Last updated 2 years ago
According to Plutus Pioneer staff, a very low percentage of students succeed in the program. The stated reason for student dropout is a lack of Haskell foundational knowledge.
Zero to Haskell is a 10 week program aimed at teaching novice programmers Haskell fundamentals so that students can succeed in the Plutus Pioneer Program.
This is the total amount allocated to Zero to Haskell: Pre-Plutus Program.
Zero to Haskell is a 10 week program aimed at teaching novice programmers Haskell fundamentals so that students can succeed in the Plutus Pioneer Program.
A trained mathematician from the University of Sevilla, Luis Morillo-Najarro learned Haskell as his first programming language and has been a Haskell dev for over 13 years. He graduated from cohort 1 of the Plutus Pioneer Program in 2021.
Zero to Haskell is a 10 week program that covers all of the foundational knowledge of Haskell required for students to successfully complete the Plutus Pioneer Program. Through discussions with the IOG Plutus Pioneer team, we developed coursework for novices covering the important fundamentals of Haskell.
Our Catalyst proposal is to fund 20 scholarships for the Zero to Haskell program.
It has a project oriented approach culminating in the building of the snake game in Haskell. Also, a workbook will be provided to extend student knowledge.
One of the key features of the project is that it is written twice. The first time, students will be writing the snake game using pure functions only. Then they will refactor the code to use more common abstractions like Monads and mtl -style. With this double-writing methodology, we address a common problem faced when learning monads: "Why should I use them?" Students will see the advantages of using abstractions and how they lead to more readable code.
The course is planned as follows, and can be adapted depending on students' learning speed:
Week 1
- Haskell Tooling
- Writing basic functions
- List comprehension
- Project Introduction
**Week 2**
- Record Types and Algebraic Data Types
- Pattern matching
- List Recursion
- Project Build the Board: using standard libraries like `array`
**Week 3**
- Currying and partial application
- Higher order functions.
- Factor out recursion with `fmap`, `fold`, etc...
- Project Build the Snake: using standard libraries like `containers`
**Week 4**
- Type classes
- Random value generation
- Introduction to functors
- Project Build the Logic of the Game: Generate a board with random initial values using `random` library. Minimal Viable Product
**Week 5**
- More about Functors
- Introduction to Monads: `Maybe` and `List`
- Project Refactor 1: Convert the MVP into a fully feature snake game
**Week 6**
- Monads: `State` and `Reader`.
- do notation
- Project Refactor 2: Use the state monad to write the game logic.
**Week 7**
- Monads: `IO` and `async` package for asynchronous programming.
- Introduction Transformers: StateT and ReaderT.
- Project Refactor 3: Write the application using a transformer stack.
**Week 8**
- Transformers: introduction to `mtl` library.
- Project Refactor 4: Write the application leaning on `mtl` abstractions.
**Week 9**
- Note on other design patterns like `RIO`, or effect systems
- Project Finishing the Game: with `mtl` abstraction.
**Week 10**
- Brief introduction to template Haskell
- Brief introduction to Plutus API
- Project (Optional) : Use the abstracted version of the software to easily change frontend keeping the backend the same. For example, using `brick` or `sdl` libraries
After the class ends, each student will have a 1:1 session to help them prepare their application to the Plutus Pioneer Program. Our goal is not just to teach the fundamentals of Haskell, but to give students the absolute best chance at learning Plutus and ultimately finding a career within the Cardano ecosystem.
The Zero to Haskell program is designed by someone who learned Haskell as their first programming language for novice programmers who lack a background in programming. This foundational knowledge in Haskell is imperative for successfully learning Plutus.
Saurabh Nanda’s talk about this topic is a great resource to understand the difficulties Haskell learners face compared with learning other programming languages. On a technical level, the argument goes like the following:
The above can be summarized in ordinary words as follows:
Whereas other languages encourage you to separate pure code from impure code, Haskell forces you to do so. Whereas other languages encourage you to rely on abstractions (normally, via SOLID principles), Haskell pushes you straight into abstractions to write anything useful.
