[GENERAL] Summarize your solution to the problem.
We develop an open-source wallet add-on for game engine clients.
[GENERAL] Summarize your relevant experience.
- In the scope of this proposal, we're running with 2 senior blockchain developers.
- For making the project succeed, we're working hard with 4 teams of game development, comic production, and marketing with 50+ people
[IMPACT] Please describe your proposed solution.
For easier reading and assessing our proposal please read this proposal with this link.
It has clickable outline to parts & Vietnamese, Japanese version

The components in miverse wallet system.
- User : The game user or blockchain investor in our universe. They can register as Miverse users, Miverse will create the ADA wallet based on each user registration.
- Miverse Wallet : The wallet is integrated into Miverse game. We develop this wallet as Unity Plugin to reuse on our other project or also can open source to contribute to ADA community that wants to develop the game and integrate the ADA wallet inside the game. This wallet will provide the GUI in-game to manage their wallet including functions to check balance, and send/receive the ADA in-game. Buy the NFT item, staking ADA in the pool to open a new galaxy in the next phase of development.
- Backend API: This component provides the functions to interact between Miverse Wallet and Cardano Node. The API includes functions such as creating the wallet, storage ADA, checking balance, sending/receiving ADA, and storage assets such as NFT or native tokens.
- Cardano Node : This contains the Cardano-node component and the Cardano-CLI component of the Blockchain network. This component will enable interaction with the Cardano blockchain, including to sending/receiving transactions, creating NFTs, posting transaction metadata into the blockchain, minting/burning native tokens, creating a stake pool, executing smart contracts, and so on. All information of block in ADA blockchain network will be synchronized and store in Cardano Node.
Besides developing wallet add-ons for client engines, this proposal is also for developing smart contracts in Miverse.
CNFT Generation
- For In-game character: each character in the game is a distinct property. There will be about 1000 Origin CNFTs for each new species to be born, which will then combine to form the next generation NFTs.
- CNFT for Battleship: different from the character. Battleship has 5 different parts, in which the player can keep the main body of the ship, and change other parts of the ship (in case of upgrading the ship). Or can upgrade both the main body and change other parts. To do that the player must burn the corresponding CNFTs
- For ex: burn the weapon CNFT to upgrade the weapon for the battleship + burn the old battleship CNFT ➝ create a new battleship CNFT with the relevant stats to the weapon is changed and the other stats are unchanged.
- Comic: there are 2 types
- Buying comic: a single comic chapter can be sold to many people, and it is up to the author to decide whether to sell indefinitely or limited. For example, limited only sell 1000 copies.
- Subscription: subscription CNFT owners can read the story without having to purchase it. And Author can limit the number of chapters to read, or period (week, month, day) So that the reader can freely pass their CNFT to others if they don't want to read it anymore. Create some trading flow on marketplace.
- Open source Wallet ad-on
- Character CNFTs
- Battleship CNFTs
- Light fighter CNFTs
- Item CNFTs
- Ship's Component CNFTs
- Comic Subscription CNFTs
- Comic chapter CNFTs
- Feel better when login into game
- Less quit acts
- Excitement in-game with CNFTs
- Owning their favorite chapter or whole comic
- Can trade their asset freely
- Can sell their subscription if they don't want to read the comic more which can't happen in traditional industry.
- Saving time for deployment
[IMPACT] Please describe how your proposed solution will address the Challenge that you have submitted it in.
By what we will deliver from this proposal including
- Open source Wallet Ad-on
- Various Cases NFTs in Miverse
It will contribute to the Cardano community and make some impact on it
- Reduce the time to develop the game that needs a wallet add-on for the client engine.
- Attracting developer on-chained
- Attracting game maker on-chained
[IMPACT] What are the main risks that could prevent you from delivering the project successfully and please explain how you will mitigate each risk?
Except for common challenges for the whole project you can check here, we don't have any technical risks or challenges with this proposal because it's on research and development.
The only challenge is will be not funded for this proposal. Even that, we have to develop this part of work, so we have to pay with our own money. Then maybe it will be slower than the planned timeline because of less human resource for solving tasks in this scope.
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed plan, including timeline and key milestones for delivering your proposal.
For the detailed execution timeline & output, please check here
For the detailed task, estimation & general timeline, please check here
For detail planned - on progress - complete task, please check: https://development.miverse.io
We will only show the detail roadmap for the scope of work of this proposal only - from June 1st to Dec 31st/ 2022. For the full roadmap from QIV-2021 to QI-2022, please check the link above. It's too long to put here.
