[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem.
Vcoincheck.io is a platform or product related to sharing, training and educating about Cardano and blockchain knowledge. The project has had 5 proposals to be funded in funds 7 and 8.
[GENERAL] Summarize your relevant experience.
Our core team Vcoincheck.io team ,
Our team Vcoincheck.io, funded proposers of 5 proposal (fund7 and 8), big SPO, admin of huge Facebook and telegram community, Financial professional, Professional dev team – Vknight.io team.
[IMPACT] Please describe your proposed solution.
Problem and challenge
- Knowledge is always very important to everyone. All of us also knows that knowledge is important in blockchain or crypto. But where to learn knowledge, how to learn? That is the question we always get from our community.
- There is a lot of knowledge regarding Cardano, blockchain or the crypto market, so what knowledge is needed. Whether the knowledge sharing projects have brought to the community the necessary and sufficient knowledge according to each person's needs.
- How can a website or blockchain knowledge sharing project be effectively evaluated?
- How does a knowledge project or product retain their user or community?
- An educational platform that are courses, training intensive in knowledge enough to reach all parts of the community and spread strongly?
- An educational, knowledge-sharing community platform where all participants can share to get what they want is the idea for us to solve the above problems and challenges.
Here is our detailes solution
Vcoincheck.io is a platform or product related to sharing, training and educating about Cardano knowledge, blockchain. The project already has 5 funded proposals in Funds 7 and 8. And in this proposal, we want to upgrade and improve our platform and make it become a SHARE (knowledge) TO EARN platform.
What do communites share
- Vcoincheck.io 1.0 is one of the first website platforms towards a decentralized governance model that applies the evaluation of crypto projects through scoring and project quality expressed through scores. Through a project self-assessment, the reviewer will learn by himself how to distinguish the quality of a crypto project. The community will share information and knowledge of crypto projects with each other for more evaluation and decisions on investments. This proposal is funded at fund 7 and has been completed.
(https://cardano.ideascale.com/a/dtd/Project-Evaluation-Website/381388-48088 => funded and completed proposal)
(https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/397456 => funded proposal)
- Vcoincheck.io 1.1 is a composite project of 4 funded proposals at fund 8 and 2 more new products we want to create more in this fund, as well as some utilities we will integrate into our platform to better serve the requirements of the community. As follows:
+ Vcoincheck library: Library sharing basic knowledge about Cardano, blockchain (https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/397463 => funded proposal)
+ Vcoincheck training course : A training course in knowledge or how to evaluate a crypto project (https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/397460 => funded proposal)
+ Vcoincheck crypto dictionary (new): an extension of the knowledge library to serve readers with little time spent on blockchain. (-> link)
+ Vcoincheck Quiz (new): A set of questions to quiz fast knowledge about Cardano, blockchain, crypto.
Learning always has to go together with practice, blockchain knowledge is related to many techniques if a platform only shares and educates knowledge without tests, participants will not be able to clearly remember or understand. This leads to a decrease in the efficiency of the educational process.
Vcoincheck quiz will be a quick quiz that allows the community to test their knowledge anytime, anywhere without wasting time learning from the beginning.
Structure of quiz: In this proposal, we want to create a quiz with 200 multiple choice questions with the following specific structure.
The questionnaire will consist of 200 questions: 100 easy questions, 60 difficult questions and 40 very difficult questions. There will be at least 120 questions regarding Cardano.
An easy quiz consists of 25 questions: 15 easy questions, 5 medium questions and 5 difficult questions. The average time to complete a test is 15-30 minutes
An advance quiz consists of 50 questions: 25 easy questions, 15 medium questions and 10 difficult questions. The average time to complete a test is 30-60 minutes
50 questions will be selected randomly from a set of 200 questions, each test is 1 time with different content.
+ Vcoincheck market info (new): This is a new item with the function of analyzing and collecting information on prices of crypto projects in the market.
+ In addition, the Vcoincheck team will operate Cardano knowledge sharing sessions as requested by the community to increase the interaction between the community and the Vcoincheck team..
