Last updated 2 years ago
Writing DApps in Haskell has some drawbacks:
There is need to build a the developer ecosystem that helps them to have a sense of community and a place they can share ideas
This is the total amount allocated to More Developers on Cardano.
There is need to build a the developer ecosystem that helps them to have a sense of community and a place they can share ideas
Working with a team of developers from the Plutus Pioneer Program in East Africa, CAs VCAs, ED tech
Adding more developers on Cardano will held in creation of more scripts for automation, the building of frameworks dashboards DeFi tokenization
The increased number of developers from this region will:
A. Attract developers from outside the community to participate in Catalyst
B. Motivate developers to keep building and to have staying power
C. Create a sense of community and conversations pertinent to their issues
Developers are in high demand and can be difficult to keep interesting in new projects. WE need to be able to have enough incentive to attract them
May 2022 Do a campaign to attract developers from existing developer community that is outside of Catalyst
May June 2022 Create a Haskell/ Plutus course
June 2022 Invite developers to a round table discussion both face to face and online
July 2022 Run a workshop on Plutus and Cardano and recruit for training
July -Sept 2022 Run the course
Sept 2022 - Present the cohort at a graduation event
May 2022 Do a campaign to attract developers from existing developer community that is outside of Catalyst
May June 2022 Create a Haskell/ Plutus course
June 2022 Invite developers to a round table discussion both face to face and online
July 2022 Run a workshop on Plutus and Cardano and recruit for training
July -Sept 2022 Run the course
Sept 2022 - Present the cohort at a graduation event
July 2022 Do a campaign to attract developers from existing developer community that is outside of Catalyst
July august2022 Create a Haskell/ Plutus course
July2022 Invite developers to a round table discussion both face to face and online
August 2022 Run a workshop on Plutus and Cardano and recruit for training
August September 2022 Run the course
October 2022 - Present the cohort at a graduation event
Yes as the developers will grow and develop solutions that may need funding
200 East African developers sensitized trained and onboarded onto the Cardano ecosystem
It was not funded and needed improvements
SDG goals:
Goal 8. Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Goal 9. Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG Sub-goals:
8.2 Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labor-intensive sectors
8.5 By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value
8.6 By 2020, substantially reduce the proportion of youth not in employment, education or training
9.5 Enhance scientific research, upgrade the technological capabilities of industrial sectors in all countries, in particular developing countries, including, by 2030, encouraging innovation and substantially increasing the number of research and development workers per 1 million people and public and private research and development spending
9.c Significantly increase access to information and communications technology and strive to provide universal and affordable access to the Internet in least developed countries by 2020
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
16.a.1 Existence of independent national human rights institutions in compliance with the Paris Principles
8.2.1 Annual growth rate of real GDP per employed person
8.5.1 Average hourly earnings of employees, by sex, age, occupation and persons with disabilities
8.5.2 Unemployment rate, by sex, age and persons with disabilities
8.6.1 Proportion of youth (aged 15–24 years) not in education, employment or training
9.5.1 Research and development expenditure as a proportion of GDP
9.5.2 Researchers (in full-time equivalent) per million inhabitants
9.c.1 Proportion of population covered by a mobile network, by technology
Working with a team of developers from the Plutus Pioneer Program in East Africa, CAs VCAs, ED tech