Last updated 2 years ago
Few people are aware of the potential of blockchain governance
Create a short documentary to explain what is the role of DREPS and more globally what are the ambitions of Cardano's governance era
This is the total amount allocated to Documentary on Cardano's governance.
Create a short documentary to explain what is the role of DREPS and more globally what are the ambitions of Cardano's governance era
Decades of combined video creation experience (you can see some of our realizations in the relevant links section)
Currently, cryptos are seen from the outside as places for speculation and NFTs.
Innovation in governance is still almost totally unknown to the general public. It would be beneficial for Cardano and Catalyst to be more widely known and understood, in order to attract quality participants that may not even be in cryptos yet. There can be several types of initiatives and tools in order to do so. We propose to create a documentary that will explain and illustrate the possibilities of blockchain governance. It will serve as a pleasant and motivating introduction for anyone to learn on this subject. We envision it as a quality documentary that is both entertaining, educational and aesthetic. It will document the exceptional nature of what is happening on Cardano.
Key themes :
-Explanation of the links between governance and blockchain
-Governance ambitions (the internet nation)
-Attract people interested in the challenges of innovation in governance
-Promote culture around these questions
-Explanation of the role of DREPS
-Interview of Catalyst personalities
-Interview of one or more Dreps candidates
-Use of Town Halls archives
-Integration of archive images related to the history of governance,
-Perspective on the history of democracy, and how the Voltaire Era on Cardano is opening a new chapter in it.
-Explanation of the importance of decentralization
Film length: 10-15 minutes
Language : French with english subtitles
This documentary will help to attract a new public to Cardano’s governance and the DREP role, including people passionate about governance innovation. It will also help to diversify the candidates profiles, especially toward french speaking people. As it will be released under a CCO license, community members will have the possibility to release translations in other languages.
On this type of projects, the main risk would be to make a documentary that might soon be obsolete, considering the fast paced evolution of Catalyst. To avoid this, we will focus more on the first principles of governance, and how the larger vision of Cardano fits in this. We will aim at making the movie timeless by depicting the larger view, including contemporary events as testimonies of milestones in this long term adventure.
First month after funding : We immediately begin the screenwriting process, including voice over. We begin to collect materials. We prepare for the interviews.
Second month after funding : we begin the interviews, record the voice over, and begin the editing process.
Third month : We finalize the editing process and release a trailer and the full movie online.
Production : 40h*40$ = 1600
Screenwriting : 50h*40$ = 2000
Voice over recording : 7h*190$ = 1330
Graphic work : 30h*60$ = 1800
Music : 15h*50$ = 750
Editing : 55h*60$ = 3300
Exports and publishing : 5h*50$ = 250
Communication : 10h*30$ = 300
Administration : 10h*30$ = 300
Follow up ( part that is dedicated to taking care of the film once its released, following its diffusion, answering questions of viewers that are interested in joining the DREPs program) : 20h*30$ = 600
TOTAL : 12230 $
Antoine Cathalau
Production & Screenwriting
Antoine is a project designer, mix media artist and meditation teacher. He has a master degree in screenwriting, and co-founded Suki editions.
Twitter : @AGarance, @SukiEditions
Claire Pichelin
Graphic work & Administration
Claire is the other co-founder of Suki editions. She has more than 10 years of experience of developing multimedia projects,creating art, videos and marketing contents. She has a master degree in communication and art history.
Twitter : @Hypathie4, @SukiEditions
Rémi Nelson Borel
Editing & Interviews
Rémi is a professional video director. He has made many movies for institutions, music bands, enterprises, and several documentaries. He is the founder of La Forge aux utopies, his video production company.
We are here for the long term, so we may return for other proposals, but this one won’t need further funds to be completed.
We will apply the traditional framework of audiovisual project management, in which every phase of production is clearly identified within a time frame. We will assure that each phase is completed. At the end it will be very easy to audit the achievement of the project with the release of the movie.
Our wish is to make a beautiful and inspiring movie that makes it easy to understand the immense potential we see in Catalyst and Cardano. A great success would be that a large public is aware of this potential and vision, so that many candidates from different backgrounds can be interested in joining the movement.
This is an entirely new proposal
SDG goals:
Achieve gender equality and empower all women and girls
Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels
SDG subgoals:
Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions at all levels
Ensure responsive, inclusive, participatory and representative decision-making at all levels
Ensure women’s full and effective participation and equal opportunities for leadership at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public life
Key Performance Indicator (KPI):
Proportion of population who believe decision-making is inclusive and responsive, by sex, age, disability and population group
Universal Human Rights Index (UHRI):
Decades of combined video creation experience (you can see some of our realizations in the relevant links section)