Last updated 2 years ago
Full of ideas, skill, and talent, Cardano developers don't find meaningful projects and fruitful collaborations. The developer experience is solitary. World-changing, killer apps never Hello World.
Organize and host 3 monthly events related to impact and developer themes to onboard newcomers, inspire Cardano developers and build stronger community engagement. We collaborate and we celebrate!
This is the total amount allocated to Onboard Devs with Impactful Events.
Organize and host 3 monthly events related to impact and developer themes to onboard newcomers, inspire Cardano developers and build stronger community engagement. We collaborate and we celebrate!
Cardano4climate is a growing, Project Catalyst community focused on making the world work better for all people, animals, and the planet. By hosting thematic, value-aligned events, we connect use cases and developers to build real-world solutions based on the Cardano Blockchain.
Cardano4Climate’s team of professional and volunteer event staff organized and hosted 5 Project Catalyst Sustainability Goals events.
These events bring external sustainability experts and projects together with Catalyst projects and groups working towards building a sustainable future.
This proposal is to continue monthly events, drive value, onboard newcomers, connect the community, and provide an environment and space where we solve the wicked problems of Climate Change using Cardano blockchain technology to accelerate our impact.
All Cardano4Climate events have planning agendas, shareable slide decks, event feedback records, and public recordings on YouTube. C4C events team has created an event model that follows the Project Catalyst Funding rounds.
The first event focuses on ideation, connection, and collaboration by supporting impact proposals and attracting new developers and stakeholders from outside the Project Catalyst ecosystem. The second event focuses on an important topic and potential use cases for the developer ecosystem. By collecting resources, aligning with individual and collective values, and facilitating collaborations, thematic events attract new members passionate about the subject and facilitate engagement with existing community members.
The third event showcases both previously funded, impact-related projects and new proposals in the current Project Catalyst funding round.
For Fund 10, in collaboration with Gimbalabs and the developer community, Cardano4Climate will host a new series, “Developer Impact.”
Each event includes both external and community speakers to bring awareness to communities not yet on Catalyst. For example, our guest speaker at the last event was Koen van Seijen from the founder of one of the most important podcasts promoting regenerative agriculture.
Each event brings together a planning team of community members passionate about various subjects creating engagement, participation, and ownership of community activities.
It is this passionate, caring community of over 270 members who welcome newcomers to Catalyst and help them navigate the space through referrals to other projects, support, and communities like Gimbalabs, Eastern Townhall, Catalyst School, WADA, Swarm, Climate Neutral Cardano SPO group, DLT360, SustainableADA and more.
Risk: Blockchain is a complicated topic and a complex space. Not all blockchains are created equal and the negative environmental impact of bitcoin mining, crypto scams, and general fear of new systems and technology, in general, can cause caring, passionate people to overlook the potential we recognize in Cardano.
Mitigation: Information and Education. Each event shares both researched information and an educational component geared towards languages of the heart. We care about the planet; we speak the same language.
Risk: Technology has not been developed on Cardano: There are complex issues to solve for people with “boots on the ground” while blockchain and Cardano tech is still evolving and not proven
Mitigation: Continue to support Impact related projects whether or not the technology is ready. Connect projects to existing Cardano solutions. Encourage joint research and proof of concept opportunities through Catalyst.
Risk: Ineffective onboarding and missed opportunities to connect newcomers to the right community channels
Mitigation: Continue to promote coordination and sync within the community, Cardano projects IOG and CF, and work closely with the emerging Cardano Impact Collective.
Risk: The growth of the community can outstrip our ability to facilitate events effectively
Mitigation: Continue to create templates, resources, and roadmaps and incentivize, train, and onboard members in community management and meeting facilitation.
Cardano4Climate is a global community of over 300 members [270 on telegram) & 370 on discord], grown in 10 months around communication channels, meetings & a shared vision. 8 active core team members.
In 10 months, Cardano4Climate has grown into a global community of over 300 members through communication channels, meetings, events, and a shared mission of making the world work better for all people, animals, and the planet. We have a growing team of core members.
Since August 2021, we have moderated a Telegram channel that has grown to over 280 members & a Discord server of over 370 members and multiple channels and categories. We have sub-communities and initiatives forming around impact, education, tokenomics, event planning & community management. Since mid-October, 2021 C4C has hosted weekly 90-minute zoom calls. All 3 weekly planning meetings, weekly community meetups, and monthly events are recorded and shared on our YouTube channel. We are regular Project Catalyst Town hall breakout room hosts.
We collaborate with other Catalyst communities such as Gimbalabs, Catalyst School, WADA, Swarm, Climate Neutral Cardano SPO group, DLT360, SustainableADA, and more.
We are a point of reference to connect impact-related community activities with ecosystem players such as Cardano Foundation, IOG, Cardashift, and Empowa.
Cardano4Climate has put on five major Sustainability events:
Main Event Deliverables (3 events based on Fund 10 timeline):
Budget Breakdown
+ 4,500.00 - Event planning Budget - 1500 USD per event x 3 events = 4500 USD
+ 1,800.00 - Event and meeting facilitation - 3 events x 2 people x 300 USD = 1800 USD
+ 1,500.00 - Documentation and Video production - 500 USD x 3 = 1500 USD
+ 3,000.00 - Marketing & Public Relations - 1000 USD x 3 = 3000 USD
+ 1,500.00 - Flexible and contingency use - 500 USD x 3 = 1500 USD
+ 1,000.00 - Accounting: Treasury Guild $250 per month X 4 months = $1000
+ 13,300.00
Total: 13300
Over 280 (on Telegram) & 370 (on Discord) members of C4C from around the world
Until climate change is solved, we will be back.
It is conceivable that this proposal could be self-funded with sponsorships and those looking for developers. But we don’t have plans for this at the moment.
Monthly events and weekly meetups are recorded public events listed in the Cardano & Catalyst Community Network Meetup at
Planning meetings are recorded and uploaded to our YouTube Channel. We are committed to transparency in our process & decisions with increased accessibility of this information to all of our stakeholders. We have initiated a public GitHub repository where all ongoing tasks and actions are tracked regularly. We have begun an incentive and reward initiative in collaboration with Gimbalabs and recorded it on Discord and Dework.
YouTube: to measure
We had a related proposal for Fund7 and in Fund8
The proposal funded the 'Sustainability Events' held monthly by the C4C. The Fund8 proposal funded the creation of a group of community members committed to creating impactful events. This Fund9 proposal will expand the scope and focus to include the developer community.
Cardano4climate is a growing, Project Catalyst community focused on making the world work better for all people, animals, and the planet. By hosting thematic, value-aligned events, we connect use cases and developers to build real-world solutions based on the Cardano Blockchain.