[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem.
V2target is an application that helps Cardano users to process transactions on the crypto market in two directions. They can both increase their profits and also increase the amount of ADA they own...
[GENERAL] Summarize your relevant experience.
Our team are funded proposers of 6 proposal (Vcoincheck.io and Fimi fund7,8), big SPO, admin of huge Facebook and telegram community, Financial professional, Professional dev team – Vknight.io team.
[IMPACT] Please describe your proposed solution.
- The majority of people who love and participate in the Cardano ecosystem are ADA holders. And the ADA holding vision is 10-20 years.
- Currently, the crypto market is entering a downtrend phase. People tend to hold ADA firmly to wait but many investors will also leave.
- There are many ways for an investor to participate in the crypto market to increase the number of coins he holds such as using money to buy coins, trading based on exchange rate differences.
- However, financial trading in volatile markets like crypto is always considered a high-risk action and not every investor is financially savvy or has enough time. to participate in the 24/7 trading market like crypto.
- Currently, there are many financial management applications that help investors to automatically trade, but most of them have many potential risks in terms of safety and security. Two major types of applications can be mentioned as bot trading (copy trade) and Yeild farming (dapps).
- Many people staking ADA for passive income but still want the opportunity to increase their assets when the market fluctuates. However, withdrawing from the wallet to the exchange, from the exchange placing buy-sell orders, calculate the amount to sell, calculate the snapshot time to withdraw to the wallet to optimize staking.
From the above factors, the following challenges can be seen:
1 – Maximizing the efficiency of using ADA can help investors increase ADA or USD
2- Attract and retain ADA investors when the market is in a downtrend period
3- 1 financial transaction management and transaction application to ensure the safety and initiative for users.
4- 1 team of product development have enough trust from the community or investors.
III.Here is our detail solution
V2target or we call it the DUAL-TARGET action for ADA HOLDER is a financial application researched and developed by 2 groups:
Research on "Dual target" solution: Vcoincheck and Fimi team (check link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xC4XiVL0Rkg)
Technical building and development (apps): Vknight.io team (Vknight.io website or github: https://github.com/vknighthub)
V2target is an application that will automatically and simply withdraw from the exchange to the wallet, from the exchange to the exchange, execute trading orders on the exchange, calculate the ADA balance, and withdraw according to the snapshot time. to ensure optimal stasking... all done automatically even when the ADA holder is asleep.
However, to deploy into a product for many people, it is necessary to have more technical solutions, financial operations, plans to deploy the product to the community...
Solution for technical and financial:
a. V2target 1.0 application has the following functions:
- Automatically withdraw and send from wallet to exchange and vice versa
- Automatically calculate when the snapshot is transferred to the wallet to optimize staking
- Always ensure ada staking number to ensure income
- Only staking on ada . platform
- If selling: excess ADA to generate cash flow
- If buying: buy back the amount of ada previously sold and keep the money
- If the ADA price drops more than that set parameter, it will continue to buy down to ensure that the total amount of ada staking generates the correct expected monthly income, if the amount is small the amount needed to buy the amount of ada staking of the reduction. Next price, please notify to top up
- Solution for security and safety: V2target 1.0 only develops version for PC or Laptop using Windows operating system. Security level if to run 24/7: 2 layers of security, if running directly on a clean machine (copyrighted window) and only used for running V2Target, 99.9% is guaranteed
- The next versions in phase 2 of the project will develop applications on mobile, cloud or web.
- System requirement to run the app: core icore i5- 7th generation or higher, minimum 16Gb Ram (24Gb recommended), Hard drive 150Gb (currently Database June/22 is 60Gb)
Details of V2target 1.0 can be checked on github https://github.com/vknighthub, attached manual file, demo
b. Financial and product distribution solutions to the community (phase 2)
- As mentioned above, there are many financial and asset management applications similar to V2target, but most of them fail because of lack of trust and security risks.
- The idea of “Dual target for ADA holders” has been researched by a team of Cardano savvy people and the solution has been known around for a long time in our Cardano community (the community can test it with a demo version of the product) And now we are still constantly researching more about financial solutions to apply to V2target.
- Many similar projects have failed because the implementation team does not have enough trust with users and the community. Therefore, in phase 2 of V2target, we will cooperate with reputable community groups and funders to promote the product to the community. Specifically, the first two groups will be Vcoincheck.io team and Fimi team.
c. V2target 2.0 will develop the following functions (phase 3)
- The database is stored on a centralized server so that guests do not need to synchronize as it is now.
