Last updated 2 years ago
There is no product on a Cardano that supports a gamification pipeline of enabling multiple users to earn NFTs while playing together.
We will create a product that tracks players' progression and enables them to earn rewards while playing in a group.
This is the total amount allocated to P2E: Group Progression System.
We will create a product that tracks players' progression and enables them to earn rewards while playing in a group.
The Future Fest team is composed of engineers and product managers with 30 years of combined experience working at Fortune 500 media and finance companies, as well as virtual reality and entertainment startups.
As more games are being developed on Cardano, project creators are tasked with finding ways to monetize and also provide interesting uses of Web3.0 to add value for the players. When looking at gaming trends, a very popular system that fans and developers both love is the concept of a battle pass. A battle pass allows for people to play as much or as little as they want and earn rewards during a gaming "season". We want to add a Web3.0 twist by rewarding players with NFTs once they reach certain milestones.
Out team, along with ADA Anvil, created a mystery box minting system that we've collaborated with 6 other NFT projects on to make minting more fun.
We will be making a quest mode that utilizes the platform that we have created with Future Fest. This allows for a baseline multiplayer experience that will allow players to work together to complete themed story missions. We want to keep development on this side relatively light as we mostly want to use this to showcase a proof of concept for the battle pass system we're creating.
While initially this progression system will be integrated into Future Fest, we fully intend to expand the product over time, so that other teams building on Cardano can utilize and integrate it into their own products in the future.
This proposal will hopefully drive adoption of new Cardano users as this technology will enable teams to develop interesting ways for people to earn NFTs with low fees.
The main risk is we need to deliver a compelling experience that makes use of this technology, otherwise there is no immediate way to assess the impact of this product. The way we could ensure a good gaming experience is by modeling it after an already successful one. We will work around existing multiplayer game archetypes and add our own Web3.0 spin to it.
Each sprint will run for two weeks. We aim to complete this proposal in four sprints. Each bullet point represents the competition of a major feature.
Responsible Parties:
Future Fest [FF]
DevBuddy [DB]
ADA Anvil [AA]
Sprint #1:
Sprint #2:
Sprint #3:
Sprint #4:
Estimated event showcase: November 15, 2022
Development: $53,200
Art: $5000
Marketing: $5,000
Total Budget: $63,200
Steven comes from a software development background working at Fortune 50 media companies. He also has led several technical teams in creating projects in emerging technologies.
[Responsibility: Backend Development]
Kevin has virtual reality experience specializing in interactive user immersion and system design. His work ranges in industries from media experiences to eCommerce.
[Responsibility: Unity Development]
Matthew has led the product for multiple creative platforms. He also has extensive experience in ideation, storytelling, design, development and implementation of virtual experiences.
[Responsibility: UI/UX Development]
Pablo’s experience in Business Affairs comes from working with TV studios, along with major music labels. That experience is complimented by his graduate degree in Music Industry Administration. Also an NFT evangelist.
[Responsibility: Marketing/Onboarding]
Jimmy has spent the last decade building and maintaining systems for Fortune 500 companies. He has experience in various systems including web, mobile, cloud, and gaming.
[Responsibility: Frontend/Backend Development]
Wyatt Thornbury / DevBuddy
Extensive background in systems and virtual reality game development.
[Responsibility: Unity Development]
Ada Anvil is a team of six experienced Cardano developers. The team has more than 25 years’ combined experience in software development and programming, and has a record of developing state-of-art infrastructure for Cardano projects.
[Responsibility: Frontend/Backend Development/ DApp Development]
If this proposal is successful, we will not need additional funding for this product since we're hoping it could be self sustaining after we show that it works.
We will be tracking how many players start progression and how many complete it. We also want to measure time spent while earning to see if it has an impact on application usage.
Success for this product would be if more projects adopt this model of earning. We want to inspire other teams to create more shared experiences for groups of people because that will convince more people to spend more time in the metaverse.
New proposal
The Future Fest team is composed of engineers and product managers with 30 years of combined experience working at Fortune 500 media and finance companies, as well as virtual reality and entertainment startups.