Last updated 2 years ago
Cardano currently falls short on attracting developers from the Golang community for writing off-chain code due to its reputation as being Haskell only
Combining ProofSpace's DID protocol & Argus, build on Cardano the most scalable, comprehensive solution in the industry for verifying the legitimacy of NFT projects and authenticity of NFTs.
This is the total amount allocated to ProofSpace x Argus - IDs 4 NFTs.
Combining ProofSpace's DID protocol & Argus, build on Cardano the most scalable, comprehensive solution in the industry for verifying the legitimacy of NFT projects and authenticity of NFTs.
ArgusNFT's CTO is a senior AI engineer, and its team has a combined >40yrs dev experience.
ProofSpace has extensive full stack dev, product and ops experience. PRISM & Indy are integrated into Proofspace's proven decentralized ID platform.
ArgusNFT: Strengths and Limitations
Counterfeit (i.e. fake) and otherwise plagiarized NFTs are a serious and growing problem. Back in January,, the world’s largest NFT marketplace, admitted that over 80% of the NFTs being minted using their free minting service “were plagiarized works, fake collections, and spam.” (1) And forums like the Twitter account @NFTtheft – which currently has over 20,000 followers – have documented some of the human cost of NFT plagiarism for both artists and NFT traders.
ArgusNFT is an AI-powered, counterfeit NFT detection protocol built to address this problem. It monitors all NFTs minted on Cardano, detects any NFTs containing identical or similar images and/or metadata, and assesses the likelihood that similar NFTs are counterfeits. ArgusNFT has recently partnered with JPG Store, the leading NFT marketplace on Cardano, to help the Store protect its inventory from counterfeit NFTs. Later this year, the launch of Aegis – an encrypted image registry and notification service – will further protect creators and collectors from bad actors copying their digital assets. And the ArgusNFT team will soon begin building out Argus support for Ethereum and additional blockchains to protect against cross-chain plagiarism and scams – a problem that’s growing as NFT trading migrates away from Ethereum onto other blockchains.
That said, the problem of NFT scams and plagiarism can’t be comprehensively addressed by ArgusNFT alone. At least until Argus scales to support all major NFT ecosystems, its AI-powered detection services will be key components of NFT authentication rather than a comprehensive solution in itself. And realistically, no matter how scalable Argus is, or how extensive its market penetration proves to be, there will always remain many digital images and NFTs beyond its scope that can be exploited by bad actors.
For these reasons, the best way to fight NFT plagiarism and scams is to attack the problem from multiple angles. Argus can determine with high accuracy whether a given NFT is a counterfeit or copy of another NFT within its purview, but for a more comprehensive solution it’s also necessary to assess the legitimacy of an artist or team behind a given NFT collection. Fortunately, solutions to help answer this question are emerging in the field of Digital, Self Soveriegn Identity (SSI). And a solution proposed by the team at ProofSpace can provide a 360o Solution to NFT plagiarism and scams when combined with key tools like Argus.
ProofSpace x ArgusNFT: Foundation for a Comprehensive Solution
The applications of Decentralized Identifiers (DIDs) and SSI are as broad as traditional, identifying credentials, and eventually identity - the power of reputation and credit it could unlock - will become an important part of NFT markets. But the contribution of SSI to the problem of NFT plagiarism and scam collections can be boiled down to the following:
Given the synergy of Proofspace's DID solution and Argus, and how much the combination of these two solutions could improve trust in NFT markets, we're proposing the development of a Proof of Concept (PoC) demonstrating the integration of a number of verifiable credentials, including one issued by the ArgusNFT (NFT minting history verification) platform.
You can view a detailed schematic of the workflow for this PoC here:
In summary though, with this PoC the following will be possible:
A draft workflow is available as PDF attachment to this proposal.
Our teams at ProofSpace and ArgusNFT believe that if credentials like these are created and included in the metadata of NFTs when they’re minted, it will dramatically reduce the ability of art thieves and scammers to exploit NFT markets. And with AI projects currently in development which quantitatively assess the legitimacy of social accounts, we’ll soon be able to add one more powerful identifier to these credentials to optimize their power and utility. In their “final form, these credentials should finally allow NFT marketplaces to fairly afford visibility to creators of all kinds, and scale apace with creativity and innovation, without wasting time and resources trying to filter out thieves and copycat collections.
Given the power of this solution, we’re confident that NFTs + DIDs + key credentials like Argus verification of minting history will become an industry standard, and mark a key step in the maturation of the NFT space. Indeed, we have already started collaborating with the Cardano SSI Alliance (coordinated by Tony Rose and the PRISM team) around a set of standards for DIDs and NFTs. Through work that is being done by our team, PRISM, IAMX and others in Cardano it seems there is an organic convergence around such specifications and we look forward to being a part of the on-going effort to agree upon and implement these specifications. We’re committed to helping Cardano projects pioneer this step in the evolution of NFT markets, and generate a lot of positive attention and adoption of Cardano NFTs in the process.
