[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem.
Zero Citizen will reward people for using products and services that contribute towards cutting emissions and combatting climate change, whilst also supporting SMEs to make a Net Zero pledge.
[GENERAL] Summarize your relevant experience.
- 6+ years product innovation & development experience.
- 5+ years in the investment sector.
- 10+ years experience in sales.
- Combined experience of 33+ years in the aviation industry.
[IMPACT] Please describe your proposed solution.
Zero Citizen will reward people for using services and products that contribute towards cutting emissions and combatting climate change. Through the research we've carried out, we've found no other companies/projects doing this within (or external to) the cryptocurrency environment.
Following the minting of Zero Citizen NFTs, which we will use to build our community and support the minting and exchange launch of the 0CZN tokens, we will mint 3,500,000,000 (3.5bn) 0CZN tokens (see attached whitepaper for tokenomics).
A further 1,500,000,000 (1.5bn) 0CZN tokens will be minted as rewards for users of Net Zero products and services, as well as SMEs that we support to help make a Net Zero pledge. The reward options that we're pursuing include (but are not limited to):
- Public Transport Rewards
- Passengers will log their passenger journeys, initially using their issued Zero Citizen contactless card with our tap-and-go system which can be installed on-board buses, trams, and trains. Snapshots of passenger logs will be taken at various points throughout the day, with 0CZN token rewards being sent to the crypto wallets of all successful passengers.
- The reward amount will vary dependant on the number of passengers that are eligible to receive awards, i.e., the fewer the number of passengers eligible for rewards, the greater the reward amount received per person.
- Green Economy Shareholder Rewards
- Zero Citizen plans to partner with publicly listed companies that have achieved the Green Economy Mark, whereby shareholders of these companies will receive 0CZN tokens simply for owning the shares. We want to encourage investors to back “companies and funds that derive more than 50% of their revenues from products and services that are contributing the environmental objectives such as climate change mitigation and adaptation, waste and pollution reduction, and the circular economy.” There is still a massive shift that is needed to tip the balance in favour of those companies representing the Green Economy versus the companies representing the fossil fuels industry.
- Snapshots will be taken at random times (frequency TBD). The amount of 0CZN tokens received will be relative to the number of shares held (although will be capped). Only shareholders holding a stipulated minimum number of shares will be eligible to receive rewards.
- Zero-Carbon Customer Rewards
- Zero Citizen will partner with companies providing zero-carbon products and services, such as clean energy utility companies, solar panel providers, EV charging station providers etc. Customers of these companies will be eligible to receive 0CZN tokens as rewards in return for their investment and contribution to a Net Zero future.
- Snapshots will be taken at random times (frequency TBD). Customers of one-time-purchase products, for example solar panels, will be eligible for rewards for a pre-determined period of time, whilst customers of subscription/recurring services/products, for example clean energy utility companies, will be eligible for rewards for the duration of their subscription/agreement.
- Net Zero Pledge Rewards
- Zero Citizen understand that it is not just consumers and customers of companies that already offer Net Zero products and services that should be rewarded, but also the companies that make a Net Zero pledge. Zero Citizen will champion Net Zero pledges and support small-medium enterprises (SMEs) to make their own Net Zero pledges. The SMEs that we support to make their own pledge will also be rewarded with 0CZN tokens, which we’d encourage to distribute to their staff/clients, or simply hold or sell if they wish.
- If a company refers another company to us, and that company then goes on to make a Net Zero pledge, we will also reward the referral company with 0CZN tokens which should encourage more and more companies to come forward and request support from us with their own pledges. The support we offer will be ongoing, to ensure the companies maintain their effort towards achieving the goals set within their pledge.
What we intend to show as a result of this funding are:
- The Alpha version of the Zero Citizen dApp and functional website that connects members' blockchain wallets and linked accounts of participating partners for which we will offer rewards. This also includes the associated docs.
