higher the rights and privileges will be.
Eligibility to upgrade a member depends on the member's contribution level to the community. Detail,
Level 1: Community member
- KYC, introduce yourself.
- If you have an interest in languages, want to develop language skills, and seek opportunities to learn knowledge to create more earning positions, you will be granted a Level 1 Role.
- Basic knowledge of Cardano.
- Right:
- Access to community channels to learn knowledge.
- Have the right to join the language club organized by CEVI "Learn to Earn Cardano Ecosystem platform called CEVI". (*Members can improve their English to read and understand Cardano and Catalyst documents by themselves and register for translation for bonus points).
Level 2: Vibrant member
- Already a Level 1 member.
- Have at least 3 invites to join the group.
- Vibrant activity is quantified by bot level check when reaching Level 5
- When reaching level 5 of the bot check level, it will be submitted to the executive board to request a level 2 Role. If the member is active and interactive, giving real constructive suggestions, not intended to reach the level, they can grant the role. Level 2.
- Access to community channels.
- Access to 30% of hidden channels.
- Be granted a specified number of bonus points.
- Start receiving short news articles about projects to practice translation.
Level 3: Members with solid knowledge
- Already a level 2 member
- The total number of invites to join the group is at least 5.
- The total number of short news articles translated by projects achieved at least 15 well-rated translations.
- Reach level 10 of bot check level.
- After reaching level 10, will report to the operator to determine the real interaction.
- Complete a quiz on basic knowledge.
Right :
- Access to community channels
- Access 60% of hidden channels
- Trained in translation skills.
- Get bonus points when leveling up.
- Redeem bonus points to buy CEVI documents.
- Have the right to receive translations to earn extra income.
Level 4: Members with advanced knowledge
- Already a level 3 member.
- The total number of invites to join the group is at least 7.
- Bot level check reaches level 15.
- Take on the role of supporting members at levels 1,2,3
- Can be redeemed for bonus points to buy CEVI courses.
- Having at least 10 high-quality professional translations.
- There are shares that bring a lot of value to the community.
- Support learning with the language community.
Right :
- Access to community channels and hidden channels to learn more knowledge
- Access 80% of hidden channels
- Get bonus points when leveling up
- Get bonus points for sharing or quality articles.
- Have the right to receive translations to earn more income with a higher rate than level 3
- Have the opportunity to be invited to participate in CEVI CLUB.
- Trained in PA assessment and proposal writing skills.
- Trained in the basics of Blockchain.
Level 5: Members with in-depth knowledge
- Already a level 4 member
- The total number of invites is at least 10
- Actively active bot check level reached level 20.
- There are shares that bring a lot of value to the community
- High-quality professional translations.
- Ability and deep understanding of languages, Blockchain, finance, ...
- Directly participate in group management support.
- Support levels 1,2,3,4 in translation practice as well as language learning.
- Support the language community in language learning
Right :
- Access to community channels
- 100% access to hidden channels
- Get bonus points when upgrading
- Get bonus points for sharing quality articles.
- Have the right to convert reward points into ADA.
- Have the right to receive translations to earn more income at a higher rate than level 4.
- Become a member of the core translation team of CEVI Group.
- Have the opportunity to be invited to join the group management team.
- Have the right to use all the courses and materials of the CEVI group.
- Get help from the entire group if you plan to develop your own project on the Cardano ecosystem. Or Creating a project right on CEVI will also be supported.
- Have the opportunity to be appointed as a translation ambassador for projects on the Cardano ecosystem (will have a high income)
*Members will earn income (rewards/bonus points) from:
- Contributing content
- Contribute translations
- Editing content
- Correction of translations
- Take a knowledge test
- Join the Airdrop projects in the Cardano ecosystem based on information and announcements shared by CEVI
*Members use (rewards/bonus points) to:
- Upgrade membership
- Buy courses in CEVI (learning translation, blockchain knowledge, Cardano knowledge, programming skills, PA, how to write proposal...)
- Use bonus points to purchase CEVI educational materials.
- Convert to ADA when reaching a certain amount of ADA and with a specified conversion rate.
