Last updated 2 years ago
People in the real world can have their own talismans that can bring luck and improve well-being.Our team decides that members of the Cardano ecosystem should also be able to have their own mascots
We are planning to release various collections of NTF tokens that visualize different unique talismans for everyone. You can purchase it and keep it in your wallet to attract good luck.
This is the total amount allocated to MASCOT GALLERY .
We are planning to release various collections of NTF tokens that visualize different unique talismans for everyone. You can purchase it and keep it in your wallet to attract good luck.
We are creative developers, designers and marketers with experience from 5 to 15 years in IT, marketing and entrepreneurship.
The mascot team has several missions to fulfill, we add more goals in the future
We will provide solution (back-end, website, wallets integration) to bring talisman usage in Cardano blockchain.
Our project idea is quite simple thats why we don't see any significant risks for failure
Milestone 1Â
Milestone 2
Milestone 3
Software development = 7500
Website development = 3000
Integrations = 2000
Backend development = 2500
Design = 3000
Marketing = 2500
Infrastructure = 2000 (Cardano node and IPFS server)
Alex Bykov - - software architecture and development, blockchain expertise
Hanna Vasiukova - - finance and marketing
Yauheni Pazdzeyeu - - design, infrastructure, management
We don't know yet, possible we come back if we need more resources
Delivery and publishing of our software will indicate the development progress of our solution
People of Cardano community uses our products
No, its brand new product
We are creative developers, designers and marketers with experience from 5 to 15 years in IT, marketing and entrepreneurship.