Last updated 2 years ago
Falsification - fraud
Currently the classic production of concert, show or soccer tickets allows platforms with dubious practices to make a second market a source of potential duplication of tickets.
With blockchain Cardano everything will happen electronically.A digital nominative ticket is purchased,which will allow you to have a unique identifier for each ticket.
This is the total amount allocated to Ticketing system in Africa.
With blockchain Cardano everything will happen electronically.A digital nominative ticket is purchased,which will allow you to have a unique identifier for each ticket.
I have several times attended concerts or football matches where there were many counterfeit tickets that looked exactly like the real ticket. Which is a huge loss of earnings for the organizers. and with the blockchain we can eradicate this scourge.
Currently the classic production of concert, show or football match tickets allows platforms with dubious practices to make a second market a source of potential duplication of tickets which represents a huge shorfall for the culture and sports industry. The main problem encountered by the event industry is the falsification of counterfeit tickets and to remedy this we will have to use blockchains. In the context of concerts or sporting events, no more barcodes or tickets, everything will happen electronically.A digital nominative ticket is purchased, which will allow you to have a unique identifier for each ticket Thanks to the blockchain where the information is transparent, the organization will have access to the history of transactions and the identity of the buyers returns in case of impediment.This technology will particularily useful for the secondary marcket. It will certify that the person has resold a real ticket fraudsters will therefore be limited in their action money disappear as it was during the past champions league on saturday May 28 between Real Madrid and Liverpool with at least 30.000 people holding counterfeit tickets, a crowd that sparked scenes of chaos around the enclosure according to Gerard Darmanin French minister of the interior. Authentification can be resold but cannot be multiplied. The project is much more feasible with the cardano blockchain which has all the preresqusites for a successful project.
We submitted to this challenge because it corresponds to our profiles and it corresponds perfectly to what we want to develop.
Being able to do without an intermediary to sell their ticketing online, and cutting the rug out from under the feet of fraudsters and second-market resellers who have a foothold on the Web, is what a technology like the Cardano blockchain.
The blockchain ensures the direct and secure transfer of tickets between individuals. This will oppose peer-to-peer to the secondary market, and reduce the number of squatters who buy as many tickets as possible when the ticket office opens for the sole purpose of reselling them at a higher price.
10000 $ => Smart contract development
10000 $ => Code audit ( CERTIK)
5000 $ => Marketing
10000 $ => Construction of work room
10000 $ => Purchase of IT equipment to equip the premises
1000 $ => Team expenses
4000 $ => Service fees for an experimented cardano blockchain developer
Project manager Mady Dia, holder of a degree in human resources management, who will be responsible for measuring the progress of the project.
you can contact me on my e-mail address above.
Our team includes a web developer, who will guide the team on the technological side.
A mobile developer and an IT specialist.
We will also call on experienced blockchain developers from the Cardano community.
Because after having launched our startup and deploying our smart contract for the ticketing system on the Cardano blockchain, we will meet cultural actors to offer them our solution and if they will certainly adopt it, we will make profits, which will will allow us to grow our gains and become financially independent.
This is a new big project for africa.
I have several times attended concerts or football matches where there were many counterfeit tickets that looked exactly like the real ticket. Which is a huge loss of earnings for the organizers. and with the blockchain we can eradicate this scourge.