Last updated 2 years ago
In countries with high inflation, many are still economically marginalised, undocumented and unable to access banking systems- let alone Web 3.0
A utility portal as a service for enterprises. Fully editable project hubs accessed by wallet login containing specific tokens.
This is the total amount allocated to TokenPerkz: Unlockable Utility Hub.
A utility portal as a service for enterprises. Fully editable project hubs accessed by wallet login containing specific tokens.
We already have a team and a working MVP, please see:
Terry West: Lead developer.
Nathan Staples: Business development lead.
Sam Clark: Design & brand manager.
Kiel Abraham: Full stack developer.
Enterprises are constantly creating tokens which have utility attached to them. In many cases the enterprise requires the utility to be exclusive to token holders only, currently there are very few solutions to neatly overcome this problem without custom development.
How will TokenPerkz work?
We are developing a portal which enterprises can sign-up to, this allows them to offer their token holders access to specific content, by the user logging into the portal using their wallet & applicable tokens. The platform will allow an easy off the shelf method of delivering customised content to specific token holders or exclusive access as a service. We envisage this portal to be fully editable by the enterprise, so they can freely update their token’s utility offering and community content.
The custom content enterprises will be able to offer through the portal, will be secured video/audio/imagery, merchandise, holder only live streaming, reward points, voting.
The UI will be a professional and pleasurable experience (for both the dashboard and project page), making it a platform that enterprises will happily use and be proud to point their token holders to. The ability to include Discord announcements and social media posts will also be built in, making this a unifying hub which all projects can greatly benefit from.
What will it take? beta is already live and is being used by the film production company, Serenity Pictures. Token holders are currently able to unlock exclusive project content such as; full quality feature film download, behind the scenes footage, posters and other locked content.
Currently to onboard new projects and update content requires the TokenPerkz team to manually assist the project. To scale the TokenPerkz platform and bring the full potential of on-demand customisation, we need a backend content console that can be securely accessed by project owners. We are beginning to build this but it will take a large amount of development/design time to get this to its full potential. We will use the funding to pay for more developer time to complete the content editing console in a shorter time-frame, which will lead to us being able to onboard more enterprises sooner.
How will TokenPerkz be marketed?
Sam Clark is already part of the team, he has extensive design, marketing and branding knowledge to ensure we are targeting the correct audience. Currently we have a few customers waiting to onboard with our platform. Following this we have contacts with many projects and businesses within the Cardano community who we believe can benefit from TokenPerkz the most. We will explore further marketing possibilities once we have a few projects on board and the full content customisation portal can be freely tried and tested.
With the help of catalyst funding we could accelerate both development and marketing to bring TokenPerkz into the light of the public and mainstream non-crypto business sector.
We believe that TokenPerkz can become a valuable tool which enterprises will want to use. As the solution to this problem is limited, we are focused on building an organic following and recognition through relevant social media channels.
Many Cardano projects have utilities planned for their tokens to drive loyalty and interest from holders. However, each project is currently having to custom-make its own utility solutions. TokenPerkz would be an out of the box solution that offers projects a secure hub where token holders can simply login via their wallet, and token creators can control exclusive features and content via their dashboard (a backend CMS), based on the wallet contents.
The projects will even be able to control if holders see different content based on the rarity of their project tokens. As the Cardano ecosystem and users grow, we are focused on developing a platform which is a pleasure to use for all involved, and a brand which is trusted. This will enable us to further onboard more traditional businesses into the space and easily realise the benefits that blockchain tokens can unlock.
Eventually we would like to extend our offering to be chain agnostic and encompass tokens from other blockchains. To get there we first need to make the onboarding and content editing process easy and seamless for all.
With our beta and branding in place, plus our contacts and reputation in the scene, we are confident we can attract the attention from more enterprises. The main challenge we face is whether we can onboard enough projects in a reasonable timeframe to bring TokenPerkz to its full potential.
We want to develop a platform which can cater for nearly any type of utility desired by the token creators. As adoption of blockchain grows, we are aware of the diverse requirements different business sectors will need. TokenPerkz wants to be a solution for every enterprise on and off the chain, this funding would mean we can accelerate development of the platform, keeping mass adoption in mind and bring off the shelf access to real world businesses as well as those already in the blockchain ecosystem.
Phase 1 - Content console setup
Phase 2 - Content customisation (basic)
Phase 3 - Content customisation (adv)
Phase 4 - Bulk data access
The phases of some of these items may be adjusted slightly as we progress
$50k - Full Stack Developer (6-9months)
UK contract rates are around 500GBP per day for reference
Ideally we are looking to take on a developer as an employee full time. If not possible due to availability or timing we will opt for 2 part time contracts.
– 1 developer full time
– 2 developers part time
As we are already a registered business, normal business operating costs, hosting & server costs, equipment & marketing will be covered and excluded from the catalyst funding.
Catalyst funding will solely be utilised for TokenPerkz.
Terry West - Lead Developer
Nathan Staples - Business Development Lead
Kiel Abraham - Full Stack Developer
Sam Clark - Designer & Brand Manager
Additional Developer - Pending catalyst funding outcome
We do not intended to at this stage, as further funding is not needed with our current plans. If in the future we find that we would like to tackle bigger, more complex issues which are outside of our available budget, we may apply for further funding for a specific purpose.
Direct progress will be measured by the completion of the different phases outlined in the plan above; developing the beta, UI design etc.
Progress will be determined by the number of projects we are onboarding to the platform.
Using existing third party softwares such as Jira, we track and record development tasks.
Success for TokenPerkz will be mass adoption of the platform, from an array of enterprises. They will be able to securely login and customise the content as per their needs in a quick and easy way. The tool will be seen as a critical part of an enterprise’s functionality and will be consistently used and enjoyed by token holders.
Our ability to onboard traditional businesses outside of the blockchain space into TokenPerkz, will be easy and efficient for all involved.
This proposal is an entirely new one
We already have a team and a working MVP, please see:
Terry West: Lead developer.
Nathan Staples: Business development lead.
Sam Clark: Design & brand manager.
Kiel Abraham: Full stack developer.