ID: # | Status:
Not approved

Last updated 2 years ago

Optim Finance - Liquidity Bonds


Cardano struggles to properly support small SPOs. Optim’s Liquidity Bond Market addresses this by allowing anyone to borrow and lend ADA delegation. While near complete, a few milestones remain.


Liquidity Bonds are a novel DeFi instrument that allows anyone to lend + borrow ADA delegation.SPO Bonds allow SPOs to borrow delegation to bootstrap pools, mint blocks consistently, prove competence

Total to date

This is the total amount allocated to Optim Finance - Liquidity Bonds.

Total funds requested
Project status:
Complete: 0
In progress: 0
Total votes cast
Votes yes
Votes no


The Optim team includes Advanced Haskell/Plutus engineers experienced in building and shipping DeFi dApps, finance experts, and experienced entrepreneurs.

Team has built and shipped production Cardano dApps:

Team members formerly of Minswap, Seabug, and IOHK contractors