[IMPACT] Please describe how your proposed solution will address the Challenge that you have submitted it in.
At this stage of the Vcoincheck project, this platform will become an 80% decentralized, knowledge sharing platform. Vcoincheck.io will become a place where people can contribute, share their knowledge and earn what they want. The ecosystem that Vcoincheck aims for is decentralized, solid community and trusting each other.
So what will the community EARN through Vcoincheck's share to earn platform?
- Knowledge: People can contribute their own knowledge in exchange for the knowledge of others.
- Vcoincheck point: Vcoincheck point is the point system of the Vcoincheck platform, it can be used for the exchange of services, information, and work that will be available on Vcoincheck.
- Money: Vcoincheck will have events that encourage the community to contribute or work that the community is willing to pay.
- Reputation: In the Vcoincheck ecosystem, all contributions will be converted to Vcoincheck points, this is the point to evaluate the reputation of individuals who have made a lot of contributions to the community. And we've always understood the simple thing that being reputable is that there's a lot to be made.
Through the maintenance of educational related products, knowledge sharing of Vcoincheck such as quality assessment of crypto projects, knowledge sharing libraries, knowledge training. We will continue to spread information and knowledge related to blockchain within the Cardano community and also attract other blockchain communities. Next phase, Vcoincheck.io will be become a sharing (knowledge) job decentralized platform with many blockchain technology be intergrated to it.
[IMPACT] What are the main risks that could prevent you from delivering the project successfully and please explain how you will mitigate each risk?
Risk 1:
Crypto winter has come and to keep the community deeply involved in blockchain operations as well as Cardano will be more difficult.
Team Vcoincheck has officially operated for more than 1 year, most of them are reputable people in the community. In the team, there are also 3 members who are admin of large communities on telegram or facebook. To address the risks and challenges, we will further promote communication within the community, and organize more community incentives activities.
Risk 2:
An educational and knowledge-sharing foundation only works independently, it will be difficult to diversify sources of information and knowledge or it will cost a lot of project costs in knowledge sharing activities.
We will try to incorporate similar projects within the Catalyst community to create deep interaction within the communities and make good use of all of Catalyst's resources. And the starting point of this phase will be connecting Catalyst projects within our national community, Vietnam.
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed plan, including timeline and key milestones for delivering your proposal.
This proposal implementation plan is 4 months
The 1st month:
- Write more articles for the knowledge library.
- Research to create a list for a crypto dictionary
- Research and create Vcoincheck Quiz questionnaire
- Develop ideas for the Market info item
- Organize training courses on blockchain knowledge or how to evaluate crypto projects
- Translate website content: at least 2 languages English and Vietnamese (Japanese may be added in case our proposals for library of knowledge and crypto dictionary are funded)
- 30 knowledge library articles (shown in at least 2 languages English and Vietnam)
- Create a crypto dictionary list (50 terms)
- Create questionnaires for Vcoincheck Quizz (200 questions)
- 1 training course
- Attracting 100 new users and 200 interactions on the website.
- Build basic interface for item Market info
The 2nd month:
- Write more articles for the knowledge library.
- Research to create a list for a crypto dictionary
- Conduct marketing activities, encourage the community to participate in learning and sharing knowledge through taking the Vcoincheck Quiz test (online via zoom)
- Developing ideas for the Market info item
- Organizing training courses on blockchain knowledge or how to evaluate crypto projects
- Translate website content: at least 2 languages English and Vietnamese (Japanese may be added in case our proposals for library of knowledge and crypto dictionary are funded)
- 30 knowledge library articles (shown in at least 2 languages English and Vietnam)
- Create a crypto dictionary list (100 terms)
- 2 sessions encouraging the community to take the Vcoincheck Quizz test (online via zoom, 50 participants)
- 1 training course
- Attracting 100 new users and 200 interactions on the website.