- Marketing/promotion material as well as docs and explainer videos which we will use to connect with people across Cardano and crypto as a whole, as well as consumers and the businesses offering Net Zero products and services.
[IMPACT] Please describe how your proposed solution will address the Challenge that you have submitted it in.
We are addressing the lack of a bridge between people's real-world interactions and the cryptocurrency world. By creating a dapp that provides an ecosystem for rewarding real-world interactions that contribute to a Net Zero economy, we are also directly addressing the sustainability and environmental issues associated with cryptocurrencies and blockchains - further championing Cardano as one of the most environmentally-friendly blockchains available.
What's more, beyond the rewards systems previously mentioned, the community (0CZN token holders) will decide which causes will receive Zero Citizen's support and funding through the tokens allocated to Philanthropy & Community, further demonstrating our commitment to supporting Net Zero initiatives.
[IMPACT] What are the main risks that could prevent you from delivering the project successfully and please explain how you will mitigate each risk?
The main risks and associated mitigations are as follows:
- Majority of rewards require partner buy-in. Although there is no financial outlay expected, there is still a requirement of customer support from the partner (including API access etc.) to demonstrate customer eligibility for rewards.
- We will work closely with companies to ensure a minimal effect on financial and time costs in order to make partnering with Zero Citizen a simple and non-intrusive process. We are also already in discussions with our preferred partner for the Green Economy Shareholder Rewards.
- Security of the dapp and malicious actors.
- We intend to use pen-testers in order to ensure all on-chain and off-chain code is secure and free from exploits.
- Development primarily being outsourced, which has associated risks (albeit relatively small with reputable organisations/people) of reliability, trust, quality/performance etc.
- We would prefer to have dedicated team members that carry out our dev work in-house, therefore we are actively seeking developers to join the team, which we expect will bring more long-term benefits to Zero Citizen.
- For initial liquidity we'll be looking to use the majority of the profit derived from the NFT sales, plus the ITO and Round 2 token sales.
- The plan is to work with some of the companies we partner with to look at cryptocurrency use/transaction options, whereby we'd have an agreement on an average (e.g. quarterly) price buy-back scheme. This way we'd be able to control the flow of 0CZN tokens back into the exchange(s) without the risk of a company selling the tokens en masse. In the meantime, one of the options we're exploring is to run a 0CZN token redemption section on our site (similar to a shop), in return for selected goods/services.
- Two solutions (included in the whitepaper tokenomics) for encouraging holders not to sell are:
- 1/ 0CZN Token airdrops for existing token holders (that hold a minimum qualifying amount).
- 2/ 0CZN Token Milestone Burns, which will increase the value of tokens held
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed plan, including timeline and key milestones for delivering your proposal.
The timeline we are currently working towards is as follows:
PHASE I - ESTABLISH. The primary aim for delivery in Phase I is the launch of the NFTs and 0CZN tokens.
- Q4 2022 - Q1 2023
- Mint Zero Citizen NFTs
- Mint 0CZN Tokens.
- 0CZN Initial Token Offering
- Round 2 Token Offering
- 0CZN Token Public Sale
- Deliver First NFT Airdrop Rewards
PHASE II - REWARD. The primary aim for delivery in Phase II is the Alpha launch of at least one reward.
- Q2 2023
- Begin Rewards Trial (Alpha Launch)
- Stake Pool Launch.
PHASE III - GROW. The primary aim for delivery in Phase III is sustainable growth.
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed budget breakdown.
Development: $23550
- Dapp & Website Development = $19600
- Security/Penetration testing = $2450
- Docs & Tutorials = $1500
Marketing: $9850
- Social Media/Google/YouTube/Online = $5200
- Marketing/Network Events = $2450
- SEO optimisation = $1200
- Brand Development = $1000
Hardware: $6740
- Server Costs = $2450
- Support equipment = $1840
- Prototype/R&D funding = $2450
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide details of the people who will work on the project.
