Last updated 2 years ago
OpenLitterMap works but it is too academic. Society needs a better way to get started with citizen science.
We are turning cleaning the planet into a game with Littercoin rewards. Our next campaign is the LitterWeek challenge, which will encourage societal adoption of our open source citizen science tools.
This is the total amount allocated to LitterWeek Competition for schools.
We are turning cleaning the planet into a game with Littercoin rewards. Our next campaign is the LitterWeek challenge, which will encourage societal adoption of our open source citizen science tools.
Developing OpenLitterMap since 2008 and Littercoin since 2015. Worked as a divemaster in the tropics. After 15 years I got my first funding from catalyst.
In addition to the development of the OpenLitterMap platform, we need improved marketing campaigns and gaming experiences to foster user adoption, build a strong network, and create bigger datasets faster.
LitterWeekTM (already trademarked in Ireland) is our new ultimate litter data collection championship for schools. School teams already compete at sports, but you need to be very good at everything to get on the sports team. You don’t have to be good at anything if you want to get on your school's data collection team and compete against other schools for 1st place in the championship to earn prizes like iPhones, xbox subscriptions, and laptops.
Instead of just 1 day or week in the year where everyone must participate (eg. earth day, science week), schools and teams can take the LitterWeek challenge any week that suits them and repeat their effort any number of times. The competition will run year-round, with prizes announced at the end of the school year (In Ireland, that means May). In partnership with UNESCO, University College Dublin and Science Foundation Ireland, we have already piloted this campaign in 2 schools in Ireland and we have the ability to expand this study to 500+ schools next year if the platform and tools (openlittermap) can be developed to meet society's high expectations.
There is a unique opportunity for a remarkable scientific publication here which we is included in this proposal, as this will be many students first experience with citizen science. Therefore, we want to create a study that before introducing the students to the intervention, we ask them to tell us how they feel about their ability to create positive social and environmental change to tackle issues like climate change and plastic pollution. We will then introduce the LitterWeek challenge, and empower them with high-quality education content that teachers in various modules (eg. Languages, Science, Technology, Geography, etc) can adopt in the classroom.
We will onboard many new users and legitimise openlittermap for institutional adoption.
KPI 1. Increasing the number of dapps and products available for the community to use that help to enrich the ecosystem with new use cases
KPI 2. Increase the number of integrations that bring existing solutions together for a more seamless and connected experience between different products.
KPI 3. Increased quality of existing products & integrations through suggested improvements that is supported by customer feedback or increased usage by the community.
We have already piloted this in 2 schools which was very well received. We have the potential to roll this out in 500+ schools, but there is no guarantee they will have the time and capacity to take the LitterWeek challenge. Although we probably won’t get nationwide capacity on day 1, the development of citizen science is a continuous iterative process that needs to get started sooner rather than later.
Creating the best materials possible that are essential to meet society's high expectations and transform our knowledge about our impact on the environment will be challenging. We want to create immersive educational material including a short comic book series, and immersive frontend content that will capture the imagination of students and inspire them to keep learning.
This will be an ongoing, iterative process that will last 12 months
Q1 (August - October): Developers hired and website online. Ready to accept school signups. We pilot this intervention in a few schools and use the feedback to improve our mission.
Q2: (November - January). Continue to build the marketing campaign for a big launch next year. Work with stakeholders and get ready for a big campaign in the Spring. We continue to work on our lesson plans, videos and educational materials for next year.
Q3: (February - April). Finishing touches for our school content. Partnerships finalised with community groups, local businesses and national corporate partners who want to be a part of this national campaign to clean up Ireland.
Q4: (May - July). In May, we have the official LitterWeek challenge and we livestream the results on instagram on a Friday at 3.55pm just before school finishes. The person who collected the most data in the week wins a new iPhone, and the winning school will receive prizes through our corporate partners (laptops, school tour, and more). For the summer months, we analyse the data and write a scientific paper that reviews the initiative.
Total Budget = $160,000 for 12 months
x1 UI/UX + Graphic Designer: $25,000 ($20/hour)
x1 Animator, Videographer, Youtube content creator $25,000 ($20/hour)
x1 Community development + social media manager $25,000 ($20/hour)
x1 Senior frontend developer @ $50,000 ($25/hour)
x1 CTO + CEO = management, code review, full stack developer, business development, outreach, sales, marketing, scientific writing & more: $25,000
Budget for creating educational resources $10,000
Founder - Seán Lynch
Senior Frontend Developer - Required
UI / UX - Required
Videographer + Animator: Potentially found
Community development + social media manager - Required
Catalyst is the best funding instrument I have seen in my 15 years developing citizen science. Although central banks print an unlimited amount of fiat currency, they haven't printed any money to support the development of citizen science. Catalyst has already demonstrated that it can fix this by supporting our first successful proposal in Fund 4. Significantly more work needs to be done and we will definitely be back to develop a range of other initiatives.
We will continue to provide an improved cost breakdown on google spreadsheet for every spend.
We will complement this with a monthly report on team, progress, updates and expenditure that will become a landmark project for transparency on Catalyst.
There will be open access to every invoice & proof of funds at all times.
Included in the monthly report will be a link to each significant github commit which you can already review on
We already host a weekly community call, followed by a weekly blog post about our progress. We will be able to complement this with weekly edited videos showcasing our progress and community development.
In addition to our other proposals
We will create the most comprehensive national baseline dataset by citizen scientists that has ever been created.
Students in Ireland will get their first experience with citizen science.
We will quantify how this intervention improved people's perception of their ability to be a part of collective environmental solutions and publish these results in a journal.
This study will be able to be repeated elsewhere.
We got our first funding in Fund 4 ($50,000) which helped debug openlittermap, add many new features, and help shape the tokenomics and future steps to develop the entire ecosystem.
In addition to software development, we need improved marketing campaigns that can increase user adoption and solve the challenges we want to fix.
OpenLitterMap covers 16/17 SDGs
Developing OpenLitterMap since 2008 and Littercoin since 2015. Worked as a divemaster in the tropics. After 15 years I got my first funding from catalyst.