- Build back-end for Market info
The third month:
- Write articles for the knowledge library
- Conduct marketing activities, encourage the community to participate in learning and sharing knowledge through taking the Vcoincheck Quizz test (online via zoom)
- Organize training courses on blockchain knowledge or how to evaluate crypto projects
- Online sharing of knowledge of Cardano.
- Translate website content: at least 2 languages English and Vietnamese (Japan may be added in case our proposals for a library of knowledge and a crypto dictionary are funded)
- 30 knowledge library articles (shown in at least 2 languages English and Vietnam)
- 1 training course
- 1 online sharing session on Cardano knowledge (2 hours long, at least 50 participants)
- 2 sessions encouraging the community to take the Vcoincheck Quizz test (online via zoom, 50 participants)
- Attracting 100 new users and 200 interactions on the website.
- Complete the Market info section
The fourth month:
- Write articles for the knowledge library
- Conduct marketing activities, encourage the community to participate in learning and sharing knowledge through taking the Vcoincheck Quizz test (online via zoom)
- Organize training on blockchain knowledge or how to evaluate a crypto project
- Online sharing of knowledge of Cardano.
- Offline sharing of Cardano knowledge (in conjunction with other projects)
- Translate website content: at least 2 languages English and Vietnamese (Japan may be added in case our proposals for a library of knowledge and a crypto dictionary are funded)
- 10 knowledge library articles (shown in at least 2 languages English and Vietnam)
- 1 training course
- 1 online sharing session on Cardano knowledge (2 hours long, at least 50 participants)
- 1 offline sharing session on Cardano, Catalyst knowledge (1 hours long, at least 20 participants)
- 2 sessions encouraging the community to take the Vcoincheck Quizz test (online via zoom, 50 participants)
- 1 offline sharing session on Cardano knowledge (1 hour in duration, combined with another project)
- Attracting 100 new users and 200 interactions on the website.
In this fund ,our team or team members also participate on other proposal. Here is our reason why we can control all of them.
Vknight.io is a big and professional team. Currently, we having many project so the members who listed below are primary member to implement V2target project. We also call others member of our team to implement this project if needed.
Vcoincheck.io is a big team, we have 5 funded proposal in fund 7, 8. We have experiment and enough ability to control all of them. We also can share some of workload to community member if needed
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed budget breakdown.
- Vcoincheck's Core team (8 members) salary: 1600$/1month => total 6400$ (Core-team work: administrate general website activities, participate in building content library, content of Vcoincheck quiz, implementing marketing campaigns to attract community)
- Website admin team (3 people): 500$/1 person/1 month => total 6000$ ( Admin team work: administrate the activities of each of their modules (Library, Project, Forum), participate in building library content , project evaluation criteria, content in all 3 languages)
- Full Stack Developer and Graphic Designer for the Website: $15,000 (Build back-end, build UX/UI) Currently, our website building cost around 21k but in fund 7 and 8 we have proposed a total fund for this work is 6k, so in the proposal of fund 9 we want to ask for an additional 15k based on what the website already had (Details please see attached file or check on website back-end code github: https://github.com/vknighthub)
- Training course fee: 8000$ (4 courses in 4 months)
1 course: 2000$ ( 4 session per course, with 10 paxs)
- Research and create Vcoincheck Quizz fee: 6000 USD
(30 USD for each question – 200 questions)
- Community incentive fee: 3000 $
The activity will be through the form of encouraging the community to participate in the Vcoincheck Quizz knowledge test sessions as planned above), there will be 6 sessions conducted with a budget of $ 500 / session. In which the reward will be divided as follows.1st
1st prize: 100$ (1 pax)
2nd prize: 50$ (4 paxs)
3rd prize: 20$ (10 paxs)
The method of determining the winner will be based on priority: score, completion time
- Project admin fee: 3000$ (750$/1 person/1 month) (The project manager's job is following, urge, and take overall responsibility for the project to be completed - the project manager can be any qualified person in the community)
- Website back-end maintenance : 2000$ (40 times within 4months, each times cost : 50$)
- Preventing the risk of slippage of ADA fee: 3000 $ (about 6-10% of the total budget)
Total budget: 52.400 USD
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide details of the people who will work on the project.
