Last updated 2 years ago
In order for blockchain voting to be relevant to real-world use cases, there must be a way to map wallets to real-world individuals.
We plan to research existing DID solutions such as Atala PRISM and IAMX, and integrate one or more of them into Voteaire to allow ballots which are limited to authenticated individuals.
This is the total amount allocated to Voteaire Decentralized IDs.
We plan to research existing DID solutions such as Atala PRISM and IAMX, and integrate one or more of them into Voteaire to allow ballots which are limited to authenticated individuals.
We have been building on Cardano since the dawn of the Shelly Era.
We have an Enterprise software development background, we're stake pool operators, and are the creators of and
Our solution will start with researching the available DID solutions out there, starting with Atala PRISM and IAMX, and potentially others listed here:
After selecting an appropriate partner, we will define and implement a new ballot type on the Voteaire Platform which integrates a digital identity into the voting mechanic.
The Dapps, Products & Integration challenge aims to increase the number of Dapps, increase the number of integrations, and improve the quality of existing Dapps and integrations in the ecosystem.
This proposal will increase the quality of the existing Voteaire platform by providing additional utility and use-cases beyond the traditional blockchain ecosystem (i.e. corporate and government applications).
As well, it will integrate with one or more existing identity solutions within the ecosystem.
Resources and approximate allocation using average hourly rates and considering the amount of time the following resources will spend on the project per week:
Weekly Budget: $9,860
Estimated number of weeks: 8 weeks
MSVN Distributed Systems consists of the following full-time individuals, as well as additional contractors whom we bring on as required to accelerate efforts
Michael Stewart - CTO
Vivek Nankissoor - CEO
Darin Ramkissoon - Director of Operations
Anthony Ololuo - Scrum Master
Mateus Santos - Full Stack Developer / Plutus Developer
Bashar Jaan Khan - Full Stack Developer / Plutus Developer
Mamoor Jaan Khan - Front End Developer
Yes, as we continue to develop new features on Voteaire we may come back to Catalyst to help fund these enhancements
We will be tracking standard scrum metrics such as:
For the completed application we will be tracking the following KPIs:
Participants will have a blockchain-based voting alternative that integrates real-world identities using a DID solution
Organizations will be able to conduct votes where there is equal representation by individuals where one person = one vote regardless of assets held.
New proposal
We have been building on Cardano since the dawn of the Shelly Era.
We have an Enterprise software development background, we're stake pool operators, and are the creators of and