- Buy API Commercial of centralized products with unlimited transactions and provide API to partners to collect fees
- Connect to many centralized exchanges (decentralized expansion)
- There is integration on the reputable website platform in the community to trade Online without opening the Windows app
- Other websites link transactions through API
[IMPACT] Please describe how your proposed solution will address the Challenge that you have submitted it in.
- V2target will be a financial application that can help the community of ADA holders to optimize the efficiency of their ADA safely, automatically, without spending much time to closely monitor price fluctuations. market.
- Keeping ADA holders will also help attract new investors to have more faith in Cardano and increase Cardano's reputation with many people because the "Dual target" solution is only suitable and most effective for ADA. and Cardano's staking mechanism.
- In the future, V2target will develop into Dapps with more advanced financial solutions, creating excitement in the Cardano ecosystem, increasing the ADA transaction volume in the ecosystem while ensuring the safety of users. use
[IMPACT] What are the main risks that could prevent you from delivering the project successfully and please explain how you will mitigate each risk?
Risk 1:
A financial application, needs a lot of time for research and development, testing in practice and not a small cost for building the application.
The project development team has been doing research and application development since the end of 2021 and currently version 1.0 of V2target has been completed. The community can check the app's code through github.
Risk 2:
Crypto winter has come, many investors will sell ADA and leave the market. Finance-related apps like V2target will need to build trust with users and the community
V2target at this stage will select reputable operating teams in the Catalyst community, reputable SPO, Funded proposer. They will be Vcoincheck.io and Fimi team
Specifically, the campaign to attract products to retain ADA holders as well as try to attract more investors. The operation team will deploy marketing campaigns such as community advertising, free product distribution to ADA holders, large SPOs or funding proposals who will stick with and always find ways to make the Cardano community grow.
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed plan, including timeline and key milestones for delivering your proposal.
The implementation plan of this project is 12 months divided into 3 phases
1st phase: Research and develop V2target 1.0 (Month 1st to 4th)
The 1st month:
Research team:
- Research and perfect the idea of "Dual target" (week 1-2)
Dev team:
- Research on requirements to create applications for "Dual target" solution – week 1
Searching for suitable technologies and languages: using .Net core, C#. – week 2-3
+ Database management system
+ How to connect to Cardano API.
+ How to connect to Binance API.
+ Security standards.
- Analyze system requirements. – week 3-4
+ Analysis of system features.
+ Analyze workflow.
+ The algorithm calculates when to place a buy order, when to place a sell order and the amount to buy/sell.
- Making solution and project plan – week 4)
The 2nd month
Research team:
- Monitor Dev team's app building activities (weeks 1-4)
Dev team:
- System core development – week 1-4
+ System platform design.
+ Framework design
+ Design system parameters
+ Database design
+ Manage user information / item permissions (Menu)
+ Dynamic web development, support language switching
- Development of main features: week 3-4
+ Make the purchase or sale of coins when the market fluctuates.
+ Manage capital information
+ Manage staking when the market is not volatile
The 3rd month:
Research team:
- Monitor Dev team's app building activities (weeks 1-4)
Dev team:
- Developing main features: week 1-2
+ Monitor exchange rates on market info
+Complete or incomplete transaction information
- Developing features for users to make purchases and sales according to their own judgment/needs: week 2-4
+ Framework design
+ Design the necessary parameters for trading.
+ Make purchases when the coin price on the market fluctuates.
+ Manage binance account balance information.
+ Manage buy/sell orders (see list of buy/sell orders)
The 4th month:
Research team:
- Monitor Dev team's app building activities (week 1-2)
- Test app V2target 1.0 week 3-4
Dev team:
- Perform unit-test – week 1-2
- Perform user acceptance testing (UAT) week 2-3
- Complete and write manual week 4
The 2nd phase: Distributing, marketing and operating V2target 1.0 (month 5th to 8th)
The 5th month:
Dev team:
- V2target 1.0 maintanance and technical support: week 1-4
Operating team:
- Introducing product to community:
+ Making introduce clip, create advertising in website Vcoincheck.io.
+ Choosing and distributing promotion product key to big ADA holder or who have many contribution for Vcoincheck.io and Fimi.vn communities (50 keys)
- Create 24/7 user support channel on Vcoincheck.io website
Product will be distributed to 50 big ada holder or people who have many contribution for community
Product will be known at least by 500 people of Vcoincheck.io platform and Fimi community
1 live support chat channel on Vcoincheck.io
Create 4 clips introducing V2target and Dual target solution for ADA holder.
