Last updated 2 years ago
Golang serialization library has been funded and completed in previous catalyst rounds. It support Byron and Shelley era, in order to attract developers we need to bring it up to date with Plutus.
Implement Plutus support, including Vasil fork element, into the Golang serialization library.
This is the total amount allocated to Plutus support for Golang SDK.
Implement Plutus support, including Vasil fork element, into the Golang serialization library.
We have implemented the Cardano serialization support into Golang.
Compared to other blockchains, Cardano has very poor programming language support. To this day, we support only Haskell, JavaScript and Java fully.
By offering Go as another programming language, we will increase the pool of availability and attrack more developers to the ecosystem.
From our past experience, the major risk is delivery delay. Serialization libraries are one of the most challenging things to implement and are at risk of delays due to technical difficulty of the task.
We are mitigating this risk by adding extra time we might need to solve technical challenges.
We will release the Go serialization library with Plutus support within 5 months after the funding is received. Our best effort is to complete this within first two months.
They are 3 major milestones as follows:
The budget is clear, as it is only programming hours of our lead go programmer.
We estimate it will take 480 man hours to complete the project.
Five Binaries team is going to be working on this proposal.
It is possible, if we see more hard forks in the future, our aim to provide this library up to date with Cardano.
We are reporting progress on all our funded proposals on our Catalyst dashboard at
Final implementation with documentation and examples.
Yes, it is. Go Serialization Library has been funded in Fund 3.
We have implemented the Cardano serialization support into Golang.