[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem.
Our community-built gaming platform will both satisfy the gaming experiences of 4 billion real gamers and thousand crypto investors with sustainable business models. Check out our one-page in f9 here
[GENERAL] Summarize your relevant experience.
- In the scope of this proposal, we will use 4 senior game developers - who are developing the funded proposal with the same subject in fund 8.
- For making the project succeed, we're working hard with 4 teams of game, blockchain, comic production, and marketing with 50+ people
[IMPACT] Please describe your proposed solution.
For easier reading and assessing our proposal please read this proposal with this link.
It has clickable outline to parts & Vietnamese, Japanese version
===== STORY =====
- What happened? Well, the Valorant Twitter account posted a picture of Killjoy looking at a (real) work of art in a museum; it turned out that the artist behind the image sells his works as NFTs. In response, the Valorant team tweeted as if it were begging for its life. “We were not aware the selected work was an NFT,” the Valorant account said. “In no way did we intend to include NFTs as part of Killjoy’s work and hobbies.” The tweet earned 3,500 likes; Valorant was spared further harm. And more cases to show that gamers really hate NFT games here in the article of the above case.
- But! It turns out that the average gamer spends around $76 (about £60) per month on gaming, or about $58,000 (£45,600) during their entire life. That “entire life” is calculated assuming that they started splashing the cash on gaming when they turned 16, and would live to 80, by the way. -> And more potential numbers you can check here in the same article.
- So...
- Convincing those real gamers with a multiverse metaverse of different universe concepts and thousand games that have high-quality gameplay & graphics will be the best way now. By separating gamefi from entertainment games for real gamers, the mission of Miverse is to lead gamers in the mainstream gaming industry to be on-chained and multiply the value of both markets.
- Moreover, these products & technologies that Miverse developer communities will contribute to the future are not just only for gaming, but also for scaling, optimizing, energy-saving... for blockchain, storage, streaming...
Absolutely, the journey of this project will be long because it's not just building a single game or a metaverse for only making money. But also triggering the community to join and contribute to the blockchain ecosystem to build up the technological infrastructure that is not just for the gaming industry but for humanity.
So please consider all our proposals in this fund and then vote for them. You can overview their mission easily and briefly by checking this one-page proposal summary of Miverse in Fund 9 here.
===== THE CONTEXT =====
- Player Numbers Will Soar Past 3 Billion Towards 2024
- The Gaming Market was valued at USD 198.40 billion in 2021
- And it is expected to reach a value of USD 339.95 billion by 2027
- Continuous technological advancements in the gaming industry are significantly propelling the industry's growth. They are enhancing the way games are created and improving the overall gaming experience of the users.
- The rising internet connectivity, increasing adoption of smartphones, and the advent of high bandwidth network connectivity, such as 5G, have further increased the demand of the gaming market across the globe
- Gamers in the mainstream market are more loyal than crypto players because they're playing games for enjoyment, not for the up or down of the NFT and token price - that definitely the main key that kills all the crypto games, even the biggest one in the industry - Axie Infinity
- $76 per year is just the average number that a gamer spends on gaming. But if that's a game with good taste to them, they will buy it and even must spend thousands of dollars in total. There is a lot of game with that price range on gaming platforms you can check. For ex: Steam
Check the detailed report & statistics:
- Most of the games aren’t deep enough for long-term engagement
- A lot of the economics aren’t sustainable: The current trend is, token release, large pump and then large dump. Some games face liquidity issues and aren’t able to properly sustain trading or price action.
- In normal games, meta changes are frequently welcomed and provide fresh to gameplay. But in NFT games, Meta changes can destroy the economic balance
- Cycles are getting shorter and shorter
- Play to earn is not sustainable in its current form
- Rugs and scamming teams galore
- Some games in the next generation WILL BE DESIGNED with better quality on both gameplay and graphics to attract players.
- Or the new wave of the old trends will be on, then there are a lot of hurts to adopters in the crypto world.
- Gaming infrastructure and technologies are developing day by day, but applying blockchain technology in the right way on it will super boost it up.
- Once again, gamers in the mainstream gaming industry really really really hate NFT games.
- Big gaming studios cannot apply blockchain technology to their current games because of the hate and bias from their user communities.
- Even the crypto gamer also want better NFT games for their experiences.
- Lack of assets, environments, and infrastructure for helping game makers develop their games with higher quality.
- Lack of cases of new healthy gaming models in the crypto world that be successful to motivate game makers to follow them.
- A multiverse metaverse of thousand of great games with cool game experiences, unique assets with attractive graphic designs... that will satisfy gamers' experiences. Then could drive thousands of transactions per day sustainability.
- It's also a gaming platform with ready assets, environment, and infrastructure that game developers just come here and then monetize by designing their gaming experience for gamers. Moreover, content creators and developers can contribute and the community will fund them here on this platform - just like the Catalyst project.