The 6th month:
Dev team
- V2target 1.0 maintance and technical support: week 1-4
Operating team:
- Introducing product to community:
+ Advertising in website Vcoincheck.io.
+ Advertising in Cardano Vietnam facebook community (2 huge group with over 50k real user)
+ Choosing and distributing promotion product key to big ADA holder or who have many contribution for Vcoincheck.io and Fimi.vn communities (50 keys)
- Collaborating with high reputation SPO (5mil ADA staked or over 1.5 year active time at least) and distributing promotion product key for them (5 SPO and 6 keys for each)
- Create a communication campaign about V2target on 1 social networking platform: facebook or twitter (1 post for each 3 days, reach from 500 to 1k view or reaction turns at least for each post)
- Implement 24/7 user support channel through Vcoincheck.io (English and Vietnamese language)
- Product will be distributed to 50 big ada holder or people who had many contribution for community.
- Product will be distributed to 5 high reputation SPO holder or people who have many contribution for community (6 key per SPO and 30 in total)
- 10 post or articles will be published on social channel and reach 5000-10000 view or reaction turns
The 7th month:
Dev team
- V2target 1.0 maintanance: week 1-4
Operating team:
- Introducing product to community:
+ Advertising in website Vcoincheck.io.
+ Advertising in Cardano Vietnam facebook community (2 huge group with over 50k real user)
+ Choosing and distributing promotion product key to big ADA holder or who have many contribution for Vcoincheck.io and Fimi.vn communities (20 keys)
- Collaborating with high reputation SPO (5mil ADA staked or over 1.5 year active time at least) and distributing promotion product key for them (6 keys per SPO)
- Cooperate with funded proposals and distribute promotion keys to the proposer's community
(funds proposer must be a proposer that proposes to be funded with 2 consecutive funds from fund 6 to 8)
- Create a communication campaign about V2target on 1 social networking platform: facebook or twitter (1 post for each 3 day, reach from 500 to 1k view or reaction turns at least for each post)
- Implement 24/7 user support channel through Vcoincheck.io (English and Vietnamese language)
- Product will be distributed to 20 big ada holder or people who had many contribution for community.
- Product will be distributed to 5 high reputation SPO holder or people who have many contribution for community (6 key per SPO and 30 total)
- Product will be distributed to 5 funding proposalsrs (4 keys for each and 20 total)
- 10 post or articles will be published on social channel and reach 5000-10000 view or reaction turns
The 8th month:
Dev team:
- V2target 1.0 maintanance: week 1-4
Operating team:
- Introducing product to community:
+ Advertising in website Vcoincheck.io.
+ Advertising in Cardano Vietnam facebook community (2 huge group with over 50k real user)
- Create a communication campaign about V2target on 1 social networking platform: facebook or twitter (1 post for each 3 day, reach from 500 to 1k view or reaction turns at least for each post)
- Implementing 24/7 user support channel through Vcoincheck.io (English and Vietnamese language)
- Making Final report to Catalyst, project team, community
- 10 post or articles will be published on social channel and reach 5000-10000 view or reaction turns
The 3rd phase: inquire and building V2target 2.0 ( month 9th to 12th)
The 9th month
Dev team
- Upgrade the model to be more suitable for spending multiple connection channels (can use the cloud sever) - week 1-2
- Build APIs to be able from other channels such as web, mobile app, etc. to connect to the server to perform corresponding transactions – week 3-4
- V2target 1.0 maintanance: week 1-4
Operating team: We will publish later when phase 2 completed
The 10th month
Dev team
- Build APIs to be able from other channels such as web, mobile app, etc. to connect to the server to perform corresponding transactions – week 1-2
- Upgrading the application to allow connecting and trading more exchanges (phase 1 only connects to Binance) – expected to connect more with Coinbase weeks 1-4
- V2target 1.0 maintanance: week 1-4
Operating team: We will publish later when phase 2 completed
The 11th month
Dev team:
- Build function to support other projects connecting to v2Target server from Web or Mobile app – week 1-2
- Developing online community support features – week 1-4
- V2target 1.0 maintanance: week 1-4
Operating team: We will publish later when phase 2 completed
The 12th month
Dev team
- Developing online community support features – week 1
- Recheck and test V2target 2.0
- Release V2target V 2.0
Operating team: We will publish later when phase 2 completed
In this fund ,1 of our team member also have other proposal. Here is our reason why we can control all of them.