Of course, this leads to a steep learning curve. In most programming languages you start by writing small programs not caring about abstractions or design patterns. As experience is gained, you start to use better interfaces, applying SOLID principles and patterns like Factories, Decorators, dependency injections, etc… In Haskell, you are pretty much forced to jump directly from toy programs to high level abstractions.
So, How do we deal with this jump? We follow an individual mentoring approach as opposed to MOOC based courses. We believe this is a better learning solution because, as stated before, the main problem with Haskell is its high levels of abstraction. Learning abstractions is a difficult task which becomes an order of magnitude more difficult if you are on your own.
There are tons of good resources freely available to learn Haskell on the web, but people still struggle with it. We think they are lacking a companion who can clear out the misconceptions and focus on the key concepts, boosting up the process of acquiring the right mindset. This is only possible if you have access to someone tracking your progress and willing to help you on a 1:1 basis.
We provide students exercises based on the book “Piensa en Haskell” (Translation WIP), which is the book used at University of Sevilla for its Haskell course. This material is written such that no prior experience in any programming language is needed. So we think it is a good choice for our students.
The course’s project is the snake game which is written first using no abstractions at all (except for mandatory IO monad which is given to the student) and then refactor it to introduce monads step by step. This smooths out Haskell’s learning curve, because at first, you are inline with Haskell’s hard commitment to purity. All the abstractions are later introduced step by step on the code with a justification on its necessity and with clarity about the benefits they provide.
The biggest risk we face in our program is the feasibility of a novice programmer learning the fundamentals of Haskell and being able to apply them while learning Plutus. Being a mathematician, Luis understood mathematical concepts central to certain subjects of Haskell which may have given him a competitive edge compared to someone who does not have a mathematics background. Fortunately, the solution to this problem lies with the teacher of the course, who is well versed in the mathematical concepts underlying the topics covered in the course and will be able to spend ample time with students 1:1 in order to teach them any basic mathematics knowledge they are lacking.
Students not attending the course is a major risk. We will call and email any students that start to miss the in-person classes or are not active in the Discord channel.
Students that attend the class but not putting in the effort for assignments is another risk. This risk can be mitigated by tracking student activity on course work and conducting regular 1:1 check-ins.
June 30 - Github project preparation
June 30 - Translation .25 (first quarter of coursework translated to English)
July 30 - Translation 0.5 (first half of coursework translated to English)
August 30 - Scholarship application available
September 15 - All coursework material completed
September 31 - Scholarships awarded
October 17 - Start of course
December 22 - In-class course completion
January 22, 2023 - Course completed
February 6-10, 2023 - NFT certificate of completion issues
Feb 6-10, 2023 - 1:1 session with students to help prepare for Plutus Pioneer Program
1 Scholarships @ $2500/each w/ 10% discount = $2,250
20 scholarships offered = total $45,000
Total = $45000
Luis Morillo-Najarro is a mathematics graduate from University of Sevilla in 2014. He learned Haskell as his first programming language in 2009 and is a 2021 graduate of the Plutus Pioneer Program. Luis is the designer of the course work and the teacher of the class.
Patrick Lance is a business and information systems graduate from Ohio University in 2009. He has been studying real world use-cases for blockchain since 2017. He has worked in the past on studies for blockchain in supply chain and has tokenized commercial real estate. Patrick is in charge of marketing, website design/content, initial scholarship application review, minting NFT certifications of completion, and will conduct regular follow up with students to track progress in Plutus Pioneer and work search assistance.
Yes, we plan on providing scholarships to twenty students each quarter.
Metrics to track:
Success will be measured in two ways:
For students that successfully complete the Zero to Haskell program and the Plutus Pioneer Program, we will assist them in job placement.
Entirely new proposal.
A trained mathematician from the University of Sevilla, Luis Morillo-Najarro learned Haskell as his first programming language and has been a Haskell dev for over 13 years. He graduated from cohort 1 of the Plutus Pioneer Program in 2021.