Last updated 2 years ago
Challenge Team (CT) members cannot easily streamline the Proof of Life (POL) process, especially for new CT members to record updates in phases 1, 2 and 3 and fairness in payment claims over CT term.
The CTWP to address the current issues CT is facing in POL, record keeping for every single task from each phase, give a sense of fairness in payment and increase productivity for CT members.
This is the total amount allocated to Challenge Teams Web Portal - CTWP.
The CTWP to address the current issues CT is facing in POL, record keeping for every single task from each phase, give a sense of fairness in payment and increase productivity for CT members.
The team comprises a backend developer, the challenge team members of Fund7 and the Team Lead in Fund8 and 9. The proposers are core team members of Eastern Hemisphere Townhall and support Project Catalyst JP, IN, NZ, and VN communities from Fund6.
The Challenge Team (CT) role and function in Project Catalyst have started from Fund7 and now is Fund9. Please refer to Input/Output Global (IOG) [1] sums up documentation on Challenge Team [2] and Challenge Teams: Return on Intention stewardship during Execution [3] for insights understanding.
The current Fund9 is allocated $5000 for each CT at the time of writing (25th Jun 2022) from IOG. Noting Fund7 was $2500 and $5000 for Fund8 for each CT. The amount is for the entire CT and to pay out when CT completes the close-out report, CT members to present the result of the challenge at the main Townhall. See the completed phases as in the Challenge Teams Web Portal CTWP flowchart.
IOG proposed the following percentages for each phase [4].
a. Phase 1: Fund Launch 15%
b. Phase 2: Execution 15%
c. Phase 3: Post Execution 70%
Issues arise when CT has more than ONE member in different time zones.
1) As Fund9, no CT comprises one team member. Suppose a CT has one member to care for everything in three phases. Thus, it means zero demand to have this proposal because there is no problem in payment, task dividend, one time zone and ultimately, no need for any kind of consensus.
2) Issues raised on each team member's contribution clarity, task allocation for each phase, records and over six months or more.
Despite $5000 is not a huge amount to manage. However, every team member from all challenge teams' contributions has been recognised and appreciated. Of course, payment dividend would be fair to the contribution amount for a participated team member.
Therefore, this CTWP will particularly help.
1) all the CT members to save time for record-keeping on a web-based interface without needing to use Excel, spreadsheet, Google sharing docs etc.
2) simplify payment dividend per phase for each participant member and entire CT and generate a close-out report containing individual team members’ wallet addresses and ready to send to IOG for payment.
3) consensus built-in future, in scenarios, the team member(s) disagree on other the team member’s task claiming for payment, if ever need to use it. See Table 1. below for a sample.
4) the CT knows whether a proposer has multiple funded proposals (FP) completed Proof of Live (POL) for the remaining FP with belong to other the challenge or not. See Table 2. for insight details.
5) proposer to look at the POL schedule in their localized time, the number of time slots available, and the times available if they have multiple FP in various challenges by entering main idealscale’s username to displace all funded proposals and POLs or enter proposal ID for single POL time. See Table 3. for sample records to consolidate [5].
In conclusion, the proposal is to address current obstacles and increase the effectiveness of the FP proposer and challenge team. Giving a sense of fairness in payment for CT members. Record keeping for every single task from each phase. Finally, CTWP will save a lot of time for CT members to effectively deliver and support the funded proposals.
Challenge Teams Web Portal – CTWP is
a web-based tool available 24 hours, and we tent to deliver this portal service for at least 12 months.
a record-keeping and management service to increase the enjoyment of team members when have to deal with time-wasting
a tool for CT members to increase productivity and have more time to support and provide the transparency report and payment calculation for each participating team member.
Thus, this proposal has addressed and well-fixed into Developer Ecosystem challenge.
As explained in Feasibilities and Audibility, the proposal's scope is quite streamlined and always open. We are looking out for additional team members when needed to meet the delivery target for Fund 10 POL.
TOTAL DURATION of Deployment and testing timeline: 3.5 months
Note: We propose CTWP in service for at least 12 months on the top of this completion mark to serve the Project Catalyst, Challenge Teams, and funded proposers.
Month 1:
Create high-level/detailed design
Design UI and database
Create authentication features (users registration, login, reset password)
Month 2:
Create "Launch" support features (i.e. Challenge Team leader uploads template files)
Create POL support features
- Challenge team members to schedule POL meeting
- "POL in other Challenge Team" support features
Create "after delivery" support features
Month 3:
Build tasks logging features (i.e. which tasks are done by which challenge team members)
Build administration features
- Manage users (e.g. reset the password, disable users...)
