Last updated 2 years ago
The typical user has become used to a sedentary lifestyle. His debt has grown and due to this as well as inflation and scarcity of resources he is stuck at home and unable to go anywhere.
Flashot, 45 sec. short media, provides an block-chain based platform for meeting demand by entities willing to promote a specific product, masterpiece or location and video, picture, comic art-makers
This is the total amount allocated to Olympics–Shots promotion platform.
Flashot, 45 sec. short media, provides an block-chain based platform for meeting demand by entities willing to promote a specific product, masterpiece or location and video, picture, comic art-makers
Mechatronics engineer, 10+ y entrepreneur experience, Plutus PP graduate, green-fields start-ups in China and Japan in sectors. Over 15 years business development experience
Describe the solution of the problem
Flashot (from Flash Shot) provides a block-chain based platform for meeting demand by entities willing to promote a specific product, or a tourism location and talented, inspiring video-makers who can provide videos or pictures collection covering requested features, all bundled through a smart contract.
Smart contracts and NFTs become a useful and effective tool to bring about a win-win relationship between service providers, the video makers and stakeholders. Intermediation fees are eliminated and required features are set trasparently through smart contracts. Also copyrights and reproduction right are duly governed through NFTs
Additionally the international visibility in which the dApp and its platform exist allow for a significant enhancement of Cardano presence, showing a real impact in terms of utility, benefits and low transaction fees advantage. Finally NFT is going to become a real-world, business related, tangible 'certificate of authenticity' to allocate rights.
-Deploying the system over a vast range of Stakeholders may bring about unexpected issues, requirements including regulatory issues.
-We plan to focus initially on sport and tourism related stakeholders. Additionally, if required we shall rely on a legal officer to make the proposal more robust
-Local stakeholders in Milan area, such as biz, industries, sports organizations, museums, parks, tourism associations, education institutions and so forth (indicated for brevity hereafter Stakeholders) reach out to Flashot dApp setting features of the short video they request for promotional purposes on occasion of Winter Olympics 2026 Milan Cortina
-Short-video will be characterized by specific digital features incl. size and will not be allowed to be longer than 45” as a basic requirement.
-Flashot will take care of file management, including storage
-Video makers browse and select requests. After selection and smart contracts signing they provide videos matching expected requirements
-In case of subtle gap between expectations and provided work, Flashot will mediate between the parties
-Videos content is also screened by Flashot to prevent inappropriate ones
-A photos/pictures sequence reportage, comic art illustrations sequences with or without edited text or spoken language will be considered a Flashot as well
Rolling Schedule
Funding: Aug 2022
Stage 1
Stage 2
Business Model
Flashot Platform incomes:
Marketing promotion with stakeholders -Activities
-Local Industry associations, local Olympic committee, local municipalities, chambers of commerce, educational and cultural institutions, small-medium enterprises associations and free lancers will be addressed mainly through socials and specific events to be identified
-attending Olympics related committee events
-inviting and selecting representative sport ‘authority’ to join the platform launch
-local city council involvement through formal contacts
-local Industry Chambers involvement and attracting effective companies and entrepreneurs
-local school institutions involvement
-video, picture, comic art makers involvement through photo and video competition launch
Training Activities
Rolling Schedule
Funding: Aug 2022
Stage 1
Stage 2
Team members
-Gabriele, 10+ years as entrepreneur, IoT designer and robot system engineer
-Samuel, 3+ y front-end engineer
-Mateus, 2+ y back-end engineer
-Athena team was created during the 2.Plutus Pioneer Program and successfully achieved the final stage to the Hackathon (Aug. - Oct. 2021)
-In May 2022, Project Catalyst Fund 8 Proposal ‘Crowdfunding with inbuilt mediation' (not related to this project) was successfully funded and deployment work has just started
If funded, I will strive for project deployment as for project schedule. I do not plan to have additional funding for this project because in my opinion will be affecting the trust put by those who funded it at first instance.
Figures will be reported monthly
Smooth deployment of the dApp with registered users > 600 entities by Dec 2023 will represent a success
This is a new proposal
Mechatronics engineer, 10+ y entrepreneur experience, Plutus PP graduate, green-fields start-ups in China and Japan in sectors. Over 15 years business development experience