Vknight.io is a big and professional team. Currently, we having many project so the members who listed below are primary member to implement V2target project. We also call others member of our team to implement this project if needed.
Vcoincheck.io is a big team, we have 5 funded proposal in fund 7, 8. We have experiment and enough ability to control all of them. We also can share some of workload to community member if needed
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed budget breakdown.
Within the scope of this proposal, we propose to fund phase 1 and phase 2 of the project. In which phase 1 has been completed.
Phase 1: 1st to 4th month of project plan - 40375 USD (Completed)
1) Research and create “Dual target for ADA holder” solution fee: 10000 USD (researching team 10 people, 2500$ per month)
2) Research technical solution and developing V2target apps fee: 30375$
Unit: manday, 1 manday = 8 working hours, 1 manday cost = 75$
- Find out the situation and make a request for "Dual Goals" : 1350$ (18 mandays)
- Research technical solutions: $ 3675 (49 manday, $ 75 per manday)
+ Searching for suitable technologies and languages: using .Net core, C#.
+ Database management system
+ How to connect to Cardano API.
+ How to connect to Binance API.
+ Security standards.
- System requirements analysis: $2400 (32 manday)
+Analysis of system features.
+ Workflow analysis.
+ The analysis algorithm calculates when to place a buy order, when to place a sell order and the amount to buy/sell.
- Develop solutions and plans to build apps: $825 (11 manday)
- System core development: $6750 (90 manday)
+ System platform design.
+ Framework design
+ Design system parameters
+ Database design
+ Manage user information / item permissions (Menu)
+ Dynamic web development, support language switching
- Main feature development: 3750$ (50 manday)
+ Make buying or selling coins when the market fluctuates.
+ Manage capital information
+ Manage staking when the market is not volatile
- Exchange rate tracking function on market info: $1350 (18 manday)
- Function Information transaction completed or incomplete: 1350$ (18 manday)
- Perform unit-test: $2250 (30 manday)
- Perform user acceptance testing (UAT): $2850 (38 manday)
- Write reports and finalize documentation V1.0: $450 (6 manday)
Phase 2: 5th-8th months of project plan
Distributing, Marketing product and Operating fee: 27000 USD
- Community incentive fee:
- Advertising in Vcoincheck.io or Fimi.vn website and community : 0 $
- Vcoincheck.io and Fimi team salary : 10000$ (2500$ per month, 10 people) perform advertising content management, key distribution management, find partners, select SPO, proposer, big ADA holder, advertising activity in other communities)
- Posting articles on social network channel: 2000$ ($500 per month)
- 24/7 customer support channel: 3000$ ($750 per month in 4 month)
- 24/7 back-end code, database maintance: 3000$ (40 manday/4 month, 75$ per manday)
- Project leader: 4000$ (1000$ per month)
- Preventing of ADA price slippage: 5000$ (5-7%)
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide details of the people who will work on the project.
I. Leading team
1. Mr.Luu Nguyen (Team leader – also as leader of Vknight.io team):
- Software engineer - Education of Technology University HCM City, focus on: ✓ Analyze & Design Database. ✓ Structure of Data. ✓ Programming, Analyze & Database Design.
- Master of Business Administration Knowledge: banking operation, accounting, statistics,…
- Co-developed and co-owned software such as Optimal9 core banking software, Flex reporting system, software connecting peripheral channels with core banking system (HUB), etc. Had successfully implemented many projects for all local bank and oversea bank below: • Local bank: VietNam Asia Comercial Joint Stock Bank, VinaSiam Bank, Lao-Viet Bank, Saigon Bank, SACOMBANK,… • Oversea bank: Far East National Bank (VietNam), Huanan Bank (VietNam), HSBC (VietNam), Cambodian Public Bank (Cambodia), Vattanac Bank (Cambodia), Angkor Capital Bank Plc., Phongsavanh Bank (Laos), Ayeyarwady Bank (Myanmar), etc. In charge of foreign markets for JITS company such as Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, etc.
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/nguyen-mau-luu-0999a6238
- Email: nguyenmauluu@gmail.com
II. Dev team - Vknight.io team ( please see attched file for specific information and experiment)
Vknight.io is a big and professional team. Currently, we having many project so the members who listed below are primary member to implement V2target project. We also call others member of our team to implement this project if needed.
1. Mr.Luu Nguyen (Team leader – leader of Vknight.io team):
- Software engineer - Education of Technology University HCM City, focus on: ✓ Analyze & Design Database. ✓ Structure of Data. ✓ Programming, Analyze & Database Design.