- Use other services of CEVI (Proposal Catalyst writing consulting service, blockchain project evaluation service....)
With the above Learn to Earn mechanism, members will earn income (bonus points/token) by using their skills and enthusiasm to contribute. To be able to "Earn" income, members need to continuously "Learn" to improve their knowledge skills and continue to use that knowledge and skills to "Earn". The “Learn to Earn” loop will iterate and grow upwards, creating a sustainable income for members and the stable development of the CEVI community.
[IMPACT] Please describe how your proposed solution will address the Challenge that you have submitted it in.
- Create a community with in-depth knowledge and deep understanding of the Cardano ecosystem, thereby increasing the number of developers and investors in projects on Cardano Blockchain.
- Through language clubs, attract human resources with good foreign language skills to support developers, Proposer, and PA when participating in Cardano, Catalyst development activities.
- Create a favorable communication environment for developers and investors of Cardano projects.
- Attract new users to Cardano Ecosystem from language communities through translation-related activities on CEVI.
[IMPACT] What are the main risks that could prevent you from delivering the project successfully and please explain how you will mitigate each risk?
Risk 1:
Content contributed from the community can be of uneven quality. And the accuracy of the translations will not be high.
Risk mitigation
In phase 1, the information and knowledge contained in the channels will be compiled and posted by the executive team and core members with in-depth knowledge of the Cardano and Blockchain ecosystem. Original background content quality.
When moving to phase 3, Learn to Earn, the community will be the content and translation contributors, and the moderator and translation team will be in charge of checking the content reliability and translation quality at the next stage. Test. At the same time, there will be incentives to contribute ideas to edit content and edit translations for active members in the CEVI community.
Thus, the quality of content contributed by the community will be guaranteed.
Risk 2:
The accuracy of translations contributed from the community is not high, and the quality is uneven.
Risk mitigation
In phase 2, translation work will be carried out by CEVI's translation team consisting of members with foreign language skills and blockchain specialized knowledge. Therefore, the translation quality will be guaranteed at the best level.
When moving to phase 3, “Lear to Earn”, members who want to contribute translations to earn income, the rewards need to pass the translation training course organized by CEVI and pass the 30-day Challenge to get it. Prestigious translation badge issued by CEVI. Members with translation badges will be in charge of translating for each Channel, and members of the core translation team will initially monitor the quality of the translation.
As the pool of members with translation badges grows, CEVI will organize a program to cross-check the translations of the translations, and members can earn rewards for commenting on each other's translations.
The "Learn- Practice - Check- Earn" loop will take place continuously in the CEVI translation community, helping to make the translations more complete and improve the quality.
Risk 3:
ADA price swings will have an impact on CEVI's fund performance after receiving Catalyst support.
Risk mitigation
We will convert ADA to Stablecoin when receiving Fund from Catalyst to minimize the impact of price fluctuations.
At the same time, it also creates a risk reserve fund for market price fluctuations. This reserve fund is deducted from the capital received from Catalyst.
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed plan, including timeline and key milestones for delivering your proposal.
The Learn to Earn Cardano Ecosystem platform will be built in 9 months, divided into 3 phases, three months each.
Phase 1: Building the initial foundation and initial resources for the Learn to Earn Cardano Ecosystem platform
Phase 2: Creating multilingual resources for the Learn to Earn Cardano Ecosystem platform, starting with three languages English, Japanese and Vietnamese.
Phase 3: Launching the Learn to Earn mechanism, community members participate in contributing content and translations.
Phase 1: building the initial foundation and initial resources for the Learn to Earn Cardano Ecosystem platform
*Currently, we are building phase 1 with capital contributions from startup members and from community donations. Basic features are being put into operation step by step.
First month:
Implementation plan:
- We will update information and knowledge regularly according to each channel so that members can easily follow.
Group 1: Channels about typical projects on the Cardano ecosystem.