I. Vcoincheck team
1. Mr. Jimmy Lee
2.Ms.Ha Nguyen:
- Funded proposer in fund 8
- Admin of 2 Vietnamese Cardano facebook Community (helping over 40k followers) https://www.facebook.com/groups/cardanoviet and https://www.facebook.com/groups/ada.holder
- 10 years of experience in translating and interpreting Japanese.
- N1 Japanese language ability, fluent in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
- 2 years of learning Cardano, evaluating blockchain projects.
3.Ms. Hannah X
- Founder of Cardano Community (more than 40k followers)
- One year experience in operating a stake pool (SPO)
- Experience in blockchain financial research and investment since 2017
- Blockchain product and market research specialist
- Telegram: https://t.me/hannahgates
4. Mr. Vu Do - Analyze projects, create questions for website
- Experience in research on blockchain ecosystems, especially on the Cardano blockchain ecosystem.
- Linkedln: https://www.linkedin.com/in/vu-do-4ba0a2109/
- Telegram: https://t.me/VuDo2312
5. Mr. Quang Daniel – Chief of Translator
- Funded proposer in fund 8
- English Teacher & Translator in Viet Nam
- Has a deep knowledge in blockchain technology and blockchain projects.
- Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/tran-quang-33770b228/
- Telegram: https://t.me/quangdaniel
6 . Mr. Tony Nguyen – Web Developer & Designer
- 4 year for Business manager of financial and banking solutions- FPT.FIS.Fis Bank
- 8 years for Founder, Branch Manager - Seatech HCM, Software Solutions for Banking and Public Finance
- 3 years of experience in Blockchain research & cryptocurrency investment, research and development of software products on blockchain platform
- Telegram: https://t.me/Trint2
7. Mr. Giang Phung - Analyze projects, create questions for website
- Master of Business Administration
- 5 years of experience in Blockchain research & Crypto Currency investment
- Telegram: https://t.me/giangpt
8. Mr. Sang Nguyen - Analyze projects, create questions for website
- 1 year of experience in cryptocurrency investment.
- Working in stock exchange, forex in real life
- Telegram: https://t.me/IlumNguyen
9.Mr.Gia Hy: expert in evaluating blockchain projects, building crypto investment community
- 2 years of experience in analyzing and evaluating blockchain projects.
- Experience in building a Crypto investment community of 10,000 active members.
10 . Team Advisor Mr. Do Manh Hung – Financial solution making.
- Over 15 years of experience in financial management for large corporations
- 20 years of experience in investing in financial markets: Stocks, Forex, Crypto…
- 10 years of training, sharing knowledge, experience in financial management and 4 years in Crypto market for thousands of students in Viet Nam
- Funded proposer in Fund 7
- Telegram: https://t.me/hung_domanh
II. Dev team - Vknight.io team ( please see attched file for specific information and experiment)
Vknight.io is a big and professional team. Currently, we having many project so the members who listed below are primary member to implement V2target project. We also call others member of our team to implement this project if needed.
1. Mr.Luu Nguyen (Team leader – leader of Vknight.io team):
- Software engineer - Education of Technology University HCM City, focus on: ✓ Analyze & Design Database. ✓ Structure of Data. ✓ Programming, Analyze & Database Design.
- Master of Business Administration Knowledge: banking operation, accounting, statistics,…
- Co-developed and co-owned software such as Optimal9 core banking software, Flex reporting system, software connecting peripheral channels with core banking system (HUB), etc. Had successfully implemented many projects for all local bank and oversea bank below: • Local bank: VietNam Asia Comercial Joint Stock Bank, VinaSiam Bank, Lao-Viet Bank, Saigon Bank, SACOMBANK,… • Oversea bank: Far East National Bank (VietNam), Huanan Bank (VietNam), HSBC (VietNam), Cambodian Public Bank (Cambodia), Vattanac Bank (Cambodia), Angkor Capital Bank Plc., Phongsavanh Bank (Laos), Ayeyarwady Bank (Myanmar), etc. In charge of foreign markets for JITS company such as Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, etc.
