Last updated 2 years ago
In Ghana, there is the lack of access to tech repair specialist in part of the country. Therefore, how do we make tech repairers accessible to individuals for easy repair of damaged devices.
An online rapid prototyping platform that will incentivize the Makers and provide a red thread back to the industry, and Users are able to turn their ideas into an NFT.
This is the total amount allocated to Online Makerspace.
An online rapid prototyping platform that will incentivize the Makers and provide a red thread back to the industry, and Users are able to turn their ideas into an NFT.
Project started in 2012.
Current team;
Currently there are over 70 million Youtube videos on DIY projects, but no proper way to incentivize the Makers whom explain how something is made.
Youblob is an online makerspace for collaboration and blueprint sharing around all these ideas and creating an eco-system for idea sharing back to the industry in order to create new opportunities on new levels of interaction and data sharing.
We introduce several new incentive models to DIY projects and their makers, along with how e-commerce should be handled in the future when running alongside Cardano implementations.
Take ownership of your idea in the open source space, allow others to create iterations from them, show the industry who you are and what awesome things you can build with their products!
We are enabling open collaboration across all subjects and new combinations in our Blueprints, combine Electronics with Woodworking and some math f.ex, all while maintaining the high level of documentation around iterations and how something is made, along with creating incentive models on top of this to put the idea maker in the front seat of the whole solution. We even go so far that you can be incentivized by AI on what it produces in the future.
Our motto: Rapid prototyping made easy …even for AI
So what have we done so far… almost 10 years of iterations
2012 - Implementation of Drupal, investigating e-commerce (first time we did this)
2013 - Distribution agreement with Sparkfun, investigating distribution chains and order handling
2014 - Investigating sales and stock handling
2015 - Investigating manufacturing chain and BIM vs BOM
2016 - Implementation of blueprints and investigation around rapid prototyping, + migration from Drupal to Magento
2017 - Process analysis between manufacturer - distributor - sale - and Maker (missing link)
2018 - Includes analysis around physical makerspaces and other organizations and their pain points
2019 - We ran out of money and had to put everything on ice. During this period I started investigating what could define the next industrial revolution and in 2020 I have a 4 step plan to enable Industry 5.0, where Blueprints is the first step to enable this.
2020 - Still no money, but I started working as Test lead for a wind turbine simulation company.
2021 - Got money, hired a Designer to rework the old MVP/POC and continued development of the Magento platform.
2022 - Continuous development, and in March we finally had a hire for a Plutus dev :D
Feel free to join our discord channel:
Currently ongoing;
Development on our Magento 2 platform with alignment to rapid prototyping
Implementation of smart contracts and native light wallet
---- List of our Smart contracts pending implementation; ----
- Registering account; Light Wallet automatically generated for User
- Creating extra profiles for organizations and companies; Light Wallet automatically generated for Organizations and Companies
- Creating teams for collaboration on blueprints; Owner of Blueprint can set % revenue to other team members
- Ledger access; User is able to see all sales, purchases, revenue and incentive streams through personal account for ledger UI
- Product Incentives; Once a sale is done through a Blueprint and received with reseller, THEN IF there is added a Revenue % on product, then this shall split the payment and send Revenue % to Blueprint owner [Maker], and the rest to reseller. IF Blueprint is created by a Team, then the total Revenue % shall be split between the set Team % allocation.
- Add Blueprint as NFT; If a User converts their Blueprint over to NFT, then this shall lock the Blueprint and no other edits can be done on the Blueprint, and it shall enable a purchase option of the Blueprint.
- Salesprice on Blueprint NFT; User must be able to set their own price on Blueprint NFT. Later we will add an algorithm to present the user with current expected value of NFT, based on sales through blueprint, visits, linked blueprint iterations etc.
- Blueprint NFT sold; When a Blueprint NFT is sold, it shall transfer all ownership of the Blueprint to the new owner. Sales and other revenue streams generated after it is sold shall be given to the new owner. If Blueprint had a Team of collaborators, and the Blueprint is sold as NFT, the sale price shall be split between the set Team % allocation.
- Revenue stream from the Youblob AI; Based on the algorithm that the AI engine uses and which Blueprints it has based its final solution on that leads to a sale, shall generate a revenue stream back to the Blueprint owners. Youblob will charge a 5% of the sale, to further enhance and develop the AI engine.
