Last updated 10 months ago
There is a shortage of qualified senior developers for Cardano Blockchain worldwide. India has 2 million Developers with only 0.25% on all the Blockchains.
To add senior developers in India on Cardano ecosystem, bring awareness, identify web 2.0 experienced developers and train them on Plutus and Atala Prism, assist them to get on projects.
This is the total amount allocated to Add Senior Developers to Ecosystem.
To add senior developers in India on Cardano ecosystem, bring awareness, identify web 2.0 experienced developers and train them on Plutus and Atala Prism, assist them to get on projects.
45+ years of experience in development, designing and building enterprise application. With keen interest learned Plutus, Haskell and Marlowe. Implementing a project F8 based on Atala Prism.
Udai and Narendra trained many senior developers in their technology leadership role.
Being part of the Cardano community for the last one year, on one side I find a there is big vision, very well organized and thriving community determined to solve various world problems, on other side I find there is serious shortage of qualified senior development on Cardano be it Plutus or Atala Prism.
In the case of India, the IT market is one of the biggest in the country with a market size of $197 billion in 2021 and projected to be $350 billion by 2025.
The Indian IT industry employs 4 million workers with nearly half being software developers. Yet, of the 2 million software developers in India, only 5,000 or a quarter of one percent (0.25%) possess the necessary blockchain development skills.
Indian skilled and experienced developers pool could be a solution to fill the gap of the developer requirement for Cardano. These developers are engaged in developing complex applications using other technologies in web 2.0 and they have the ability to quickly grasp and be ready developers for Cardano blockchain.
So basically 3 stages of learning
1. Guided Self Learning – 2 Months
2. Project Based Learning – 2 Months
3. Training on Live Project - 2 Months
They will be recommended to register for Plutus Pioneer program as well. As and when this program re-open and the selected developers will additionally go through Plutus Pioneer Program as well.
In 6 months, we shall prepare 10 experienced developers as Plutus or Atala Prism Developer, 5 for each. These developers will be available for the community to hire and engage on projects. This approach can help to quickly fill the shortage of developers on Cardano.
The Campaign Brief states:
Without the supportive environment for developers, new innovations would be stalled. By supporting this challenge settings, more developers would be drawn into Cardano. There would be a bigger talent pool of developers that Catalyst projects can collaborate with and turn project concepts/Proof of concept into successful protocols which would enhance the growth of Cardano.
Guiding questions
How do we attract developers from outside of our current community to participate in Catalyst?
What do developers want, and how do they get it from the Cardano dev ecosystem?
What would make it a developer motivated to grind through the docs and code no matter how hard it is to create an app?
What are enterprise dev managers looking for in order to be able to build out enterprise projects - either internal or commercial?
This proposal is fully aligned with the challenge setting and guiding questions in a very direct way. Making available more trained developers on Cardano by attracting existing web 2.0 developers in India and training them and also giving them on project experience.
We also designed an onboarding model over 6 months which will make the developers ready to build on Cardano.
We identify two key risks
a. Already connected with various people working on multiple projects on Cardano and finding shortage of developers
b. As partial cost of these developers will be compensated by this proposal, it will be attractive for community projects to hire these developers
Marketing/Promotion Contents ready
20 developers identified to join the program - out of which 10 will be selected
Collect resources for self initial learning - for examples join Gimbalabs playground, Atala Prism Canvas, developer resources
Self-Learning over two month and completed
Training projects defined
Project based Learning done and completed
Live projects identified
We will connect with the Gimbalabs project based learning initiative
Live Project Training completed
10 new Developers ready on Cardano
Other Projects involvement
Udai is a member of 3 other proposals in Fund9 however involvement of him directly is not more than 1 hour per day and he has a large team of developers and manager in to execute Fund 9 projects.
Udai is member of one proposal in Fund 8, the eRevMax team is working in collaboration with other partners. Project shall be delivered before the start of this project. Also, the involvement of Udai is very small as team members are working on deliveries.
Key budget components
Total Budget requirement $31,000
Udai Solanki, travel industry technology expert, Founder 20 years ago, served as CTO and since last two years as CEO
eRevMax technology team, mostly based in India, including Cotland and Java developers (related to Atala Prism software).
eRevMax is a leading travel B2B integration technology company, founded over 20 years ago and was a leading innovator in many of the industry state of the art solutions such as rate shopping tools and channel managers. The company has over 1000 technology integrations (i.e. travel websites, booking engines, property management systems) and is being used by hotels across the globe.
For more info visit or their product website view the following link
Udai is already active and is leading a fund 8 funded proposal: TravelerID where Atala Prism is being used.
Narendra Das is an Enterprise Software Architect, Developer and Manager, having around 22 years of experience in Software Application Design and Development, Support, Integration and Management
Narendra is already self learning plutus and marlew as well as joining the Gimbalabs sessions.
No. As this provides a start of building a team of Cardano developers and we can carry on training more developers with our cost as we do see there is a serious need for Plutus and Atala Prism developers in the ecosystem.
Measurement of the project progress will directly align with the Deliverables & Milestones identified above.
The following milestones will be shared with the Catalyst community through community channels and/or monthly reports:
We will present the community with the process of learning and names and profiles of the onboarded developers. We will also provide information about their engagement with the community and projects they are collaborating with.
We will open a dedicated Github to present the progress as well as include all relevant information in the monthly reporting and final report.
At the end of the project based learning we will communicate to the community through social channels and After town hall session about the available team members to collaborate on projects.
Success will also include integrating the developer with projects and companies working on Cardano and while getting paid in a way that we can train and onboard more developers to the ecosystem. We want to build a successful hub of training and onboarding developers.
New Project
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
45+ years of experience in development, designing and building enterprise application. With keen interest learned Plutus, Haskell and Marlowe. Implementing a project F8 based on Atala Prism.
Udai and Narendra trained many senior developers in their technology leadership role.