Last updated 2 years ago
There is no wallet add-on for the game engine client in Cardano that suits the requirement of Miverse in long-term development.
Developing content tailored to introduce new LATAM developers to Cardano and to encourage engagement through group mentoring and community activities such as project development.
This is the total amount allocated to Attracting New Developers.
Developing content tailored to introduce new LATAM developers to Cardano and to encourage engagement through group mentoring and community activities such as project development.
Thiago Nunes - Cardano Ambassador, Developer and SPO. Owner of a digital marketing agency for more than 7 years.
Cristian Amaral - tech copywriter, 10 years of experience in content marketing. Redirecting his career to be a copywriter specialist in blockchain.
There is no way to attract developers from outside our current community to participate in Catalyst without first educating this audience, in order to show the benefits - both financial and motivational - of being part of the Cardano ecosystem.
We believe that exposing the idea of being a developer in a decentralized environment which is building not only the future of the internet but also a new vision of social organization can be a powerful motivator.
With that in mind, we will create tailored content to communicate with developers in Latin America. The interaction with this content will help us to identify the key motivation points for these developers.
This approach will take place as a seminar in which we will address the following topics:
We believe that the last module will be responsible for connecting the developers with the sense of a higher purpose during the development of their code. In this module we will also show how important our ecosystem is to the idea of a better society. We will highlight the lack of trust in institutions as one of the biggest causes of the social problems faced today.
After the presentation, we will apply a survey whose data obtained will optimize the preparation of future events, in addition to inviting participants to the first engagement group of the seminar.
Upon arriving in the group, the devs will find guidance to self-organize and begin to experience their first glimpse of the community mindset.
For a few days we will monitor the group and offer an alignment meeting to unlock the next steps.
The goal is for the group to start their own self-managed community hackathon.
Through financial incentive, we will use ADA to set tasks with different score levels and make payments with community tools once they are completed.
When the group succeeds in completing the self-organized Hackathon, we will be ready to introduce the team to the last part of immersion in the Cardano ecosystem: Joint development of a proposal for Catalyst.
This proposal addresses the following Guiding Questions:
Our proposal also addresses the following points from the Potential Directions suggested by the challenge:
Finally, we are aligned with the metrics of this challenge, since our proposal addresses the information gaps during the exploration stage of these devs, in addition to creating an environment where the sense of community encourages them to interact.
Our proposal is not engaging.
This risk is very low, but it exists. We understand that blockchain is a very attractive technology for developers, but in my experience the average developers have a hard time trying to grasp what is happening in our ecosystem. Therefore, education is key. So if we face low engagement we’ll have to change the content. In this case, we’ll apply a survey that’ll extract insights for a realignment.
The mentors got stuck on some technical questions to support the teams during the hackaton.
We’ll set a side extra budget to hire advisors in a specific field to help the teams.
Some groups dropped out during the self-organized hackathon phase, due to the fact that this was being attempted for the first time.
This part is a bit critical; the initial idea of the self-organized hackathons is to help us and the team to identify their strengths before they submit a proposal in the Catalyst. If some groups give up, we’ll compare them with other groups to understand if it was a mistake on our side or just accept the low engagement of the participants and move on to capture a new group.
First Month
Second Month
Third Month
Fourth Month
Fifth Month
Sixth Month
Seventh Month
Content Development, Research, Mentoring and Support for the 7 Months
Thiago - $2500 / per month
Cristian - $2500 / per month
In seven months: $35000
Hackathon Budget for 3 groups on the Fourth Month
Security Budget in case of needing an expert help in specific topics during the hackathon phase
In case of remaining funds from the hackathon or the security budget, we’ll spin up a new group of developers to engage in the ecosystem. If the remaining funds were too short to spin up a new group, we'll donate it to Ambassador Guild to help them with operational costs.
Thiago Nunes - Technologist in Analysis and Systems Development, entrepreneur with experience in the creation of several companies related to software development, including games, mobile and web systems. His most recent and relevant experience is related to the Marketing and Digital Strategies segment. He is currently Cardano's ambassador in Brazil and operator of the Ouros stake pool and Director of Operations at Cardano Warriors.
Cristian Amaral - tech writer/copywriter with 10 years of experience in digital marketing (more specifically in content marketing). Specialized in translating technical aspects and resources into benefits easily perceived by the readers of his texts. At the moment, he’s being introduced to the mindset of decentralized communities to become a copywriter specialized in blockchain and decentralized ecosystems.
Definitely. The creation of educational content is a non-stop activity, and, as the Cardano dev community grows, more content will be needed for nurturing the existing participants and for attracting new members.
We’ll integrate auditability tools created by the community, like the treasury guild to manage transactions and Dework to create a pipeline to track different stages of this project.
On top of that I will create a spreadsheet to track the surveys received.
Project KPI
In order to have an easy way for the community to audit this work, we’ll establish a gitbook and provide the link during the first Catalyst monthly report.
New Latin American developers engage with each step foreseen in this proposal, from the self-organized hackathon to effective participation in the Cardano ecosystem, culminating in the elaboration of projects in Catalyst.
This proposal is an entirely new one.
Thiago Nunes - Cardano Ambassador, Developer and SPO. Owner of a digital marketing agency for more than 7 years.
Cristian Amaral - tech copywriter, 10 years of experience in content marketing. Redirecting his career to be a copywriter specialist in blockchain.