- Transactions on the Youblob platform; As Youblob is free to use, we need to have some sort of income to further enhance the services provided and further development of the platform. To keep it simple we charge a 5% for transactions done on the Youblob platform. This includes sales of products, services, event tickets and NFT sales.
- Organization - Subscriptions; If User creates an organization/makerspace etc on Youblob, They shall be able to handle subscription fees to their organization through Youblob.
- Referral payments; As a User I can earn Tinker Tokens by using my referral link and inviting other people to Youblob.
By building up a database of knowledge across all subjects and even a combination of subjects, we allow for a global collaboration tool for students to earn from their publications and school projects.
We promote open idea sharing with incentive models attached to this solution.
Blueprints can be turned into an NFT. Enabling everyone to create their own NFT's with the click of a button.
We make it easy to start a business and organizations within the same platform
Our value proposition we provide around rapid prototyping solutions, incentive models, ease of access into digital currency and NFT's without the need for know-how of the technology, along with the understanding of what products have been used for after they are sold is how we try to mitigate these challenges.
Already developed (currently in test stage);
Ongoing development (6 week development sprint incl. the above testing);
We are also investigating if we should run Tinker Token as an ICO, currently this is on hold.
22500 - Developer salary for 6 weeks
Yes, we only apply for funding for a 6 week development sprint, and would need to reapply again for the next sprint.
Git commits and Jira issues
Once we go out of the beta phase on our platform, we will start measuring through traffic, transactions and the different interaction elements
- Implementation of light wallet
- Implementation of our long list of smart contracts and remove our current adaptive payment solution
- Implementation of NFT's conversion for Blueprints (Ideas become an actual value of trade in the open source space)
Youblob traffic:
- First maker to earn a yearly income of 50K $ through Youblob
- 1K Blueprints made
- 1K Makers registered
- 10 Manufacturers/Distributors registered
We have applied for funding since Fund 3, and have not received any funding yet. So we just try again.
Youblob supports 10 out of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals
UNSDG 1: No poverty
The Youblob platform is free to use. If you have no money, you shall still be able to use Youblob to earn money, collaborate with others, publish blueprints, add products, set up your own business and/or organization.
UNSDG 4: Quality education
As more and more Blueprints are published on Youblob, Youblob will be used as a learning platform, giving free easy access to schools and their students, enabling new ideas in the local communities on how to optimize and make things better
UNSDG 5: Gender equality
Youblob supports Gender Equality and the empowerment of women and girls.
Through our platform we want to change the bad social norms that exists in certain societies by promoting and helping diverse communities and organizations that includes females.
UNSDG 8: Decent work and economic growth
Our platform creates an easy portal into the business world.
Scaling your business or putting it on vacation mode is just one click away.
Youblob makes it easy for End Users to become part of a SMART technological platform aimed towards product handling, commerce and offering services, fully integrated with automated accounting, advanced back-end wallet functions and scalable solutions aimed to help the end-users.
UNSDG 9: Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Youblob connects the Industry with the End Users, providing valuable data back to the industry thus paving the way for new innovations on a product level at a rapid speed.
Youblob wish to participate in building infrastructure such as automated production hubs around the world. Starting in undeveloped countries first. (Please note; this is a later stage in reaching Industry 5.0)
UNSDG 10: Reduced inequalities
Developing countries needs to be given access to the correct tools for an efficient and stable collaborative effort. Youblob enables such by giving an easy way for new B2B relationships to form, along with enabling B2C and C2B solutions on the same level.
Reducing inequalities in our society, by making everyone understand they are equal as the next person might be the one that takes their product to the next level.
UNSDG 11: Sustainable cities and communities
The Youblob platform makes the different iterations created in the different local communities easy to share and iterate on using local materials. Thus supporting the least developed countries through technical assistance, know-how and establishing an understanding of what works best in the different regions.
UNSDG 12: Responsible consumption and production
Blueprints explains how Users can build upon and reuse recycled material, and will be a key factor in ensuring that the people get the relevant information and awareness for a sustainable development, reducing waste and the reuse of materials.
UNSDG 13: Climate action
As part of awareness-raising, impact reduction and education of the people around Climate Actions. Youblob provides a platform to strengthen the institutional work with technology transfer, development actions and individual capacity building.
UNSDG 17: Partnerships for the goals
Youblob enables science and technology cooperation non-excluding.
Youblob is part of enhancing global microeconomic stability.
Project started in 2012.
Current team;