Last updated 2 years ago
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Build a fully featured Golang package for Cardano.
This is the total amount allocated to (cardano-go) A Golang package.
Build a fully featured Golang package for Cardano.
Graduated in Electronic engineering.
Backend developer with 3+ years of experience. mostly worked with Golang and NodeJS systems.
Golang is a popular language used by many blockchains like Cosmos, Ethereum and Avalanche. Therefore there is a need for a Golang package supporting all the changing features that Cardano provides.
This package will provide the following features:
Also every future changes from incoming hard forks events will be implemented, such as changes in the transaction body, encoding, new features or capabilities, etc.
The project will implement every feature in phases, following the hardfork timeline of the given features(for example Allegra-Mary for Multi-assets). In each phase time will be allocated for investigation of the protocol features and the implementation which includes developing and testing. Every meaningful change or feature for each phase will be pushed to the github repository.
There are limitations with the current package used for CBOR encoding and decoding. A temporary solution is to use a patched internal version of the CBOR package.
1 - Transaction building
60 hours approx
2 - Serialization primitives
20 hours approx
3 - Wallet management
80 hours approx
4 - Metadata support
80 hours approx
5 - Multi-asset support
60 hours approx
6 - NFT support
70 hours approx
7 - Native and Plutus scripts support
150 hours approx
8 - Babbage changes
200 hours approx
Total estimate: 670 hours
I estimate that the development of this package will take around 4 to 5 months.
Using a rate of $30 per hour:
Budget estimate = 720hr * $30/hr = $21600
Mainly myself, since it's an opensource project anyone is able to contribute.
Yes, if there is a hardfork that requires a significant amount of work to support.
The number of features implemented and the time that these haven taken. Once a feature is pushed with the necessary tests, we can measure it as completed.
All the features implemented and fully tested, hopefully with growing community around it.
It's a new proposal.
Graduated in Electronic engineering.
Backend developer with 3+ years of experience. mostly worked with Golang and NodeJS systems.