Last updated 2 years ago
Developers need APIs, Webhooks, SDKs...etc to build their products on Cardano platform. We will provide them freely for app developers for quick access to integrate with the Cardano blockchain
We will provide APIs, SDKs for app developers for quick access to integrate with the Cardano blockchain, allowing developers and businesses to focus on building their business model
This is the total amount allocated to DCOne Crypto for Developers.
We will provide APIs, SDKs for app developers for quick access to integrate with the Cardano blockchain, allowing developers and businesses to focus on building their business model
We are a professional team of Backend, Full-stack, Devops programmers with more than 10 years of experience and more than 6 years of experience in the field of cryptocurrency and blockchain. Develop Javascript, C# SDK (NETWORK, EPOCH, BLOCK, TRANSACTIONS, ADDRESS..)
DCOne Crypto is an ecosystem in the Cardano space. For the developers who want to build their products on the Cardano blockchain, it requires knowing Cardano Wallet, Cardano GraphQL, Cardano DB Sync, DevOps, Infrastructure Management, Server Administration, System Security, System Maintenance... can cost 2500-3500$ per month. This affects the ambition of developers from forming new ideas or developing their products. We provide APIs, Webhooks, SDKs...etc for developers that are easy to use and extensible, build more apps, and attract more users to the Cardano blockchain. All functions are run on Testnet before using it on Mainnet.
The component will be provided by us as follows:
DCOneCrypto HTTP REST API: The most trusted and accessible DCOneCrypto HTTP REST API ( that makes it easier and faster for application developers to maintain a complex infrastructure Easier to build on Cardano and developers can get all the data they need for transactions
Webhook system: The webhook system automatically sends data to the project owner's API endpoint, the system user is configured at the DCOneCrypto website
Development experience: Give users a developer experience, the ability to test and test their webhook.
Our project helps the Cardano ecosystem to increase developers productivity. Our APIs, SDKs to power products:
Risk: These are architectural patterns and technologies used in microservices system, REST API, HA proxy, Event-driven architecture, serverless and used across all services deploying
Solution: running 2 servers in 2 different countries at the same time, always have recovery system to ensure a minimum 99.9% uptime.
DCOne Crypto is a long-term plan, including building an DCOne website for project owners & users. In the long term, it is possible to consider issuing a project governance token, collecting user fees to maintain and develop the project.
Total implementation time for this proposal: 3 months
Detailed plan and timeline:
The 1st month: REST API, WCF Wallet Blockchain Cardano:
The 2nd month: REST API, WCF Notifications Webhook, Telegram and Discord groups:
The 3rd month: REST API, WCF Expansion of payment utility, system integration, app application
All of the features above here will be available on both the Mainnet and the Testnet.
Technical Project Lead: $3500/month * 3 months= $10500
Full-stack Developer: $2500/month * 3 months = $7500
DevOps/ System: $2200/month * 3 months = $6600
Developer IOS, Android: $3000/month * 3 months = $9000
System infrastructure, Disaster recovery capabilities, Security: $2000 x 3 month = $6000
Marketing expense: $1000/campaign * 3 campaigns = $3000
Reserve cost: $2500
Total cost: $45100
Team of programmers with over 10 years of experience, for 6 years working together in the field of Blockchain & Crypto.
Technical Project Lead:
Developer Full Stack:
Developer IOS, Android: Part-time
Yes because DCOne Crypto is a long-term project. We need funds to develop more features to the developers, project owners and users.
If we do not get funding from Catalyst, we will continue to implement our project as we are doing, but the progress will be slower.
We will follow the detailed plan as above. The KPIs for our project are as follows:
The community can check the completion of the work in the following way
The DCOne Crypto for Developers project is considered successful if it successfully builds and tests the available library for developers. The developer community registered to use DCOne Crypto's library up to 1000 people after 3 months. The uptime is more than 99.99%.
This is a new project
We are a professional team of Backend, Full-stack, Devops programmers with more than 10 years of experience and more than 6 years of experience in the field of cryptocurrency and blockchain. Develop Javascript, C# SDK (NETWORK, EPOCH, BLOCK, TRANSACTIONS, ADDRESS..)