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/nguyen-mau-luu-0999a6238
- Email: nguyenmauluu@gmail.com
2.Mr. Tri Nguyen
- Software engine: University of Finance and Marketing Cyber security: Jetking Digital Marketing & Sales system: many years of experience Blockchain Knowledge: consulting, building software solutions and infrastructure, operating CRM systems for marketing and sales automation systems, .... Blockchain knowledge
- Sales and consulting many solutions for banking and securities, ERP enterprises Participated in domestic banking projects such as Sacombank, Dong A Bank, Nam A Bank, SCB, SHB, De Nhat Bank, Viet A Bank, Lao Viet Bank, An Binh Bank, HDB, Techcombank, Maritime Bank,... Participated in domestic securities projects such as Dai Viet (DVSC), Sao Viet (VSSC), Rong Viet (VDSC), Sacombank (SBSC), Dong A (DAG), Cho Lon (Cholonsc), Da Nang ( DNSC), Saigon (SSI), Ho Chi Minh City (HSC), Golden Lotus (GLS), Thanh Cong (TCSC), Thien Viet (TVS), Vien Dong (VDSC), Kim Eng… ERP enterprises such as Tiki, Insee, TheCoffeeHouse, JUNO, ...
- LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/tri-nguyen-trong-2023aa24
- Email: trint2@gmail.com
3.Mr. Hoang Nguyen (Tech-lead)
- Software engineer & Information system - Ho Chi Minh City University of Agriculture and Forestry: ✓ Thematic Oracle ✓ Artificial Intelligence ✓ E-government ✓ Computer Science
- Design and develop Autosar-based embedded software components. Had participated in many projects for the company, and have over 6 years of experience in core banking system consulting. And now I am in charge of project management for a number of major projects in the market Cambodia, and collaborate with many clients in the fi eld of Microfinance.
- Github: https://github.com/nguyenvuhoang
- Email: nguyenvuhoangz@gmail.com
4.Mr.Thao Tran
- Software engineer & Information system - Ho Chi Minh City University of Agriculture and Forestry.
- Language: Java, C#, Python, JS (NodeJS, ReactJS, AngularJS) - Database: Oracle. Mysql, NoSql, … - Have AI experience (Build Bot, machine learning, …).
- Github: https://github.com/thaotlh94
- Email: hoangthaoh2@gmail.com
5.Mr. Dang Ngo
- Education of Technology Can Tho University, focus on: ✓ Analyze & Design Database. ✓ Structure of Data. ✓ Programming, Analyze & Database Design.
- Two and a half years of experience working with Oracle DB, Java, VB.Net ✓ Programming with ReactJs, C#, MS Sql server.
- LinkedIn: http://linkedin.com/in/ngo-dang-kane-33b917195
- Email: ngodangdt@gmail.com
III. Specialist team (Japanese content team)
1. Ms.Ha Nguyen (Team leader): Japanese interpreter, translator and blockchain project reviewer.
Experience: (please see related certification in attached file )
+ Core member of Vcoincheck team
+ 10 years of experience in translating and interpreting Japanese.
+ N1 Japanese language ability, fluent in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
+2 years of learning Cardano, evaluating blockchain projects.
2. Mr. Duc Dang: Japanese interpreter, translator
Experience: (please see related certification in attached file)
+ 5 years of experience in translating and interpreting Japanese.
+ N2 Japanese language ability, fluent in listening, speaking, reading and writing.
3. Ms. Diem: Japanese interpreter, translator
Experience: (please see related certification in attached file )
+ 8 years of Japanese translation experience
+ 8 years working in a Japanese company
+ Japanese language ability N2
+ Fluent in English.