Ben Bonner
Focus: Strategic Direction & Development
"I began creating the framework to build on Cardano in March 2022, with the aim of creating a Net Zero rewards system, which would ultimately become Zero Citizen. Prior to working on Zero Citizen I'd spent six years developing a geolocation-based digital advertising system, from concept through to live use, with the system racking up thousands of hours of use being utilised on-board buses of a leading UK bus operator. My primary job is within the aviation industry as an Avionics & Systems Engineer Manager. Skillsets include intermediate front-end web dev and python programming, basic JavaScript and SCRUM Master qualification. Currently working through the Marlowe Pioneer Program."
Marc Dowd
Focus: Operations & Governance
"Currently working as part of an Engineering Application Management (EAM) Team. Current role responsible for information management, data protection and safety, security and environmental compliance.
With an eye on future careers, joining Zero Citizen appealed as it allows me the opportunity to combine two items of interest; shares and crypto, combatting climate change. It also allows me to demonstrate some of the transferable skills I have learnt as a Maintainer, Supervisor, Manager and now Team Leader. "
Stuart Dowd
Focus: Marketing & Partnerships
"Over 10 years experience within sales, I have worked across a range of industries and focus on B2B sales in the technology sector. Supported the sales for the launch of two cryptocurrency tokens from idea to sale. in addition to spending time in the financial investment industry, managing accounts at a derivatives trading firm for over two years."
Role Vacancies:
We are also looking to fill the roles of Lead Developer and Community Manager. If you have any interest in either of the roles, please contact us via email ( enquiries@zerocitizen.io ) or message us on Twitter ( https://twitter.com/zerocitizen_io ).
[FEASIBILITY] If you are funded, will you return to Catalyst in a later round for further funding? Please explain why / why not.
The funding for this proposal will go towards the start-up and development of Zero Citizen, which will result in the Alpha launch of our website and dapp rewards system. It is our intention and expectation that we will be able to become self-sufficient from this point, and therefore we do not expect to apply for more funding in later rounds.
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or any member of your team working on any other proposals in this Fund9?
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or your team working on any other proposals from previous Funds?
[AUDITABILITY] Please describe what you will measure to track your project's progress, and how will you measure these?
We will measure our progress in the following ways:
- Social Media
- We'll be able to measure social media progress through statistics on follower growth and continuous interaction with posts.
- Community Growth
- Through growth in numbers and community member engagement in our channels Discord and Telegram channels, we'll be able to measure community growth progress.
- Zero Citizen NFTs
- The speed in which all NFTs are sold will be an indicator of the community's belief in Zero Citizen and in what we are doing and wanting to achieve.
- 0CZN Tokens
- The growth trajectory for 0CZN token sales and increase/decrease in token value will be the measure for our tokens.
- Reward Partners
- The uptake in partnerships for our reward systems will be an indication as to how rapidly we anticipate the growth in 0CZN token holdings, as well as the exposure the token receives across each industry we're involved in.
- Member Registrations
- The number of member registrations on our website will be the indicator for the number of people being eligible/anticipating eligibility for rewards.
[AUDITABILITY] What does success for this project look like?
Ultimately, Zero Citizen believes immediate action must be taken to limit the impact of climate change, therefore:
Success is Zero Citizen being recognised as the provider of rewards for Net Zero products and services, and in doing so implementing a change in attitudes and a quantifiable impact on the world's target to meet the goals set in the Paris Agreement.
Success is being able to say that Zero Citizen has supported hundreds, if not thousands of companies to make a Net Zero pledge.
Success is becoming a champion for Cardano and its ability to have a positive impact on the environment and contribute towards a Net Zero future.
[AUDITABILITY] Please provide information on whether this proposal is a continuation of a previously funded project in Catalyst or an entirely new one.
This is an entirely new proposal.
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Rating
SDG goals:
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
SDG subgoals:
Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Extent to which (i) global citizenship education and (ii) education for sustainable development are mainstreamed in (a) national education policies; (b) curricula; (c) teacher education; and (d) student assessment