Last updated 2 years ago
Musicians have to navigate an expensive, slow, and antiquated music industry in order to license and synchronize their music to adverts, film, social media, video games, and the metaverse.
We will develop an overlay for existing Cardano wallets that provides a credit card payment gateway and a business vault with multisig wallet functionality for shared treasuries.
This is the total amount allocated to Multisig wallet with fiat on-ramp.
We will develop an overlay for existing Cardano wallets that provides a credit card payment gateway and a business vault with multisig wallet functionality for shared treasuries.
Ada Anvil is a six-person team that is deeply embedded within the Cardano community. We have more than 25 years of combined experience in software development and programming, and a record of delivering state-of-art solutions for projects building on Cardano.
We will work with existing Cardano wallets to improve the utility and penetration of Cardano wallets. Our solution will be compatible with Eternl, Flint, Gero, Nami and Typhon, among other wallets.
Our wallet improvement solution will involve developing
Users will be able to access the credit card payment gateway from within their existing Cardano wallet, similar to how MetaMask users can fund their Ethereum wallet via MoonPay, Transak or Wyre.
Furthermore, users will be able to create a business vault via the Ada Anvil website, after which they will be able to manage and interact with the vault via existing Cardano wallets.
The business vault will include
The new features that our business vault will introduce will include
The business vault will be particularly useful for DAOs, NFT project teams and community investment groups on Cardano.
The direct credit card payment gateway and multisig wallet functionality will enable projects to more easily onboard new users, and securely and transparently manage shared treasuries. In turn, this will have a multiplier effect across the entire Cardano space, as it will facilitate the integration of new users and inject new liquidity into the ecosystem.
Having worked closely with projects building on Cardano, we are intensely aware of the difficulties projects have in managing shared treasuries and onboarding new users. Currently, the most popular Cardano wallets are only suitable for use by private individuals who are already familiar with the Cardano blockchain.
As a result, in order to manage a shared treasury, projects building on Cardano must either spend scarce resources on developing an in-house multisig wallet or delegate the power to authorize transactions to one person. Cardano has already witnessed several rug pulls that could have been avoided had the communities had the ability to delegate authority for signing transactions to a nominated group. While this may be seen as an acceptable risk for small projects, it is a categorical barrier to adoption for large, regulated businesses. This stifles the ability of Cardano projects to establish partnerships with non-blockchain native businesses and communities.
Projects face a further problem in onboarding new users, as new users are beholden to third-party, centralized exchanges in order to fund their wallets using fiat currencies. This exposes users to unnecessary transaction costs and delays, as well as to the risks that funds may be frozen or that funds are sent to the wrong address.
These inefficiencies are key obstacles to the mass adoption of Cardano. According to user experience statistics, more than three-quarters of internet users will search for an alternative service if they dislike the UX/UI, while nearly nine out of 10 potential clients and business partners will opt for a competitor as a result of poor customer experience.[1]
In order for Cardano projects to compete with competitors on other chains, projects must be able to offer at least the same level of user experience and security. Our proposed wallet overlay and business vault solution will address these problems and enable projects on Cardano to scale more easily.
Our wallet improvement solution builds on features that already exist in the blockchain space. For example, credit card payment infrastructure is widely integrated into EVM-compatible apps (e.g., MetaMask wallet), while multisig wallet functionality has been proven in limited use cases on Cardano. However, our solution will integrate these features into existing Cardano wallets (e.g., Eternl, Flint, Gero, Nami and Typhon) in order to drive mainstream adoption on Cardano.
Moreover, we will do this at a critical moment in the development of the Cardano ecosystem given the numerous aspirational DAOs that have recently launched on Cardano and the current intense period of capital flight Cardano projects are confronted with as the overall cryptocurrency market capitalization has declined 65% since November 2021.
Main risks include:
Q3 2022 – planification phase
Q4 2022 – development of basic wallet overlay
Q1 2023 – development of business vault operations
Q2 2023 – integration of credit card payment gateway
(1) The planification phase will involve
(2) Development of basic wallet overlay will involve
(3) Development of business vault operations will involve
(4) The integration of a direct credit card payment gateway will involve
Planification documents - $30 000
Administration - $15 000
UI/UX - $40 000
Legal content - $50 000
Development - $200 000
Infrastructure - $20 000
Maintenance - $10 000
(Should be self-sustaining over time)
TOTAL = $365 000
Ada Anvil is a team of six experienced Cardano developers. The team has more than 25 years of combined experience in software development and programming, and has a record of developing state-of-art infrastructure for Cardano projects.
Our flagship product is the Ultimate Anvil for multisig minting on Cardano, which provides back-end API, a front-end minting page with reveal, metadata and IFPS hosting consultation, an airdrop or claim for holders, an Anvil referral system, project consultation, marketing assistance, and general project guidance.
Our minting packages have been used by several Cardano NFT projects, including Dbag Mfers, Enlightenmint, Hawaiian Helpers, Pixl.Page and Nemonium. In particular, Ada Anvil developed and managed the minting process for the Nemonium Calvaria collection. This state-of-art multisig minting process included Cardano's first mobile minting DApp (via Eternl wallet), a mechanism that seamlessly enabled users to burn a Launchpad Vote NFT when sending 69 ADA in order to mint a second Calvaria NFT for free, and a referral mechanism (more info in the YouTube link provided with this proposal).
Ada Anvil is also an advisor to Yummi Universe.
Cash (Zachary Soesbee) - CEO
Patrick Bernard - Project manager and marketing
Jérémie Bergeron - Lead developer UI/UX
David Desjardins - Lead developer backend and smart contracts
Benjamins - Customer relations manager
Audrey Lacombe - Designer and UI/UX expert
Yes. Our business vault solution has significant possibilities for further innovation beyond the remit of this proposal (e.g., developing cross-chain compatibility).
The Cardano community will be able to audit progress by tracking the release of our wallet overlay and business vault features:
We will measure
In addition, we will publish a monthly blog to keep Cardano community members informed of developments; and Cardano community members are always welcome to contact us via Twitter and the Ada Anvil Discord server (links are provided in this application).
We want to enable users to purchase goods and services from Cardano projects as seamlessly as users of or PayPal can make foreign exchange transfers or online payments. We hope that this empowers Cardano projects to sell services and products (e.g., merchandise) directly to non-Cardano native customers. One year after launch, we aim to be facilitating 100 000 USD per month in payments to Cardano projects.
Second, we want to see Cardano projects using our multisig wallet functionality to manage their shared treasuries securely and transparently on chain. We hope that our business vault will enable Cardano projects establish the necessary trust with non-blockchain native businesses and communities in order to develop, build and deliver products and services for new customers. Six months after launch, we aim to have 50 000 users utilizing our business vault via their existing Cardano wallet.
In summary, we want to see Cardano projects using our multisig business vault and fiat on ramp wallet overlay to
Our goal is to enable Cardano projects access new liquidity streams, which will have a multiplier effect throughout the wider Cardano ecosystem at a time when the entire cryptocurrency space is struggling with capital flight.
This is an entirely new project. Ada Anvil has not previously received funding from Project Catalyst. However, we have a demonstrable track record of delivering high-quality, state-of-art solutions for projects building on Cardano.
SDG Goals
8 - Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
9 - Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG Subgoals
8.3 - Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services
9.1 - Develop quality, reliable, sustainable and resilient infrastructure, including regional and transborder infrastructure, to support economic development and human well-being, with a focus on affordable and equitable access for all
Ada Anvil is a six-person team that is deeply embedded within the Cardano community. We have more than 25 years of combined experience in software development and programming, and a record of delivering state-of-art solutions for projects building on Cardano.