- Master of Business Administration Knowledge: banking operation, accounting, statistics,…
- Co-developed and co-owned software such as Optimal9 core banking software, Flex reporting system, software connecting peripheral channels with core banking system (HUB), etc. Had successfully implemented many projects for all local bank and oversea bank below: • Local bank: VietNam Asia Comercial Joint Stock Bank, VinaSiam Bank, Lao-Viet Bank, Saigon Bank, SACOMBANK,… • Oversea bank: Far East National Bank (VietNam), Huanan Bank (VietNam), HSBC (VietNam), Cambodian Public Bank (Cambodia), Vattanac Bank (Cambodia), Angkor Capital Bank Plc., Phongsavanh Bank (Laos), Ayeyarwady Bank (Myanmar), etc. In charge of foreign markets for JITS company such as Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, etc.
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/nguyen-mau-luu-0999a6238
- Email: nguyenmauluu@gmail.com
2.Mr. Tri Nguyen
- Software engine: University of Finance and Marketing Cyber security: Jetking Digital Marketing & Sales system: many years of experience Blockchain Knowledge: consulting, building software solutions and infrastructure, operating CRM systems for marketing and sales automation systems, .... Blockchain knowledge
- Sales and consulting many solutions for banking and securities, ERP enterprises Participated in domestic banking projects such as Sacombank, Dong A Bank, Nam A Bank, SCB, SHB, De Nhat Bank, Viet A Bank, Lao Viet Bank, An Binh Bank, HDB, Techcombank, Maritime Bank,... Participated in domestic securities projects such as Dai Viet (DVSC), Sao Viet (VSSC), Rong Viet (VDSC), Sacombank (SBSC), Dong A (DAG), Cho Lon (Cholonsc), Da Nang ( DNSC), Saigon (SSI), Ho Chi Minh City (HSC), Golden Lotus (GLS), Thanh Cong (TCSC), Thien Viet (TVS), Vien Dong (VDSC), Kim Eng… ERP enterprises such as Tiki, Insee, TheCoffeeHouse, JUNO, ...
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/tri-nguyen-trong-2023aa24
- Email: trint2@gmail.com
3.Mr. Hoang Nguyen (Tech-lead)
- Software engineer & Information system - Ho Chi Minh City University of Agriculture and Forestry: ✓ Thematic Oracle ✓ Artificial Intelligence ✓ E-government ✓ Computer Science
- Design and develop Autosar-based embedded software components. Had participated in many projects for the company, and have over 6 years of experience in core banking system consulting. And now I am in charge of project management for a number of major projects in the market Cambodia, and collaborate with many clients in the fi eld of Microfinance.
- Github: https://github.com/nguyenvuhoang
- Email: nguyenvuhoangz@gmail.com
4.Mr.Thao Tran
- Software engineer & Information system - Ho Chi Minh City University of Agriculture and Forestry.
- Language: Java, C#, Python, JS (NodeJS, ReactJS, AngularJS) - Database: Oracle. Mysql, NoSql, … - Have AI experience (Build Bot, machine learning, …).
- Github: https://github.com/thaotlh94
- Email: hoangthaoh2@gmail.com
5.Mr. Dang Ngo
- Education of Technology Can Tho University, focus on: ✓ Analyze & Design Database. ✓ Structure of Data. ✓ Programming, Analyze & Database Design.
- Two and a half years of experience working with Oracle DB, Java, VB.Net ✓ Programming with ReactJs, C#, MS Sql server.
- LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/ngo-dang-kane-33b917195
- Email: ngodangdt@gmail.com
II. Researching and operating team
1. Mr. Giang Phung
- Master of Business Administration
- 5 years of experience in Blockchain research & Crypto Currency investment
- Telegram: https://t.me/giangpt
2.Ms.Ha Nguyen
- Funded proposer in fund 8
- Admin of 2 Vietnamese Cardano facebook Community (helping over 40k followers) https://www.facebook.com/groups/cardanoviet and https://www.facebook.com/groups/ada.holder
- 10 years of experience in translating and interpreting Japanese.
- N1 Japanese language ability, fluent in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
- 2 years of learning Cardano, evaluating blockchain projects.
3.Ms. Hannah X
- Founder of Cardano Community (more than 40k followers)
- One year experience in operating a stake pool (SPO)
- Experience in blockchain financial research and investment since 2017
- Blockchain product and market research specialist
- Telegram: https://t.me/hannahgates
4. Mr. Vu Do - Analyze projects
- Experience in research on blockchain ecosystems, especially on the Cardano blockchain ecosystem.
