Last updated 2 years ago
Due to the economic downturn and space constraints, more and more dogs are being abandoned and few people are adopting or donating to dog shelters.
Create a platform where stray dogs can be fed or adopted online, so that shelter dogs can obtain online feeding and increase their chances of being adopted.
This is the total amount allocated to Stray Dogs Raising Adopt Platform.
Create a platform where stray dogs can be fed or adopted online, so that shelter dogs can obtain online feeding and increase their chances of being adopted.
Community manager, SPO and members of DOG POOL.
Donation to different shelters (St. Ray´s rescue, Juntos Por los Ceferinos , Pingtung Huang dog charity, Rescate 4 patitas, Pariah Dog Koh Samui)
Volunteer at a guide dog training event
Hosts Cardano Hubs in Taiwan and Australia
We constantly interacted with many stray dog shelters and we know that the current economic situation makes it difficult for many shelters to survive. In order to help these dog shelters, we want to design a platform that aims to support stray dogs by creating dogs personalized CNFT to help every stray dog, also allowing people to donate to a specific dog or SHELTER with ADA or FIAT through the Platform that will contain foods, snacks, toys, tools, medical treatment, vaccinations or cleaning, so people could feel interactive and interesting while feeding dogs, buying snacks, toys, paying medical treatment, vaccinations or cleaning or even adopt the dog.
This proposal fits perfectly into this CHALLENGE and can be listed as Marketplace. The purpose of the Plataform is to allow donors to buy food, medicine, and sponsor medical expenses through the platform, and the total number of users and transactions made will be used to determine the success metric of the platform.
The risks and the mitigations are:
1- The number of donors does not reach our goal, the solution is we have to spend a lot of time marketing the platform, doing more marketing ads or working with more donors in order to reach the goal we have in mind.
2- Most people feed the same dog, there are some dogs that are cuter to look at that cause many people to just want to feed the same dog, so when a dog is already being fed by many people we will notify them and suggest feeding or helping another dog that is more in need.
3- Another concern may be whether the shelter can buy toys, snacks, medical supplies or give cleanup as the donor wishes, for which we can ask for invoices and photos as a way to ensure the shelter has carried out the donor's instructions, and if several times this is not achieved suspend helping the shelter for a month until improvement is made.
We constantly interact with many stray dog shelters and we know that the current economic situation is making it difficult for many of them to survive. To help these dog shelters, we would like to design a platform that aims to support them by creating and selling personalized CNFT for dogs, helping each stray dog by putting money towards feeding that dog and also allowing people who want to donate to not have to worry about not being able to do their part because they can't have a dog at home, we will design it so donors can donate to a specific dog or shelter with ADA or FIAT, the platform will contain food, snacks, toys, tools, medical care, vaccinations or cleaning, so people can feel interactive and fun when feeding dogs, buying snacks, toys, paying for medical care, vaccinations or cleaning, or even adopting a dog.
Therefore the content of the platform will be interactive and will be available mainly in Chinese and English, with Spanish added in the future as appropriate. People who buy food to feed will choose what to buy for which dog in the platform. All dogs will have their names and what they need, such as medical treatment, ligation, bathing, food, toys, etc. The platform will list the names of the different shelters and the dogs they take in, and when a donor reaches a certain number of donations they will receive a CNFT as a token of appreciation and remembrance.
The creation and design of the platform involves the cooperation of many professionals, and requires the expertise of NFT designer, software designer, platform designer with security and a coordinator to complete the project, so we estimate that it will take six months to build an interactive and secure platform. The secure design of the platform is important because it will allow people to buy foods, medical treatment, vaccinations or cleaning products and donate through the platform with ADA or FIAT. It is expected that a designer for NFT, a platform architect designer, a computer engineer and a coordinator will be needed to complete this work.
We expect to design the platform in six months, and the schedule is as follows:
1. Frontend development: two months to design the content and appearance of the platform.
Initial framework and structure of the platform, and start contacting some shelters to tell them our idea of the platform and invite them to join.
2. Backend development: the third month to the fifth month to start the design of the platform, payment linked to the wallet, how to assess its security, careful planning of all the details of the collection, ADA and FIAT individual need to link the account, etc.
3. Audit: The sixth month will focus on all the remaining details of the platform and audit it. Will also start to contact shelters, start to collect photos of dogs and design CNFT.
