Last updated 2 years ago
NFT collectors want expert information and analysis about current and upcoming Cardano NFT projects, but don't know who to trust.
Create informative, well-researched, and trustworthy videos and podcasts about the exciting projects and teams that are building Cardano NFTs.
This is the total amount allocated to Professional Cardano NFT Content.
Create informative, well-researched, and trustworthy videos and podcasts about the exciting projects and teams that are building Cardano NFTs.
I've been involved in CNFTs since their inception and have spent hundreds of hours researching and studying them.
Since November 2021, I've been the host of blakeCNFT, a YouTube channel and podcast that's dedicated to educating and informing people about Cardano NFTs.
Cardano NFTs are a relatively new addition to the Cardano ecosystem. In the beginning, no one was making content of any kind about Cardano NFTs, and if they were, they were brand new just like the rest of us.
At this stage of the game, there are now experts in the space who have spent a significant amount of time in Twitter Spaces, Discords, and interviews talking with these project founders. I am one of those experts.
Since November 2021, I've been creating informative, well-researched, and trustworthy videos and podcasts about the exciting projects and teams that are building Cardano NFTs. Viewers benefit from my short-form content that gives them the basics of what they need to know about current or upcoming projects. In my interviews and weekly market updates, views get an in-depth analysis about the current state of the market as well as project deep-dives and if they should invest their ADA.
This space [Cardano NFTs] is going to continue to grow, and Cardano is going to need consistent voices speaking into these spaces to earn the reputation it deserves. I aim to be a voice that helps onboard and educate people about CNFTs.
This proposal fits well in this challenge because it addresses two main aspects: Social Media and Gaming
Social Media - Inside of a relatively new channel and niche, I've been able to gain 4,300 Twitter followers and 2,900 YouTube subscribers in a short amount of time. People have trusted me with information about CNFTs since I made my channel back in 2021. I plan to continue adding more content and improving my production with this proposal.
Gaming - Up until this point, gaming has only been in the "building" phase and no major releases have been launched to the public. Still, this has been an area of my channel that I've spent hundreds of hours researching to give people the information they've needed to keep up with these different projects. In the coming months, some of these games will come online. I hope to cover several of these games on my channel in an attempt to showcase and highlight these teams to the greater NFT community.
The main risks that prevent me from delivering the project successfully are twofold:
People lose interest in crypto related topics and therefore NFTs will suffer
In recent weeks, the crypto markets, as well as other markets around the world, have lost liquidity and market cap as people mitigate risk. As these events have happened, some people lose interest in NFTs because they don't make them as much money as other ventures, which leads to lower views and other engagement metrics. Despite this trend with most crypto channels, I've continued to produce consistent content that people enjoy watching and new and returning people come to watch.
A lack of consistency in creating and producing content for my audience
The biggest risk falls on me, the creator of the content. If I fail to produce videos, I lose my audience. If I slack off on ideas, I don't make videos. If I lose my consistency, this project would fail. However, since the creation of my channel, through high points, and low, I've continued to produce consistent content that people enjoy watching, and with this proposal I only hope to increase this production.
My wife and I are expecting a baby in late October so that could effect some video production in early November. I hope to take a week or two to spend time with them and then continue to produce content.
My Workload:
When proposal is accepted, my workload will begin immediately.
Website Building:
When proposal is accepted, the process of website creation will begin.
Video editor(s):
When proposal is accepted, the process of hiring a video editor will begin.
Community Moderators:
When proposal is accepted, the Discord Moderator role will being immediately.
Thumbnail Creation:
When proposal is accepted, the thumbnail creator role will being immediately.
Community Wallet:
When proposal is accepted, the giveaway wallet will be created immediately.
Website Creation & Maintenance - $12,000
Video Editor(s) - ($40/hour x 3hours/video x10 videos/month x 6 months - $7,200
Supporting the Host - (20 hours per week @ $33 per hour x 6 months) = $4,000
Equipment Upgrades - (studio, monitor, and computer upgrades) - $4,000
Giveaway Wallet - $5,000
Discord Moderator(s) - ($300/month x 6 months) - $1,800
Thumbnail Creation - ($10/video x 10 videos/month x 6 months) - $1,000
Total Requested Funds - $35,000
Main Team
BlakeCNFT - Content Creator
Relic Crypto - Community Moderator
Remote Team
Website Designer
Video Editor
Thumbnail Editor
Content Contributors
Block Is Hot
Freedom 35ers
Daily Chronicles
Cardano Ecosystem News
CJ Lovelace
This is my proposal for providing CNFT content as a part-time job. There is a possibility in the future for this to become a full-time job. Project Catalyst would be a great resource to turn to again if more funds are needed for the further improvement of the channel.
Consistency - At least 10 videos/month (2.5 videos/week)
Growth - 5,000 subscribers (January 2023)
Excellence - 95% average "Likes" on videos and 4.5 or higher rating on podcast platforms
A safe place for new and current Cardano NFT (CNFT) collectors and come together to hear informative, well-researched, and trustworthy videos and podcasts about the exciting projects and teams that are building Cardano NFTs.
This is an entirely new proposal submission. I have been active in the Cardano community since January 2021, but haven't submitted a Catalyst proposal before.
SDG goals:
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
SDG subgoals:
Ensure public access to information and protect fundamental freedoms, in accordance with national legislation and international agreements
By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship
I've been involved in CNFTs since their inception and have spent hundreds of hours researching and studying them.
Since November 2021, I've been the host of blakeCNFT, a YouTube channel and podcast that's dedicated to educating and informing people about Cardano NFTs.