ID: # | Status:
Not approved

Last updated 2 years ago

MiFi: Where mining meets finance


60% of SPOs have not had a chance to sign a block. This issue wastes resources and consumes significant amounts of electricity yearly. We aim to build a platform to improve their block signing ability


Our project is backed by mining machines and consists of 3 layers:  

  • Cost-efficient mining 
  • Smart portfolio rebalancing 
  • Defi layer 

With a long term goal to bring mining to the insurance sector.

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to MiFi: Where mining meets finance.

Total funds requested
Project status:
Complete: 0
In progress: 0
Total votes cast
Votes yes
Votes no


Our team has multiple years' experience across crypto and traditional finance. The core team consists of mining experts, hedge fund trading engineer, defi & marketing expert and crypto-specialized attorney with an eye to ESG policies and compliance.