Our milestones are:
1. Able to finish designing the content, UX and look and feel of the platform in two months, i.e. front-end development.
2. Be able to complete the internal design of the platform, payment and wallet linking, security, all details of collections, accounts that ADA and FIAT need to link, etc. in the fifth month, i.e. complete the backend development.
3. Complete the audit in the 6th month.
After the platform design is completed, our key milestone are:
1. In the first month, more than10 feeds by ADA or FIAT on the platform.
2. After the third month, more than 50 feeds by ADA or FIAT on the platform , and finished 20 stray dogs personalized CNFT.
3. After six months, more than 100 feeds by ADA or FIAT on the platform, and finished 30 stray dogs personalized CNFT and complete 70 stray dogs personalized CNFT within a year
4. A dog adopted or donations to any shelter per month.
The estimated salary of professionals:
· Designer of personalized Dog NFT for each dog and mint it US$ 35 x 100 dogs US$ 3,500.
· A platform structure and architect designer (FrontEnd development) at US$ 4500 X 2 months,US$ 9,000
· 2 Backend developers and designers at US$ 4,500/month X 2 persons X3 months , US$ 27000
. Platform audit US$ 3000
· Coordinator of the entire work US$ 800 USD X 6 months US$ 4800
Total budget US$ 47,300
ADA DOG POOL Team members:
1.Sabrina Liu: Community manager of DOG POOL (Japanese, Chinese, English, Spanish and Korean languages support) Volunteer at stray dog shelters, will host Cardano Hubs in National ChengChi University in Taiwan (FUND 8), will organize the entire work.
2.Tian Yu: Online marketing, communications, social media Assistant of DOG POOL (Chinese and Spanish support ) Volunteer at stray dog shelters. Cardano Hub in National ChengChi University assistant, will contact different dog shelters to participate and join the platform.
3.James J.: CO-SPO of DOG POOL, IT specialist, Network security and analysis. Software developers will work with the design and development platform.
4.Emerson: CO- SPO of DOG POOL, Engineer in computer science, web design and technical support, will host Australian University Cardano talks (FUND 8) and will work with the design and development platform.
If we have other better ideas to expand CARDANO, create or help it grow, we may come back and continue to do our part, hoping to make the CARDANO ecosystem continue to build and grow.
We will design the platform according to the planned six-month schedule and try not to exceed the planned time, we will measure our project progress based on the timeline and if we can complete all the items according to the following schedule, then we think we achieve our goals:
1 . Finish the Front end development : the first two months, design the content and appearance of the platform, the
initial framework and structure of the platform, and start contacting some shelters to tell them our ideas for the platform and invite them to join
2 .Finish the Back end development: The third month to the fifth month to start designing the platform internally, payments linked to the wallet, how to assess its security, carefully planning all details of collections, ADA and FIAT personal accounts that need to be linked, etc.
3.Finish the audit and remaining details: In the month six will focus on all the remaining details of the platform, start contacting shelters, start collecting photos of dogs, design CNF
Our success metric must be whether or not we actually achieve what we want to help stray dogs once the platform is designed and finished, because the platform was created with the intention of helping stray dog shelters and stray dogs, so our key milestones are to achieve the following goals We will consider it a success if the following goals are achieved.
entirely new one
SDG goals:
End poverty in all its forms everywhere
End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture
Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Reduce inequality within and among countries
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
SDG subgoals:
By 2030, build the resilience of the poor and those in vulnerable situations and reduce their exposure and vulnerability to climate-related extreme events and other economic, social and environmental shocks and disasters
Develop and implement tools to monitor sustainable development impacts for sustainable tourism that creates jobs and promotes local culture and products
By 2030, substantially reduce the number of deaths and illnesses from hazardous chemicals and air, water and soil pollution and contamination
By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe and affordable drinking water for all
By 2020, protect and restore water-related ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Direct economic loss attributed to disasters in relation to global gross domestic product (GDP)
Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI):
Community manager, SPO and members of DOG POOL.
Donation to different shelters (St. Ray´s rescue, Juntos Por los Ceferinos , Pingtung Huang dog charity, Rescate 4 patitas, Pariah Dog Koh Samui)
Volunteer at a guide dog training event
Hosts Cardano Hubs in Taiwan and Australia