Last updated 2 years ago
Seniors are often overlooked & not educated into new systems yet have life knowledge and experience. How can Cardano educate Seniors to take part of the DRepp process either as a team or solo DRep?
Cardano4Seniors is building a Community platform to onboard Seniors into Cardano through education & Risk Management. Social media teaching & Onboarding Seniors into the cadre of DRepps is a win/win
This is the total amount allocated to C4S-Educating Seniors as DReps.
Cardano4Seniors is building a Community platform to onboard Seniors into Cardano through education & Risk Management. Social media teaching & Onboarding Seniors into the cadre of DRepps is a win/win
The C4S team has over 150 years of experience including:research, graduate level teaching, selling, marketing, risk management, advising seniors and in setting up the C4S educational language and platform for Seniors as a Community initiative.
You know one, live with one or are one. The current global population of 2 billion Seniors are in every community in every part of the world. This population is estimated by the UN to double in 10 years. Many Seniors are retired professionals, educators, medical fields, scientists, environmentalists, farmers, engineers or other fields that collectively possess intellectual capital that the DRepp project and Cardano in general needs.
The C4S team proposes to record a PSA (Public Service Announcement) type YouTube video about earning retirement income by being a DRepp. The video will be produced in five languages, initially and target via Social Media ads distribution to the appropriate audience.
The video will be available to be updated each fund as needed, and will be available for translation to other languages. It will continue to be a Cardano and Catalyst recruiting tool of Seniors and soon to be soon Seniors long after this fund cycle is complete.
The video will be written/scripted using the Senior Learning style C4S was funded in F8 to develop - ELI65. The original script will then be translated into four (4) other languages and videotaped by native speakers for distribution to those populations.
The languages chosen were based on current team members linguistic skills. We will produce the PSAs in Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Papiamento and English. Papiamento is a native language to several Caribbean Islands which may have a secondary marketing plus.
This PSA style video in the ELI65 style will cross attract many other adults also. It also will be available on the internet for as long as that exists. It will also be a base for translating and video shooting in any other language in future Catalyst rounds should it prove effective.
Putting a video out into the ether does not guarantee viewership. The methodology to attract the viewers wanted is to niche market to this niche demographic of Seniors - many retired and looking for an interest or side money. The best marketing approach with the best ROI is via social media. C4S is working to establish a worldwide Community Platform of Seniors. This SM marketing will help us penetrate the niche and build a funnel leading into Catalyst.
As mentioned elsewhere, while LinkedIN is the second (per Pew Research) most widely used SM by Seniors they are mostly professionals - our exact target within our niche. Our biggest SM spend (60%) will be focused on LinkedIn. Facebook, globally is the most widely used SM by Seniors. It will relieve 35% of the budget with the 5%balance will be used over several other SMs.
Proposals within each Challenge should be aligned with at least one of the four Fund9 strategic goals:
1.Prepare a group of people willing and able to make contributions to the ecosystem.
This proposal directly addresses this strategic goal in that C4S will educate a group of Seniors to partake in the DRepp process.
The specific elements of this Challenge list two main items to improve and Diversify the DRepp project and they are: Diversity and Many. Seniors certainly meet the first since Seniors are the most diverse demographic in the world. We are or were in every household in the world. As we stated in the opening paragraph - You know one, live with one or are one!
Many was the other main element stated as a necessity for this DRepp challenge. Currently, there are 2 billion Seniors in the world soon (10 years per UN) to double. That is many. We, as a community need to make Cardano the choice of this niche market. We will educate and attract them to the safest blockchain.
Two other elements were listed as necessary for DRepps to function better: high delegation rate and appropriate selection of DRepps.
Many of the retired Seniors C4S will attract to Cardano as a Community Platform will include the brightest minds, most driven and principled persons who have achieved the revered status of Wise! Would you delegate to a retired Nobel Prize winner, or a former Professor of Law, or perhaps an aging rocket scientist or Neurosurgeon or even an old farmer!
Those are the many C4S will work to bring into our Cardano family.