- Manage users' roles (e.g challenge team members can view tasks in their challenges but are not eligible to access other challenges)
Module and Integration test
Run a trial with 3 challenge teams
Month 3.5:
Revise based on the feedback from the trial
Deploy to AWS
Create guidelines and documentation
At the moment, there are three core members to deliver for the first 3 ½ months and will be the main team members to carry on the task for the next 12 months after the CTWP is into production mode.
Team member 1: Linh - Australia-based computer network and security consultant since 1997 and turned into an academic in 2004 and delivered on cyber security, cloud computing, digital forensics and intro to the blockchain courses and topic areas. Co-host of Eastern Townhall. Challenge team member of Fund7 - Disarm Cyber Disinformation Attacks, Team Lead for both Fund8 and 9 for Grow East Asia, Grow Cardano challenges. The proposer is currently assisting in running Eastern Catalyst School, a Fund8 funded proposal, in curriculum design and taking charge of delivery.
Any questions, comments, feedback, or support can be reached by Telegram: @Elpidanang and Discord: LinhCrypt#5099 and live Zoom in bi-weekly Eastern Hemisphere Townhall meetings.
Team member 2: Mie Tran - Vietnam-based: Funded proposer, Eastern Townhall Moderator, Interpreter and Translator, Challenge Team member, sub-circle team member, Cardano Passionate. Ms Mei graduated with an English and International Business major with experience working with western businesses and translation. Co-host for Cardano Eastern Townhall - English/Vietnamese. Linked: Telegram: @mietran0407
Team member 3: Thinh Cao - Japan-based senior developer with a 7-year of experience in the information technology and services industry. Skilled in Data Analysis, Databases, Applications with Python, R, C++, C#. Strong engineering professional with a PhD degree focused on Computer Science.
Github: and Linkedin:
Yes, if there is a demand for the CTWP after 15 months.
Phase 1: Deployment and Testing - 3.5 months
IOG auditor, Developer Ecosystem Challenge team members and Project Catalyst communities are able to monitor our proposal delivery progress. Any month we are not delivered as listed on the feasibility, we will report and request IOG stop the next pay cycle. With our proposal delivery experience, from Fund6 to now, we have yet to use this strategy and hope we do not need it for this project.
Month 1:
Create high-level/detailed design
Design UI and database
Create authentication features (users registration, login, reset password)
Month 2:
Create "Launch" support features (i.e. Challenge Team leader uploads template files)
Create POL support features
- Challenge team members schedule POL meeting
- "POL in other Challenge Team" support features
Create "after delivery" support features
Month 3:
Build tasks logging features (i.e. which tasks are done by which challenge team members)
Build administration features
- Manage users (e.g. reset the password, disable users...)
- Manage users' roles (e.g challenge team members can view tasks in their challenges but are not eligible to access other challenges)
Module and Integration test
Run a trial with 3 challenge teams
Month 3.5:
Revise based on the feedback from the trial
Deploy to AWS
Create guidelines and documentation
Phase 2: Production and adjusting: After 3.5 months or early. Our team will work with incoming Challenge Teams and update the records regularly, and all the deliverable functions of CTWP can be checked directly from our portal.
CTWP provides
a closer to one-stop tool for the challenge teams to use for record-keeping, payment calculation and consensus feature, a timetable for POL phase, and streamline report for IOG
Funded proposal with an easier POL scheduling looks up arrangement, especially if proposers have more than two funding proposals in different challenges.
No – New proposal
[1] "IOG." IOG. (accessed 26 Jun, 2022).
[2] IOG. "Challenge Teams." IOG. (accessed 25 jun, 2022).
[3] "Challenge Teams : Return on Intention stewardship during Execution shared by IOG." IOG. (accessed 24 Jun, 2022).
[4] "Challenge Team ATH 16 February." IOG. (accessed 26 Jun, 2022).
[5] "Fund8 Challenge Teams Session Schedule," 2022 ed: Project Catalyst Team, 2022.
The team comprises a backend developer, the challenge team members of Fund7 and the Team Lead in Fund8 and 9. The proposers are core team members of Eastern Hemisphere Townhall and support Project Catalyst JP, IN, NZ, and VN communities from Fund6.