- Linkedln: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vu-do-4ba0a2109/
- Telegram: https://t.me/VuDo2312
5. Mr. Neo Nguyen – Marketing specialist
6 . Mr. Tony Nguyen – Web Developer & Designer
- 4 year for Business manager of financial and banking solutions- FPT.FIS.Fis Bank
- 8 years for Founder, Branch Manager - Seatech HCM, Software Solutions for Banking and Public Finance
- 3 years of experience in Blockchain research & cryptocurrency investment, research and development of software products on blockchain platform
- Telegram: https://t.me/Trint2
7. Ms. Uyen: Japanese interpreter, translator
- 10 years of Japanese translation experience
- 10 years working in a Japanese company
- + Japanese language ability N2
8. Mr. Sang Nguyen - Analyze projects
- 1 year of experience in cryptocurrency investment.
- Working in stock exchange, forex in real life
- Telegram: https://t.me/IlumNguyen
9.Mr.Gia Hy: expert in evaluating blockchain projects, building crypto investment community
- 2 years of experience in analyzing and evaluating blockchain projects.
- Experience in building a Crypto investment community of 10,000 active members.
10 . Team Advisor Mr. Do Manh Hung – Financial solution making.
- Over 15 years of experience in financial management for large corporations
- 20 years of experience in investing in financial markets: Stocks, Forex, Crypto…
- 10 years of training, sharing knowledge, experience in financial management and 4 years in Crypto market for thousands of students in Viet Nam
- Funded proposer in Fund 7
- Telegram: https://t.me/hung_domanh
[FEASIBILITY] If you are funded, will you return to Catalyst in a later round for further funding? Please explain why / why not.
Yes we will, As we show in project details plan. The scope of this proposal is aimed for phase 1 and 2 of project. If this proposal will be funded then we will return and implementing phase 3 of project in fund 10
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or any member of your team working on any other proposals in this Fund9?
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or your team working on any other proposals from previous Funds?
[AUDITABILITY] Please describe what you will measure to track your project's progress, and how will you measure these?
Tracking source : Vcoincheck.io (website)
https://github.com/vknighthub (product code)
Vknight.io (website)
Target 1st phase (1st to 4th month) (DONE)
Researching and creating "DUAL TARGET" solution (done)
Building and completing V2target app (done)
Target 2nd phase (5th to 8th month)
5th month KPI
- Product will be distributed to 50 big ada holder or people who have many contribution for community
- Product will be known at least by 500 people of Vcoincheck.io platform and Fimi community
- 1 live support chat channel on Vcoincheck.io
- Create 4 clips introducing V2target and Dual target solution for ADA holder.
6th month KPI
- Product will be distributed to 50 big ada holder or people who had many contribution for community.
- Product will be distributed to 5 high reputation SPO holder or people who have many contribution for community (6 key per SPO and 30 in total)
- 10 post or articles will be published on social channel and reach 5000-10000 view or reaction turns
7th month KPI
- Product will be distributed to 20 big ada holder or people who had many contribution for community.
- Product will be distributed to 5 high reputation SPO holder or people who have many contribution for community (6 key per SPO and 30 total)
- Product will be distributed to 5 funding proposalsrs (4 keys for each and 20 total)
- 10 post or articles will be published on social channel and reach 5000-10000 view or reaction turns
8th month KPI
- 10 post or articles will be published on social channel and reach 5000-10000 view or reaction turns
[AUDITABILITY] What does success for this project look like?
- V2target will be a financial application that can help the community of ADA holders to optimize the efficiency of their ADA safely, automatically, without spending much time to closely monitor price fluctuations. market.
- Keeping ADA holders will also help attract new investors to have more faith in Cardano and increase Cardano's reputation with many people because the "Dual target" solution is only suitable and most effective for ADA. and Cardano's staking mechanism.
- In the future, V2target will develop into Dapps with more advanced financial solutions, creating excitement in the Cardano ecosystem, increasing the ADA transaction volume in the ecosystem while ensuring the safety of users. use
- After month 8th of project, V2target will get some achivements as below:
+ Product will be distributed to 120 ADA big holder
+ 10 high reputation SPO
+ 6 highr reputation funded proposer
+ 40 articles about V2target, Dual target solution for ADA holder that will reach 15000-30000 view or return
[AUDITABILITY] Please provide information on whether this proposal is a continuation of a previously funded project in Catalyst or an entirely new one.
This is a brand new proposal