Last updated 2 years ago
All dapps need to have easy connection to all third party non-custodial wallets. While CIP-30 exists, implementing an easy to use layer on top of this with React would be useful to other dev teams.
linkslist is a web3 cardano powered bio links website. The solution will utilise cardano nfts and decentralised data storage to provide a bio links website for all.
This is the total amount allocated to linkslist - decentralised bio site.
linkslist is a web3 cardano powered bio links website. The solution will utilise cardano nfts and decentralised data storage to provide a bio links website for all.
My name is Paddy I am a Cardano stake pool operator with 12+ years of Software engineering experience. I am the creator of and both of which provide great value to the cardano community.
My aim here is to utilise my web and cardano experince.
What is a Bio Link - As the name suggests “link in bio” refers to the clickable URL that you can add to your social media profile section. Most social media platforms give you the option to add a link in your bio to take followers to your website, product page, content or some other important page.
Why web3 Bio Link - Your wallet is your ID, we aim to provide a solution to register and create a bio link using only your wallet.
What is it- linkslist will be full of features for you to create, style, colour, add picture and manage you bio links website by simply connecting your wallet, along with adding blockchain specific features such as send payments, tipping, image roll of your nft collection and displaying what nfts are for sale.
Is that it? - No! Future features such as premium section on bio links for your followers to subscribe to, thus enabling you to post premium links, videos, blogs.
linkslist web3 bio - is a real world use case that requires the cardano blockchain to orchestrate and manage the users of the site.
I have experience with website building, Cardano nft minting and onchain data extraction thus I do not see any risks.
The main components of linkslist are the website, nft minting and a decentralised data store.
4 months timeline
Month 1 - Website Design and Implement
Month 2 - Website Design and Implement
Month 3 - NFT Minting Integration & Decentralised datastore Integration
Month 4 - Security, refinement
Website design and branding (external) = $800
Website domain and hosting = $200
Developer Salary = $2000 per month x 4 months = $8000
Marketing (external) = $3000
Total = $12000
I will be completing this project myself and based on my inputs to the cardano community I would hope I have proven myself to be able to undertake this challenge.
Its unlikely I will return to Catalyst as the project should become self sufficient and profitable.
We will fully utilise our market budget prior to release to create promotional material such as banners adverts and YouTube appearances, we aim to build you a significant twitter following and community to enable us to expand the product far and wide.
Success will be linkslist released for everyone to begin their web3 bio journey. No ifs buts maybes it will happen!
This is an entirely new proposal .
My name is Paddy I am a Cardano stake pool operator with 12+ years of Software engineering experience. I am the creator of and both of which provide great value to the cardano community.
My aim here is to utilise my web and cardano experince.