Q3 2022 Initial drafts of scripts are conceived and written.
Q4 -M1 - concepts and educational concepts are finalized. Scripts are edited, polished, reviewed and team approved. Scripts are translated into Italian, Spanish, Papiamento & Dutch.
Q4-M2 - Videos are recorded in the five languages and edited.
Q4-M3 Social media targeted ads begin. Videos are released. This may be held over until Q1-2023 to avoid holiday noise and take advantage of the New Year resolution motivation. This will depend on the fluidity of the recording and production.
The budget over view is $2,250 for talent at $50 per hour and $5,000 for Social Media ad spend to attract our target market - Seniors to view our message. Pew research indicates that Seniors by far utilize Facebook so a large spend will be in the Facebook family. However, the second largest use of SM by Seniors according to Pew is LinkedIn. And, LinkedIn is favored by professionals - which is who we want to attract in this project. So LinkedIn in will get about 60% of our SM spend.
Detailed budget -
Draft Conceptualization & Writing-4 hours @ $50= $ 200
Draft editing 2 hours@$50 = $ 100
Draft translation 1 hour each X 4 @ $50 = $ 200
Video Recording 1 hour ea X people X 5@$50 =$ 500
Editing video 4 hours ea X 5 @$50 = $1,000
Administration & SM interface 10 hours@$50 =$ 500
Talent $ 2,500
LinkedIN SM spend 60% $ 3,000
Facebook family 35% $ 1,750
Misc SM 5% $ 250
SM Advertising spend $5,000
Total Ask $7,500
@tkolomi is degreed in Technology and is C4S lead researcher and developer of the ELI65 language developed by her for Seniors.
@Kevinfrey1987 is the youngest C4S member and keeps the team informed. He also is our oracle for all things new to help with our community outreach.
@Gustavo an international artist is also a multi-linguist and will help us with translations.
@headelf is the team leader, with experience as a call in radio show host, graduate level teaching and over 20 years in Risk Management and advising Seniors.
This is an unknown at this time. C4S is working towards a goal of a Self-sufficient Community platform. While it has not reached that status, the future and status of this DRepp experiment is not clear. C4S would consider continuing to upgrade its DRepp project as needed by the Community.
This project will have three stages that will be tracked, measured and audited. The first two are straight forward. The third is difficult due to age sensitive questions. It is not permissible to request age on DRepp registration or wallet initiation. A DeWork reward system or equivalent would be open to all so age would not be measurable.
1.Preparation -The first stage will be the preparation, script writing and recording and editing. This is measurable through segments and time sheets and product produced.
2.Promotion and Publication Stage is measurable by dollar spent on SM ads and response rates provided by the individual platforms
3.Onboarding of DReps is the stage where we believe anecdotal input will be used. We can not determine DRep Onboarding by age, but can get an idea through our social media interaction how many came through the C4S channel.
Success looks like a community of new DReps Onboarding from C4S efforts. Many of these seniors will be multi lingual due to our out reach.
This is a continuation of the previously funded F8 project referenced in the proposes solution.
It actually is a pivot on the F8 proposal and will allow the C4S team to showcase real life usage of the ELI65 language being developed for educating global seniors. Attracting Senior brain power into Catalyst as DRepps will be a powerful addition to Cardano.
SDG goals:
Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
SDG subgoals:
Broaden and strengthen the participation of developing countries in the institutions of global governance
By 2030, ensure equal access for all women and men to affordable and quality technical, vocational and tertiary education, including university
By 2030, achieve full and productive employment and decent work for all women and men, including for young people and persons with disabilities, and equal pay for work of equal value
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Participation rate of youth and adults in formal and non-formal education and training in the previous 12 months, by sex
Average hourly earnings of employees, by sex, age, occupation and persons with disabilities
Proportion of members and voting rights of developing countries in international organizations
Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI):
The C4S team has over 150 years of experience including:research, graduate level teaching, selling, marketing, risk management, advising seniors and in setting up the C4S educational language and platform for Seniors as a Community initiative.