We're creating a new game with different gameplay and creativity that aligns with the concept of the whole project to start penetrating and convincing gamers in the mainstream industry to go with our mission.
Please check the game overview & detail here.
- It will be the first step to making gamers think again and learn to identify the good and the bad NFT game to follow instead of avoiding all with bias.
- Inspiring and motivating game makers and developers to join with Miverse to develop in the next phases.
- Leverage for further activities: funding raising, making belief...
- Demo gameplay of the game
- Number of the real gamers in the mainstream industry
- Investors that want to invest to establish the first world in Miverse Multiverse
- Multi-side comments from audiences in forums, social media
- A new wave of NFT game judgment in Cardano: it's a great place for great game makers to make great games for entertainment. But not for pumps and dumps.
This project will make a lot of people love to join to develop. Please check the detail in our master proposal for the whole project here.
- They always seeking new games for experience. Now we have the first one for them with the addition of small earnings.
- Break all the bias about they will lose all the assets when the game is destroyed by pumps and dumps.
- It's a stable and sustainable way to invest. Small profit at the early, but bigger fast if going along long term.
- A sustainable platform with the diversity of gamefi but can't be destroyed because it can't make any big impact on the in-game economy.
- The project will collect game makers, and developers and create beliefs, inspirations, and motivations for them. Then we will all cooperate to develop the next phases of Miverse
- At the end of this phase, there are a lot of assets and in-game environments that are ready for game makers to create their game by just focusing on the game's mechanic design. That will save a lot of time for them!
[IMPACT] Please describe how your proposed solution will address the Challenge that you have submitted it in.
It will make a real high-quality game far more than the current NFT games. So, it will prove that this kind of idea is working on Cardano and drive a lot of developers, and game makers to come on-chained their ideas.
And it is absolutely aligning with the challenge setting because:
- It creates a great, stable, and sustainable open gaming metaverse
- Increasing the numbers of gamers from the mainstream gaming industry on-chained
- Increasing game developers to the Cardano community
- Increasing system, solution, dApp, infrastructure developers for gaming and Cardano platform
- Increasing games on-chained from game makers - not just for Miverse multiverse, but also independent on the Cardano ecosystem.
- Make some noise on Social media
- Increasing the developer community to contribute to the Cardano ecosystem
- Increasing the content creators, channels to mention to the ecosystem, dApp, and gaming on the Cardano platform
- Increasing the gamers community on Cardano
- Increasing the related topics, articles
- Building up some Gaming environments
- Number of common assets that game makers can use: characters, battleship, light fighter, items... in the form of CNFT
- Solutions, Open Sources for community development
- New solutions: scaling, rendering, streaming...
- New utility dApp on-chained
- Finance
- Number of transactions
- New investors join - even from other chains/ platforms
- New gamefi
[IMPACT] What are the main risks that could prevent you from delivering the project successfully and please explain how you will mitigate each risk?
Besides common challenges and risks that we are aware of and had plans for mitigating them in our master proposal here. This proposal won't have any risk except not being funded. Because it's developed by our developers and has no technical issues.
We got funded on the proposal with the same subject of this proposal in fund 8, but it is just for 3 months of development (July to Sept). Now we ask for the next 3 months (Oct to Dec)
If this proposal will be not funded, it will be a big challenge for us. To mitigate the damage to the promised roadmap to the community in the future, we even developed faster than the current roadmap. So it can help us slow down a bit with a smaller budget (form our own) in the next 3 months if it's not funded.
In addition, we will develop the main parts and temporarily cut off the detailed works to reduce the cost to survive and keep the roadmap on time in that 3 months. Then when getting the better conditions, we will make the game greater with those detail later.
That's how we solve this risk.
But as I said, your vote is not just for us, not only for this proposal. But it's for the future of ecosystem development. And we're also proving our ability from fund 8 - by our outputs. So, let your vote more value by voting for us because this risk not a big deal.
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed plan, including timeline and key milestones for delivering your proposal.
For the detailed execution timeline & output, please check here
For the detailed task, estimation & general timeline, please check here
For detailed planned - on progress - complete tasks, please check: https://development.miverse.io
We will only show the detail roadmap for the scope of work of this proposal only - from Oct 1st to Dec 31st/ 2022. It seems have same content with some other proposals, but the key activities for this proposal will emphasize by bold font. For the full roadmap from QIV-2021 to QI-2022, please check the link above. It's too long to put here.