QIII, 2022
- Brand design (Done)
- Social media channels & community of Miverse (Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Discord, Telegram, Medium…) (Doing)
- Raise funding at Catalyst 2nd time (Doing)
- Tokenomic development (Doing)
- Litepaper development
- Game document development & finish for chess game (Doing)
- Finish Art concept & direction for the whole Miverse (Doing)
- In-game assets design 2D & 3D (Doing)
- UX/UI design
- Miverse web portal
- Setting up the fundamentals for game development (Doing)
- Back-end development (Doing)
- Front-end develop
- Marketing by communicating and inspiring communities with our works
- Social media channels & community of Miverse comic
- Finish some first story chapters for demo (Doing)
- Release comic on other comic platforms
- Developing the simple comic site in Miverse for readers can read and register
- Organize regular communication event weekly
- Publishing comic marketing materials weekly
QIV, 2022
- Finish Whitepaper
- Marketplace & blockchain development
- Smart contract deployment
- In-game assets design 2D & 3D
- UX/UI design
- Game detail development
- Back-end development
- Front-end develop
- Game Portal
- Other features
- Release the demo of the first game on PC
- Game testing and fixing bugs
- Marketing to inspire the audience to engage with the game release
QI, 2023
- Raise funding in Cardano
- Release the demo of the chess game on mobile
- Game testing and fixing bugs
- Launching marketplace for trading NFT
- Release new feature in-game
- Ship production
- Birth
- Item farming
- Loot box
[FEASIBILITY] Please provide a detailed budget breakdown.
This budget breakdown is extracted from our detailed budget estimation here.
We have a detailed financial plan for the most important part of this project that was made by considering our old projects and from other partners.
So, it can have some points that are different from your experiences and resource because we're in different conditions: location, HR, nation...
About the price/ unit. We use the $3.000 as the average number. In actual execution, it can be higher or lower than that number, but in our experience, that number is ok for estimation.

[FEASIBILITY] Please provide details of the people who will work on the project.
For the information on the whole team, and who is covering which group task/ task please visit our detailed execution timeline & output here
This proposal will be led by Andy Nguyen - CEO of Unicorn Studio - Having more than 8 years of developing games for the Korean market for big companies like KakaoTalk, OllehStore, OzStore, TStore, and Facebook Instant Game. Many years of experience in making mobile applications, windows os, mac os, websites and graduated with a master's degree in data science. I am just starting to research and develop blockchain but feel that this is a very early market and there are many opportunities ahead so I decided to devote all my heart to the blockchain. The combination of my many years of game-making experience and my experience in researching and implementing a few blockchain projects will definitely help in the completion of this project. I also hope that in the process of working on the project, I will be able to create valuable research papers for the blockchain academic community.
[FEASIBILITY] If you are funded, will you return to Catalyst in a later round for further funding? Please explain why / why not.
For the scope of this proposal - No!
If we get funds for this proposal, we will stop to ask for funds for this part because it's enough. You can check our detailed budget estimation here
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or any member of your team working on any other proposals in this Fund9?
[FEASIBILITY] Are you or your team working on any other proposals from previous Funds?
[AUDITABILITY] Please describe what you will measure to track your project's progress, and how will you measure these?
Our works will be shown in detail for the community audit on the links below. Depending on your needs, we made some kind of tools for not just auditing our proposal but further development in the future.
- For key metrics of the whole project please check our master proposal here.
- You can check the detail actual executive roadmap here.
- And if you want to know which group tasks are planned - on progress - completed, you can check our page here: https://development.miverse.io (You can even suggest some of your idea there in the future to improve Miverse Multiverse & Platform)
For this proposal, we will measure these metrics including:
- The number of mined CNFTs
- The number of GitHub repo
- The number of developer go with Miverse
- The number of game maker cooperate with Miverse in next fund
[AUDITABILITY] What does success for this project look like?
Game maker that want to make game and aim on gamers in the mainstream gaming industry will love to use this because it make gamers comfortable and less quitting game because of purchasing. Thing that is also happening in the traditional market.
This small thing will drive a lot of traffic to their game because content creators will talk about this.
[AUDITABILITY] Please provide information on whether this proposal is a continuation of a previously funded project in Catalyst or an entirely new one.
This proposal is the next part of our funded proposal in fund 8 - https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/397373
In this fund 8, we propose 7 proposals that are all a part of this project - including this proposal.
For easier reading & assessment with clickable outlines on the title, please get in this link to all of our proposal in fund 9
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Rating
SDG goals:
- Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
- Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
- Build resilient infrastructure, promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and foster innovation
SDG subgoals:
Mobilize additional financial resources for developing countries from multiple sources
- Achieve higher levels of economic productivity through diversification, technological upgrading and innovation, including through a focus on high-value added and labour-intensive sectors
- Promote development-oriented policies that support productive activities, decent job creation, entrepreneurship, creativity and innovation, and encourage the formalization and growth of micro-, small- and medium-sized enterprises, including through access to financial services
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
- Annual growth rate of real GDP per employed person
- Proportion of informal employment in total employment, by sector and sex