- Channel Genius
- Channel Minswap
- Channel Sundaeswap
- Channel Empowa
- Channel Wingriders
- Channel Coti_djed
- Channel cNETA
- Channel mikomeda
- Channel indigo
- Channel Milkyswap
Group 2: Cardano, Catalyst learning channels: Cardano Blockchain, PA, Proposer,
- Channel Cardano: Where to provide information about Cardano.
- Knowledge Channel: A place to share basic knowledge about Blockchain and knowledge about Cardan.
- Channel PA: Guide team members to learn how to evaluate proposals from basic to advance.
- Channel Proposer: Teach group members how to write a proposal.
- Security Channel: A place to provide security knowledge.
Group 3: Channels for learning knowledge and skills: programming, translation...
- Channel translation training: the purpose is to train the group members to continue with blockchain-related documents so that they can access many other positions.
- Technology Channel: Members with in-depth knowledge will talk about a technology issue.
- Channels of the language learning community.
Group 4: Including channels providing information, discussion, reports...
- Channel about ISPO information: Update everyone about ISPO information of projects on the ecosystem.
- Scam channel: provide information about scam projects so that people avoid the risk.
- Channel international discussion: A place to discuss with international friends.
- Channel events calendar: A place to update important events of Cardano and the Cardano ecosystem.
- On-chain data channel: Let investors know on-chain information.
- Channel Q&A: A place where you can ask any questions or need help.
- Document Channel: A place to gather documents built by the group and shared by the community.
- Channel check level: Everyone can check their level of interaction with the group.
- Discussion Channel: where the community discussed with each other.
- Survey channel: used to conduct surveys to the community..
- Channel Airdrop: The place to provide airdrop information for all group members.
- Channel for reporting: Where people report an individual having bad behavior in the group.
In total, we plan to prepare about 30 channels.
*We also emphasize that the quality of information and knowledge in the channels will be the difference between our Proposal and other Proposal.
- Create a Bot to support common tasks such as reminders, notifications, credit checks, etc.
- Create a multilingual learning community on CEVI (starting with English)
- Complete Platform with all necessary channels.
- Created 3 Support Bots.
- Attracted 50 people to join the English language community.
Second month:
Implementation plan:
- Recruiting team in charge of synthesizing blockchain knowledge.
- Professional knowledge training for the knowledge synthesis team.
- Create a multilingual learning community on CEVI (Japanese).
- Recruited 20 people for the knowledge synthesis team.
- Organize four blockchain training sessions, 60 minutes each session (3 Cardano sessions, 1 Catalyst session)
- Attracted 50 people to join the Japanese language community.
Third month:
Implementation plan:
- Collect documents for projects in the Cardano ecosystem, Catalyst documents…
- Synthetic material.
- Continuing blockchain knowledge training .
- Create at least three documents/Channel (expected total of 60 documents, 1000 – 2000 words)
- Organize four blockchain training sessions, 60 minutes each.
Phase 2: Creating multilingual resources for the Learn to Earn Cardano Ecosystem platform, starting with three languages English, Japanese and Vietnamese.
First month:
Implementation plan:
- Recruiting the core translation team.
- Training in translation skills.
- Organize the program “30-day translation challenge”
- Recruited ten people (3 people: English - Vietnamese, 3 people: English - Japanese, 4 people: Vietnamese - Japanese)
- Organize four training sessions, 60 minutes each.
- Objectives of the program “30-day translation challenge”:
- Each member can translate two documents with 95% accuracy. A total of 20 articles is expected.
Second month:
Implementation plan:
- Translate articles written in phase 1 into Vietnamese.
- Correction of English - Vietnamese translation.
- Translate articles written in stage 1 into Japanese.
- Correction of English/Vietnamese - Japanese translations.
- Complete 20 translations into Vietnamese.
- Complete 20 translations into Japanese.
- Accuracy and transmission quality above 98%.
Third month:
Implementation plan:
- Translate articles written in phase 1 into Vietnamese.
- Correction of English - Vietnamese translation.
- Translate articles written in stage 1 into Japanese.
- Correction of English/Vietnamese - Japanese translations.
- Complete 20 translations into Vietnamese.
- Complete 20 translations into Japanese.