QIII, 2022
- Brand design (Done)
- Social media channels & community of Miverse (Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Discord, Telegram, Medium…) (Doing)
- Raise funding at Catalyst 2nd time (Doing)
- Tokenomic development (Doing)
- Litepaper development
- Game document development & finish for chess game (Doing)
- Finish Art concept & direction for the whole Miverse (Doing)
- In-game assets design 2D & 3D (Doing)
- UX/UI design
- Miverse web portal
- Setting up the fundamentals for game development (Doing)
- Back-end development (Doing)
- Front-end develop
- Marketing by communicating and inspiring communities with our works
- Social media channels & community of Miverse comic
- Finish some first story chapters for demo (Doing)
- Release comic on other comic platforms
- Developing the simple comic site in Miverse for readers can read and register
- Organize regular communication event weekly
- Publishing comic marketing materials weekly
QIV, 2022
- Finish Whitepaper
- Marketplace & blockchain development
- Smart contract deployment
- In-game assets design 2D & 3D
- UX/UI design
- Game detail development
- Back-end development
- Front-end develop
- Game Portal
- Other features
- Release the demo of the first game on PC
- Game testing and fixing bugs
- Marketing to inspire the audience to engage with the game release
QI, 2023
- Raise funding in Cardano
- Release the demo of the chess game on mobile
- Game testing and fixing bugs
- Launching marketplace for trading NFT
- Release new feature in-game
- Ship production
- Birth
- Item farming
- Loot box
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed budget breakdown.
This budget breakdown is extracted from our detailed budget estimation here.
We have a detailed financial plan for the most important part of this project that was made by considering our old projects and from other partners.
So, it can have some points that are different from your experiences and resource because we're in different conditions: location, HR, nation...
About the price/ unit. We use the $3.000 as the average number. In actual execution, it can be higher or lower than that number, but in our experience, that number is ok for estimation.

[FEASIBILITY] Please provide details of the people who will work on the project.
For the information on the whole team, and who is covering which group task/ task please visit our detailed execution timeline & output here
- In the scope of this proposal, we have 4 Senior game developers of Unicorn Studio are directly working on it. And being led directly by Christian Ho - Founder of Unicorn Studio
- About me, Dat Pham - Entrepreneur - Currently, CEO of 5+ years social media marketing agency - GADiAC Asia - https://www.gadiac.asia. “I’m a game lover and also my life is passionate with fiction stories, space, and science. Now, with the motivation from the Catalyst community, I decided to “write” the story that will inspire everyone to space and a new metaverse. With my 10+ years of launching and operating new businesses and the support of my current marketing agency. I believe that we can make this idea to the moon.
[FEASIBILITY] If you are funded, will you return to Catalyst in a later round for further funding? Please explain why / why not.
Yes! We need at least 2 more rounds to finish this phase and run independently.
We clarified the finance plan for this phase already and you can check the total that we need here.
We have our own money, but it is just enough for reducing the budget risk if not being funded by Catalyst only.
Moreover, our business model is lying between traditional and blockchain businesses. So, as many fundraising experts told us. It's very hard for VC in both fields to fund us. So, we have to be self-surviving by making a good product and being supported by our future user communities.
For sustainable finance development, we are making plans for fundraising from some AAA game studios and IDO from the community.
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or any member of your team working on any other proposals in this Fund9?
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or your team working on any other proposals from previous Funds?
[AUDITABILITY] Please describe what you will measure to track your project's progress, and how will you measure these?
Our works will be shown in detail for the community audit on the links below. Depending on your needs, we made some kind of tools for not just auditing our proposal but further development in the future.
- For key metrics of the whole project please check our master proposal here.
- You can check the detail actual executive roadmap here.
- And if you want to know which group tasks are planned - on progress - completed, you can check our page here: https://development.miverse.io (You can even suggest some of your idea there in the future to improve Miverse Multiverse & Platform)
For this proposal, we will measure these metrics including:
- The number of player play the demo games - will be published in our website
- The number of player in our gaming community - it's public in our community, please check in the website for knowing which the community is from us
- The number of people follow our social media channels - it's public in our channels
- The number of produced in-game assets
- The number of designed character, battleship, light fighter
[AUDITABILITY] What does success for this project look like?
The success of this proposal will make gamers in the mainstream gaming industry impressed because we can make a good game on-chained, and also potential driving developers to come on-chained and develop Miverse with us.
At the moment, we believe that Miverse contributes a bit to the next page of the relationship between the game & blockchain industry.
[AUDITABILITY] Please provide information on whether this proposal is a continuation of a previously funded project in Catalyst or an entirely new one.
Yes, it's the next part of previous our funded proposal: https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/397373
That proposal was asking for funds for QIII-2022
This proposal is asking for funds for QIV-2022
In this fund 8, we propose 7 proposals that are all a part of this project - including this proposal.
For easier reading & assessment with clickable outlines on the title, please get in this link to all of our proposal in fund 9
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Rating
SDG goals:
- Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
- Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
- Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG subgoals:
Mobilize additional financial resources for developing countries from multiple sources
- Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors
- Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
- Annual growth rate of real GDP per employed person
- Proportion of informal employment in total employment, by sector and sex