Last updated 2 years ago
Property tests help ensure mission-critical dApps don’t contain vulnerabilities. However, writing tests to check every contract permutation and edge-case state is exhausting if not wholly impossible.
Organize short training courses for developers in Vietnam to help them have the right knowledge about blockchain technology and its application in life.
This is the total amount allocated to Blockchain Course for Vietnam Devs.
Organize short training courses for developers in Vietnam to help them have the right knowledge about blockchain technology and its application in life.
We are made up of teachers who are teachers and masters with many years of teaching experience. Together we dig deep and analyze blockchain projects.
This is the main course of the Fimi community, we have started building the community from bringing the right knowledge and right mindset to the community of crypto investors in Vietnam, helping them to qualify for Know and avoid scam blockchain projects.
Since the 5 years ago, more than 1000 trainees have attended this course. Some of them are trainees who are living outside from Vietnam participated in the online course. You can see trainees testimonials about the course
For now, the course is still being held regularly every 2 months, and trainees will pay a tuition fee of 10,000,000 VND (~400 USD). But we want to make this course a social property in the same way that the company IOG has done with all of their intellectual property.
If the community votes on this proposal, thousands of trainees in Vietnam will be able to learn it for free. The Cardano community will have more talented and honest developers.
The course will be held on 2 weekend days. The course locations are large classrooms in Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam.
The contents of the course:
For developers
For this challenge
For Cardano ecosystem
Potential risk: The outbreak of the Covid 19 pandemic will prevent the course from being held on schedule.
Our solution: Organize those courses online, through the Zoom platform. This may reduce the interaction between students and the teacher, but it still ensures a sufficient amount of knowledge needed to help students learn most of the knowledge of the course. After that, when the pandemic is under control, all students in the online course will be re-learned in subsequent training courses to ensure that students can fully absorb the knowledge of the course.
In this proposal, we propose an operating budget to organize 4 courses within 6 months after the proposal is approved.
As soon as all 4 courses are completed, we will make a full report with Catalyst as a closed proposal.
We are requesting for a mount of:
Total amount: $22.400
Main Lecture: Who will teach for the most lesson of the courses.
Lecture assistant: Who distribute to build some lessons of the course. Who will teach some of lessons of the course in case the main lecture cannot stand teaching according to the schedule.
Fimi support team: Who ensure every element for the courses to run and complete perfectly.
This is the first series of courses that we organize with budget funded by Catalyst. After implementing the courses for the first half year, we need to optimize the system of course processes, then we need to propose a new budget to expand the reach market size. In the following funds we hope to have hundreds of new students join the Blockchain courses.
Number of new trainees registered for the course
Number of students participating in the course are developers
Number of students from the course participating in the Cardano ecosystem.
This is the new to request for a blockchain course.
Please VOTE for us to make it FREE!
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We are made up of teachers who are teachers and masters with many years of teaching experience. Together we dig deep and analyze blockchain projects.