Last updated 2 years ago
Need of an open space for dReps to address the community
Create An Open dRep debate for the Cardano Community
This is the total amount allocated to DReps Open Debate.
Create An Open dRep debate for the Cardano Community
In our team there are CA, vCAs, Founder Proposers, Cardano ambassadors, teachers, lawyers, journalists, developers, marketing specialists, media influencers and Stake Pool operators. A uniquely qualified team to spread the values and philosophy of Cardano & decentralization
Create the space for an open debate, both for dReps and the community. The event will be held once per fund and will provide dRepps the opportunity to talk about relevant topics for the community.
E.x Developers, community building, social impact.
Topics will be chosen by the community through an open and transparent voting process. Giving all speakers equal opportunities to expose their ideas. The event will have its moderators to ensure a high-quality debate between drepps and give everyone equal opportunities to express their ideas.
The event will be hosted in Zoom and Streamed on YouTube
Event Structure:
Part 1: Consists of a quick paced debate through different community chosen topics. Depending on the amount of dRepps speaking we ll create more equally sized rooms for debates.
Part 2: Consists of a Q & A section for community questions to dRepps.
Closure: After Part 2 there will be a short closure speech and the event will finish.
An open Cardano event of this characteristics will bring exposure to dRepps, allowing the Cardano community to learn more about dRepps and Liquid democracy, which will lead to a bigger number of dRepps participating in Catalyst.
This debate could also work as a test to ensure that dRepps are capable of communicating their ideas and provide clear knowledge about their work.
Main Risks could be low participation by the community and dRepps. We don’t see that as a problem since our team has built strong connections with big actors around the Cardano community. (Swarm, Foundation, IOG, Emurgo) This way we can guarantee strong actor's attendance at the event.
Action plan is straight forward, the proposal will take place over a 2-month period of time.
Event organizer: 1000 x 2 Months: 2.000 USD
Content creator: 500usd * 2 Months: 1.000 USD
Hosts: 200 USD Each * 5 = 1.000 USD
Rewards for participants: 1.000 USD
Event Promotion: 2.000 USD
Risks & Emergencies: 10% of Budget = 700 USD
Total = 7.700 USD
Among our core team we can cite:
Alex Pestchanker (Mentor, Host and Speaker, Funded Proposer and CA in F6, 7 and 8, vCA in F7 and F8, Challenge Team member for F7 Grow Latam, Grow Cardano, Funded Proposer subcircle member, Swarm Veteran)
Rodolfo Miranda (Funded Proposer and CA in F6, 7 and 8, vCA in F7 and F8, Challenge Team member for F7 Grow Latam, Grow Cardano and F8 Self Sovereign Identity)
Lucas Macchiavelli (Funded Proposer in F7 and 8, CA in F8, Cardano Ambassador, Swarm contributor)
Jaime Martinez: (Funded Proposer in F7 and F8, CA in F6 and F7, member of the Catalyst community since F4, Advocate and builder of educational initiatives for LatAm Cardano Communities)
Mauro Andreoli
Juanita Jaramillo R
Victor Corcino
Juan Sierra
Yes, if the event is a success, we plan on hosting it each fund!
Key Progress Indicators:
Outcome KPIs:
Is a continuation of several proposals from the LATAM Cardano´s community expansion in F7 & F8
In our team there are CA, vCAs, Founder Proposers, Cardano ambassadors, teachers, lawyers, journalists, developers, marketing specialists, media influencers and Stake Pool operators. A uniquely qualified team to spread the values and philosophy of Cardano & decentralization