Last updated 2 years ago
Tent was created to be a universal tool that anyone could utilize to safely trade Native Cardano Assets. For now, the product has been implemented in English, leaving non-English speakers vulnerable.
We will develop a multilanguage functionality for Tent, making it easier for people from all over the world to trade Native Cardano Assets from Wallet to Wallet in their native language.
This is the total amount allocated to Trading Tent: Multi-language.
We will develop a multilanguage functionality for Tent, making it easier for people from all over the world to trade Native Cardano Assets from Wallet to Wallet in their native language.
Our team has developed Tent, a live trading system. Everyone can open a Tent using a compatible wallet and share the link so another user can join. We have traded over 10,000 assets and more than 2.5 Million ₳ through Trading Tent.
Trading Tent is a live trading system. Everyone can open a Tent using a compatible wallet and share the link so another user can join. A tent is a room where 2 users can exchange any native Cardano asset in a single transaction. This transaction will only happen if both parties agree and sign.
There are no smart contracts, no locked assets, and no waiting. Just a single Cardano transaction directly between 2 users.
Trading Tent has been used within the Cardano community since January 2022 and has helped users avoid all types of third-party escrow scams. Trading Tent has become the go-to platform for NFT collectors to trade NFTs 🔄 NFTs, ₳ 🔄 NFTs, or even Native Tokens 🔄 NFTs because it's easy to use, it doesn't hold any assets and it works thanks to Cardano's eUTXO model.
We want to make this safespace for trading available for more people around the world and language is one barrier that leaves non-native speakers vulnerable. We want to reduce this barrier by implementing a multilanguage system within Tent, so Users can trade their Cardano Native Assets in their native language.
How will the project be implemented?
We want to introduce the following translations for all the UX/UI of Tent, including a FAQ and How To's in the following languages: Mandarin, Hindi, Spanish, French, Arabic, Filipino, Portuguese, and Indonesian.
What will be produced & be the result of this proposal?
Trading Tent will be available in 9 of the top languages spoken in the world and more users will be able to trade safely and understand each step of the trading process with anyone in the world. It will open the doors to more users and reduce the vulnerability of scams, bad actors and increment the overall safety of the Cardano Community.
With the Multilanguage implementation of Trading Tent we will be closer to becoming the universal tool we envisioned, making it available to more people around the globe than having them utilize it to safely trade Native Cardano Assets.
Trading Tent was created to make it easier for anyone to trade any type of Native Cardano Assets. Right now, it has been used to trade more than 2,5 Million ₳ and 10,000 native assets, and having more languages available will open the gates of safe P2P Asset trading to more people.
The biggest challenge to our goal to have a multilanguage implementation within Tent is having the right translation for the technical parts of the UX/UI and keeping the development implementation seamless for the user.
For this, we're working with only native speakers of each language to have an honest, pure translation of our features and functions, including HOW-TOs, and making it as clear as possible so that it's safe for everyone to use.
Our next challenge would be the technical side of things. We're currently working on the mobile version of Tent and continue to bring different features and aspects to the platform. The technical solution should be future-proof and easy to update for future features and functions.
This project has two parallel phases and one implementation of both phases.
Translation Creation Parallel
2 Weeks - Laying down the complete requirements in English that the translators will work with.
2 Weeks - Finding each Language translator
4 Weeks - Translating the content for the UX/UI & How-To's, and revising each translation with translators
Technical Implementation Parallel
2 Weeks - Defining the best way to implement the multi-language solution to the platform
6 Weeks - Developing the multilanguage solution for Tent (frontend and backend)
Implementation After Success of Parallel Phases
2 Weeks - Implementing the Translations within the multilanguage solution and public testing with native-speaking users to gather any feedback or suggestions.
Future Open Language Translations After Success of Implementation
1 Week – We will implement an open language translation system that allows users to publicly submit, revise and approve translations made to Tent, so we can open Safe Trading to more languages in the future with the Cardano Community.
Translation Services $16,000 ($2,000 per language)
Mandarin, German, Spanish, French, Arabic, Filipino, Portuguese, Indonesian
Language-Specific Marketing Materials $4000 ($500 per language)
Language-Specific How-to Tutorial $4000 ($500 per language)
Multilanguage Implementation $10,000
Trading Tent is self-funded by the Fort Gotten team:
The team that will be executing this proposal are:
Horia Schiau – Head of Product
The creator of Tent, the main full-stack developer that will be implementing the multilanguage function on the system.
Carlos Arnecke – Product Design
Main UX/UI designer for Tent. Arnecke will make sure the language implementation works with the UX/UI and that it's native to the users.
Sam Portillo – Product Strategy
The main strategy and the writer of this proposal. Sam will make sure that all teams are working in order to fulfill the goal, creating different tools for communication with the team members and the public.
Roberto Burgos – Product Marketing
Will be in charge of communicating directly with all new translators that will for this project and will revise and make sure all translations are loyal to the initial intention.
Besides Tent's core team, we will be adding translators for every language in this proposal.
We believe Catalyst is one of the things that make Cardano Community the best way to build an open blockchain future. The possibility to be heard, listened and granted funds to continue to build a better version of your product is incredible.
If we get funded, we will return whenever we see feasible and have a proposal/feature that we cannot fund ourselves.
Trading Tent has dedicated a public notion for anyone interested in auditing the progress of this proposal to be able to look at it at any moment. You can check it out here →
Success in this project will mean the completing and implementing the translations of our Cardano Native Assets Trading Platform. Any user that speaks any of the selected languages is able to use the platform in a safe way, opening live trading to more countries and users around the globe.
This will naturally transform into new users getting to know the platform, understanding the possibilities of the Cardano Blockchain, and doing it in a safe, secure, and instant way.
This is Trading Tent's first Catalyst proposal and we hope to be able to submit more. Tent has been self-funded so far and we would be able to grow faster, bigger and safer for all users if these proposals are approved.
You can check it out here →
Our team has developed Tent, a live trading system. Everyone can open a Tent using a compatible wallet and share the link so another user can join. We have traded over 10,000 assets and more than 2.5 Million ₳ through Trading Tent.