- Accuracy and transmission quality above 98%.
=>*After the end of phase 2:
- There are 60 English articles, spread across 20 channels.
- There are 60 Vietnamese translations spread across 20 channels.
- There are 60 Japanese translations spread across 20 channels.
- Build a community of learning English and Japanese foreign languages and help the community access positions in PA assessment, Proposal writing. As well as know the Cardano blockchain and become the Cardano investment community.
Phase 3: Launching the Learn to Earn mechanism, community members participate in contributing content and translations.
First month:
Implementation plan:
- Create a mechanism to accumulate bonus points.
- Set up payment features, record achievements with bonus points.
- Set up Bot to classify members according to conditions.
- Completing the reward points mechanism.
- Complete the payment feature, record achievements with bonus points.
- Complete Bot to classify members according to conditions.
Second month:
Implementation plan:
- Set up the Learn to Earn mechanism.
- Create a mechanism to exchange reward points to ADA.
- Create videos and documents to guide members using the Learn to Earn mechanism.
- Building social channels to attract the community (Youtube, Facebook...)
*We have submitted a proposal to build a Youtube channel CEVI and build a community in Fund 9.
Please see details in the link below.
- Complete set of Learn to Earn basic features.
- Completing the feature to redeem reward points for ADA.
- Complete video, and documentation.
- Attracted 200 new members to join the CEVI community.
Third month
Implementation plan:
- Promote marketing to attract the community.
- Experiment with Learn to Earn.
- Survey the community about the Learn to Earn mechanism experience.
- Planning for improvement.
- Attracting 300 new members to join the CEVI community.
- Learn to Earn feature works 90% stable.
- Over 70% of survey respondents are satisfied with the current Learn to Earn feature.
- Provide a summary of points for improvement and improvement plans.
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed budget breakdown.
Total budget: 28650 USD
- Budget for phase 1: 12850 USD
- Budget for Phase 2: 9800 USD
- Budget for phase 3: 6000 USD
Phase 1: Total Budget: 12850 USD
- Initial platform construction cost (Platform, Bot): 2250 USD
+Setting Platform: 25 USD x 30 channels = 750 USD
+Create Bot: 500 USD x 3 Bot = 1500 USD
- Cost of knowledge training
200 USD x 8 sessions = 1600 USD
- Cost of article synthesis (English/Vietnamese)
50 USD x 60 articles = 3000 USD
200 USD x 5 people x 3 months = 3000 USD
1000 USD x 3 months = 3000 USD
Phase 2: Total Budget: 9800 USD
- Translate 60 articles (1000-1500 words) into Vietnamese and Japanese. English - Vietnamese translation costs (including correction costs)
0.02 USD x 1500 words x 60 articles = 1800 USD
- English - Japanese translation costs (including correction costs)
0.03 x 1500 words x 60 articles = 2700 USD
- The cost of training blockchain specialized translation skills
200 USD x 4 sessions = 800 USD
200 USD x 5 people x 3 months = 3000 USD
- Community promotion cost: 500 USD X 3 months = 1500 USD
Phase 3: Total Budget: 6000 USD
- Cost of creating trading feature with bonus points: 1000 USD
- The cost of creating the feature to automatically swap reward points to ADA: 1000 USD
- Cost of creating Learn to Earn mechanism: 1000 USD
- Marketing expenses: 1000 USD X 3 months = 3000 USD
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide details of the people who will work on the project.
I. Project management:
Mr. Pham Tung Lam
- Investor and community manager with 2+ years of experience on the Cardano platform
- Founder of youtube channel working on blockchain knowledge:
Link: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCz6NQ7FG6BBzz2Mbtzer7Sw
- Having management experience at a design company in Japan.
- Founder of CEVI Group, CEVI Club, CEVI Language Club:
Discord Link: https://discord.gg/SBaz2kUe
- Knowledge and Ability to connect and work in a team.
II. Managing the programming team:
Mr. Quan
- Programmers with more than five years of experience.
- Proficient in Bot design on the Discord platform.