4. Ms. Uyen: Japanese interpreter, translator
Experience: (please see related certification in attached file below)
+ 10 years of Japanese translation experience
+ 10 years working in a Japanese company
+ Japanese language ability N2
5.Ms. Oanh: Japanese interpreter, translator
Experience: (please see related certification in attached file below)
+ 6 years of Japanese translation experience
+ 6 years working in a Japanese company
+ Japanese language ability N3
6.Ms. Nhi: Japanese interpreter, translator
Experience: (please see related certification in attached file below)
+ 5 years of Japanese translation experience
+ 5 years working in a Japanese company
+ Japanese language ability N3
7. Mr. Kawamura (Japanese): expert in editing, editing English-Japanese, Vietnamese-Japanese translations
+10 years of experience in interpreting and editing translations.
+Currently the Director of the interpreter and interpreter training center GOEN Business Training.
8. Mr. Igarashi (Japanese): expert in editing, editing English-Japanese, Vietnamese-Japanese translations
+ 5 years of experience in translating and interpreting, editing translations.
Currently working in a large corporation in Japan.
[FEASIBILITY] If you are funded, will you return to Catalyst in a later round for further funding? Please explain why / why not.
Yes, we will. It’s just the first milestone of Vcoincheck vision. In the end of 2022, Vcoincheck will upgrade to web3 platform with many feature that use Cardano technology.
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or any member of your team working on any other proposals in this Fund9?
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or your team working on any other proposals from previous Funds?
[AUDITABILITY] Please describe what you will measure to track your project's progress, and how will you measure these?
Tracking source : Vcoincheck.io (website)
https://github.com/vknighthub (website code)
Cardanolibrary.net (website)
Target First month:
- 30 knowledge articles (shown in at least 2 languages English and Vietnam)
- Create a crypto dictionary list (50 terms)
- Create questionnaires for Vcoincheck Quizz (200 questions)
- 1 training course
- Attracting 100 new users and 200 interactions on the website.
- Build basic interface for item Market info
Target second month
- 30 knowledge articles (shown in at least 2 languages English and Vietnam)
- Create a crypto dictionary list (100 terms)
- 2 sessions encouraging the community to take the Vcoincheck Quizz test (online via zoom, 50 participants)
- 1 training course
- Attracting 100 new users and 200 interactions on the website.
- Build back-end for Market info
Target third month
- 30 knowledge articles (shown in at least 2 languages English and Vietnam)
- 1 training course
- 1 online sharing session on Cardano knowledge (1 hours long, at least 50 participants)
- 2 sessions encouraging the community to take the Vcoincheck Quizz test (online via zoom, 50 participants)
- Attracting 100 new users and 200 interactions on the website.
- Complete the Market info section
Target Fourth month
- 10 knowledge articles (shown in at least 2 languages English and Vietnam)
- 1 training course
- 1 online sharing session on Cardano knowledge (1 hours long, at least 50 participants)
- 1 offline sharing session on Cardano, Catalyst knowledge (1 hours long, at least 20 participants)
- 2 sessions encouraging the community to take the Vcoincheck Quizz test (online via zoom, 50 participants)
Everything will be easy to track through our website, github. We also can export monthly report from our database as an evidence.
[AUDITABILITY] What does success for this project look like?
The Vcoincheck project has been conceived and implemented for 6 months and after 6 months we have created very good effects on the community. Many investors through our website platform have learned by themselves how to distinguish good and bad projects. Now, our knowledge sharing hub and training also help to share more Cardano knowledge with the community. If this proposal is funded, by Q4-2022, the Vcoincheck platform will not only be a platform for sharing and educating the community about blockchain or Cardano knowledge, but also a platform that can help the community earn a lot of benefits.
[AUDITABILITY] Please provide information on whether this proposal is a continuation of a previously funded project in Catalyst or an entirely new one.
https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/397456 (funded project fund 8)
https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/397460 (funded project fund 8)
https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/397463 (funded project fund 8)
This proposal is an extension of 4 previous funded proposal (1 in fund 7 and 3 in fund 8). It also the next milestone in our Vcoincheck 2022 roadmap.