The main risk involved with this project that could prevent its successful completion, are the unknowns our two teams have about each other - whether we'll be able to successfully communicate and coordinate to achieve the milestones and deliverables agreed to in a timely way.
To mitigate this problem, both teams have vetted one another through several meetings, and by doing much preliminary inquiry into the nature of the project and research into the solution to the problem we seek to solve. We've developed a solid working relationship which leaves both teams confident in our combined abilities to complete the PoC as promised.
Additionally, there's a risk we could deliver the promised solution, but that it could fail to garner widespread adoption in the Cardano NFT community. And while we can't promise the adoption of a cutting-edge solution like the one we're working on, we're taking steps to ensure we do everything we can to foster the solution's adoption, including:
1) Attending roundtables of statkeholders in both the Cardano NFT and SSI communities to help ensure our solution is consistent with any emergent innovations and standards arising from the Cardano dev community.
2) Budgeting funds to widely present our solution to the above stakeholders, along with a wider demographic of Cardano NFT marketplace operators and market participants.
Deliverables & Milestones
June - July
Managing the workload of this and other proposals:
Here is a link explaining workload management.
Proof Space Deliverables
Cost (USD)
Workflow design, R&D $1,837
Social Accounts, email, phone Verifiable Credentials issuing. (ProofSpace) $5,175
Integration with ArgusNFT via webhooks. Flow setup and testing. $1,339
Public credentials RnD $673
Integration with Minting Platform via webhooks. Flow setup and testing. $1,339
Integration with Marketplace via webhooks. Flow setup and testing. $997
ProofSpace Subscription (Validate Package) $2,277
ProofSpace Support (15hrs at $140/hour) $2,100
Proofspace Subtotal $15,736
ArgusNFT Project Budget
Cost (USD)
Workflow Implementation R&D $725
Handle onboarding flow (api/webhook and persistence) 2 weeks $4,250
Handle Authenticity Flow (approx. 3 weeks) $7,450
NFT Minting (develop in-house or outsource DID minting platform integration) $5000
ArgusNFT support $1500
Project Coordination and Admin $2,000
Outreach presentations and Q&A's following completion of PoC $750
ArgusNFT Subtotal $21,675
Total Project Budget: $37,411
ProofSpace is a multi-network identity platform, wrapped with no-code tools for building and scaling decentralized ID workflows and ecosystems. Our goal is to eliminate the barriers to adopting Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI) and proliferate the range and volume of use cases on production. Our vision is to power global digital inclusion and cross-chain commerce with interoperable verifiable credentials, and in so doing expand use of blockchain as a medium of trust. We are live with Hyperledger Indy, on testnet with Atala PRISM and reviewing SSI protocols on Polkadot, Ethereum and Solana. LinkedIn | Twitter | YouTube | Knowledge Base
The key members of the ProofSpace team supporting this proposal include:
Argus NFT
ArgusNFT is developing a suite of cross-chain solutions to improve trust and discovery in in NFT markets. Argus, which is ArgusNFT’s flagship product, is an industry-first solution to the problem of fake/counterfeit NFTs and plagiarized artwork being sold as NFTs. It employs artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML) to verify the minting history of NFTs, providing stakeholders information they need to determine whether an NFT is an original or a copy. Agrus currently supports all Cardano NFTs, and R&D is ongoing to integrate support of additional blockchains to protect against cross-chain copies. LinkedIn | Twitter
The members of the ArgusNFT team supporting this proposal are:
Depending on the reception of this solution within the Cardano NFT community, and the availability of other sources of funding, we may return to project Catalyst to assist in integration with smaller NFT minting platforms and/or marketplaces offering minting services.
Also, we'll consider submitting a marketing/outreach proposal focused on leveraging the solution to promote adoption of Cardano creators currently operating in other blockchain ecosystems.
Success for this project looks like:
1) Completion of the PoC combining ProofSpace’s no-code DID platform with the Argus API - in a way that conforms to any NFT/DID standards that emerge from conversations ongoing between Cardano’s SSI and NFT communities.
2) Completion of a presentation demonstrating the potential benefits of this PoC, and how it might be incorporated by NFT project owners and marketplaces.
3) Presentation of the PoC to the NFT guild and the Cardano SSI alliance, as well as to the Cardano NFT community via social media, Q&As, Twitter Spaces, etc.
This is a new proposal.
Goal 9: "Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization, and foster innovation."
"... Facilitate sustainable infrastructure development for developing countries; support domestic technology development and industrial diversification; universal access to information and communications technology ... "
Goal 16: "Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels"
" ... develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions; ensure responsive, inclusive and representative decision-making; strengthen the participation in global governance; provide universal legal identity ... "
ArgusNFT's CTO is a senior AI engineer, and its team has a combined >40yrs dev experience.
ProofSpace has extensive full stack dev, product and ops experience. PRISM & Indy are integrated into Proofspace's proven decentralized ID platform.