Last updated 2 years ago
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CardanoPress is a brilliant tool for projects to build DApps but requires more documentation and tutorials. We want to create more documentation to help people start building Cardano-powered websites.
This is the total amount allocated to CardanoPress: Docs for the Builders.
CardanoPress is a brilliant tool for projects to build DApps but requires more documentation and tutorials. We want to create more documentation to help people start building Cardano-powered websites.
This proposal is by the team that has created CardanoPress
The team have been writing and creating helpful tutorials for the Cardano community for the last year with the Learn Cardano channel and main website
We are targetting, in particular, users and projects that want to build on Cardano but have almost no development skills to implement their solutions. CardanoPress bridges this gap immensely and documentation to guide the users through the process will see more use the plugin along with use of Cardano.
We have partial documentation to help new users install and configure the CardanoPress plugin as of now but more is required to explain its functionality and examples of implementing the various features for Cardano-based projects.
Our current documentation and knowledge base can be found on our website:
Creating more details instructions on how to implement all the features and various use cases is required to help users implement and customise their solutions.
A competent WordPress developer would be able to build and extend all that we have created with the limited documentation we have provided, but many don't know what WordPress is, nor do they know where to start.
This set of documentation will take any user from a novice to a competent builder with the CardanoPress plugin.
Providing documentation and instructions for users will help them implement their projects.
As a development tool for builders, we'll see more NFT projects, stake pool operators and other projects building on Cardano take up the plugin to create innovative websites around the Cardano blockchain.
We want our documentation to make it as easy as possible for anyone to pick up our plugin and start building.
Ideally, we should be creating the documentation based on the stable version of the core plugins and themes. Currently, the core plugin is still in BETA.
Creating documentation against the BETA version will require rework to keep them up to date.
To help mitigate the risk of excessive work, it may be best to complete the documentation fully after the stable version of the plugin is released.
Phase 1: Outline the documentation and what is required to be documented
Phase 2: Write the draft of the documentation
Phase 3: Open documentation to testing and community feedback
Phase 4: Create videos to accompany the documentation
Phase 5: Publish the final versions of the documentation on the website and GitHub
60 hours of content writing and video production at the team's hourly rate of $150 an hour.
8 hours - Documentation outline and structure
36 hours - Writing, revisions & community feedback
16 hours - Video production
Peter Bui - Creator of CardanoPress & host of the Learn Cardano Podcast
Peter will be writing all of the documentation and creating the examples for users to follow and learn from.
We'll likely return for future funding as the plugin develops, evolves and changes over time. Additional funding would be needed to support its development as we slowly transition into a sustainable business model that will keep the project self-sustained.
The delivery of the documentation and its usage will be key indicators that we've successfully delivered useful documentation for the community to use.
A complete set of documentation around the core plugin:
Along with more active users asking questions in the corresponding forum category:
Traffic stats via Google Analytics showing an increase in page views from the time of the proposal to the post-competition date will indicate usage.
More projects installing CardanoPress and using it as their base of development will be a key measure of success for the project.
Making it easier for projects to install, configure and customise their instance will show how easy it is to build a functioning DApp on Cardano with WordPress and CardanoPress.
Seeing other web agencies and developers build services around the plugin is another key measurement of success. Seeing others build thriving businesses around our plugins would be an amazing indicator of success.
This is not a continuation of a previously funded proposal.
This proposal is by the team that has created CardanoPress
The team have been writing and creating helpful tutorials for the Cardano community for the last year with the Learn Cardano channel and main website