- Object-Oriented Programming
- Basic Programming Language C/C++,
- Java Basic, Python
- Javascript ES6, Jquery, AJAX, HTML/
- CSS,
III.Team operates and manages the Learn to Earn platform
Mr. Hieu :
- Graduated from Vietnam National University, Hanoi
- More than ten years of experience in the field of education and training.
- Understanding of Blockchain platforms, especially Cardano blockchain platform.
- Years of experience in crypto investing and community management, learning about the Cardano blockchain platform.
Ms. Mai :
- Graduated from Hanoi National University.
- Experienced in human resource development.
- Able to use English well.
- Experience in leading study groups.
- Have good diplomatic Ability.
- Investors have participated in the market for 2+ years.
Mr. Nghiep:
- Membership is for 5+ years.
- Have in-depth knowledge of Blockchain.
- Has a very high ability to synthesize information.
- Community management at https://t.me/Cardano_ECO_VN
Mr. Dong :
- Membership is for 5+ years.
- Have in-depth knowledge of Blockchain.
- Has a very high ability to synthesize information.
- More than ten years of experience in managing forums and groups.
- Community management at https://t.me/Cardano_ECO_VN
Mr. Duc
- Join the blockchain market for more than five years.
- Have in-depth knowledge of Blockchain.
- Has a very high ability to synthesize information.
IV. Manage English translation team:
Mr. Lam Nguyen
- Community manager, Community Advisor since Catalyst Fund 8
- Team member of Fimi translation team
- Manage a community group dedicated to researching and discussing the Cardano ecosystem with 600 members at: https://t.me/Cardano_ECO_VN
- A team member of Tre Viet Team, a team to research and evaluate blockchain projects, focus on Cardano: youtube channel at: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCjaeQZxkhwRM2Aecl_P5_4g
Telegram: https://t.me/Tunglam09
Twitter: https://twitter.com/lamvoi6
V. Japanese translation team manager:
- Graduated from International Pacific University in Japan
- Living and working in Japan for more than 5 years
- Japanese level N2
- 5 years of translation experience
- More than 3 years of experience in managing translation teams.
VI.Marketing team management.
Mr. Minh
- More than two years of experience in video marketing
- Experience in advertising on Facebook and TikTok over two years
- Proficient in setting up marketing campaigns.
[FEASIBILITY] If you are funded, will you return to Catalyst in a later round for further funding? Please explain why / why not.
We need Catalyst's support in the next stages of the project's development.
In short, we built and developed the Learn to Earn Cardano Ecosystem platform in 3 languages English, Vietnamese, and Japanese.
In the medium term, we want to expand this platform to more non-English speaking communities, contributing to the uniform development of Cardano Ecosystem in all countries.
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or any member of your team working on any other proposals in this Fund9?
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or your team working on any other proposals from previous Funds?
[AUDITABILITY] Please describe what you will measure to track your project's progress, and how will you measure these?
We will report progress every month on the official Catalyst channels.
The community can check the project development progress through those channels.
Also, you can check it out live on CEVI's Discord channel: https://discord.gg/SBaz2kUe.
Project success metrics:
- 60 Cardano Ecosystem documents in English.
- 60 documents about Cardano Ecosystem in Vietnamese.
- 60 Cardano Ecosystem documents in Japanese.
- Learn to Earn platform is 90% efficient
- 70% of users participating in the survey are satisfied with the platform.
- Add 500 new members to the CEVI community.
[AUDITABILITY] What does success for this project look like?
- Increasing the number of developers and investors with in-depth Cardano blockchain knowledge.
- Create multilingual resources about projects on the Cardano ecosystem
- Created the Learn to Earn Cardano Ecosystem platform, attracting Vietnamese, Japanese and international communities.
- Increase income and knowledge for those who want to learn about Cardano Ecosystem.
- Create human resources with foreign language skills and specialized knowledge to support Cardano ecosystem development activities and Catalyst activities.
[AUDITABILITY] Please provide information on whether this proposal is a continuation of a previously funded project in Catalyst or an entirely new one.
It's a new project.