Last updated 2 years ago
The Cardano space has been auctioning NFTs since March of 2021 using Discord and other escrow models. While these are easily replicable there is no publicly available smart contract for auctions.
We want to build a robust auctions smart contract which will be implemented into JPG Store and made available for any other platform in the ecosystem that wants to use or build upon it.
This is the total amount allocated to Open Source Auctions Smart Contract.
We want to build a robust auctions smart contract which will be implemented into JPG Store and made available for any other platform in the ecosystem that wants to use or build upon it.
The team at JPG launched the marketplace in the second week of November 2021. Since then JPG has pushed to create a user driven marketplace servicing all NFTs on Cardano with a strong development team of 10+ engineers driven to create on Cardano.
The smart contract we intend on creating would cater to the following possibilities:
Some functionality may need to be removed depending on current on-chain limitations.
The contract once open-sourced would help developers in the ecosystem create their own tools and platforms. Apart from that, this contract combined with our other open-sourced contracts would allow for innovations and expansions by the community.
The biggest challenge in executing this project is to ensure security and battle testing the contract so it can be trusted by the community at large.
The project would be executed over a time period of 4 weeks internally with an expected 4 week timeline from the third party smart contract auditing company.
Our budgets are divided into four major categories, employee costs, overheads, smart contract specialist fee and auditing fee.The costs can be broken down as follows:
Employee Costs: 2800 USD/Week
Smart Contract Specialist: 20,000 USD
Contract Audit: 40,000 USD
Overheads: 700 USD / Week
Overheads include hosting, unexpected delays, marketing costs, tutorial development and more.
To execute the proposal we will be using 3 core resources as follows:
The submission is a one time funding request to execute the proposal. We do not foresee us returning to Catalyst for further funding in regards to this proposal.
We build our tools and features in a modular manner while testing each part as it is built and retesting as it starts to communicate with other modules. We will be tracking these milestones internally and inviting our beta testers to provide feedback on usability and functionality as soon as our project reaches a state of readiness.
We are also driven to run the project in a user-centered manner, listening to our users and various stakeholders throughout the process to ensure the end product is what the community at large desires.
A working smart contract with the defined features that is available to the Cardano community to use as they see fit.
This is an entirely new proposal.
The team at JPG launched the marketplace in the second week of November 2021. Since then JPG has pushed to create a user driven marketplace servicing all NFTs on Cardano with a strong development team of 10+ engineers driven to create on Cardano.