Last updated 11 months ago
Participating as a dRep is difficult when you live in a different time zone and when English is not your main language.
The Eastern Hemisphere Town Hall provides a safe place for the different time zones and languages of Eastern Hemisphere communities to learn, collaborate and build on Cardano.
This is the total amount allocated to Eastern Hemisphere dRep TownHall.
The Eastern Hemisphere Town Hall provides a safe place for the different time zones and languages of Eastern Hemisphere communities to learn, collaborate and build on Cardano.
Cardano Foundation Ambassadors, Catalyst School & Eastern Town Hall Members, Proposal Assessors (PAs) & Veteran PAs, Challenge Team members, Cardano Stake Pool Operators (SPO), IT & Software Engineering, Blockchain devs, Plutus/Atala Prism Pioneers, Educators and Accountants
There is no independent initiative to collect, monitor and document a dRep’s platform (voting decisions) or a regular meeting location to examine dReps. Nor is there any provision for a diverse representation of languages and regions.
Our focus will be on the Eastern Hemisphere region. This is where we are based and this will provide a more distributed perspective.
In summary, our intent is to :
(1) Monitoring Eastern Hemisphere proposal
(2) Operate a Eastern Hemisphere dRep Chat + 7 languages(if there are some)
(3) Collect dRep related statistics for each Fund
(4) Translate & summarize in a CIP list
(5) QADAO will provide plain english summaries of IOG dRep workshops and dRep research to support translation.
(6) QADAO will assist in liaison and English language communication with the main Town Hall
※We will also do the following work for dRep but will not include it here as it overlaps the scope of work with the proposals we are doing in other categories.
・We will document how dReps, advisors (PAs), voters and proposers participate in the dRep process.
・Hold a monthly Eastern Town Hall dRep, proposer and voter dialogue meeting
・Onboarding dRep following the Eastern Hemisphere Town Hall Telegram
The table above shows the relationship between solutions, challenges and risks. See "[IMPACT] ②how to address the Challenge" .
The table above shows the relationship between solutions, challenges and risks. See "[IMPACT] ③main risks".
We will continue to gather dRep materials, provide documentation & statistics and hold meetings until the Fund 11 time period. As this is the first iteration or experiment our milestones may vary in order to respond to changes in dRep implementation. But our intent is to increase our deliverables by 10% each Fund.
The table above shows the relationship between the solution and the detailed plan. See "[FEASIBILITY] ①detailed plan" and [AUDITABILITY]①(KPI).
The table above shows the relationship between the solution, the detailed plan, and the budget breakdown. See "[FEASIBILITY]② BUDGET BREAKDOWN".
This distributed, collaborative effort brings together a wealth of cultural and technical experience to Cardano. We are all long standing, active contributors in Catalyst, and our community groups range widely across the ecosystem. We are a diverse bunch united by the promise and vision of Cardano.
Core Team - (in alphabetic order)
Andreas Sosilo
@andreassosilo - Indonesia: Software Developer, Cardano Foundation Ambassador for Indonesia, Cardano Indonesia Community Manager, Eastern Hemisphere Town Hall Team
@AWG - Haskell Plutus Lecturer, Eastern Town Hall Team Member, Gimbalabs PPBL Team Member, CA,VCA, Plutus Pioneer, Atala Prism Pioneer, Challenge Team Member, Boostcamp Alumni.
@PardusEidolon - Financial markets software engineering, Haskell Developer, Music & Video Production, Eastern Townhall Co-Organiser
@elpidanang - Australia: Digital Forensic and Cyber Security academic staff since 2004. Fund 7 and 8 Challenge Team member, Co-host for ETH
Mie Tran
@mie.tran.0407 - Vietnam: English and International Business major by trained, experienced in working cross-continent corporations. Funded proposer, a Challenge Team member, Co-host for ETH
Robert O'Brien
@wolstaeb - New Zealand: Financial systems Software Engineer, Community Co-Organizer and Entrepreneur
@tienna - Vietnam: Computer programmer, Cardano SPO (VILAI), Cardano community activist since 2018, funded proposer, a Challenge Team member and Co-host for ETH
Yuta Yuta
@yutazz - Japan: Cardano Ambassador, Community Co-Organizer, Catalyst Fund 2 & 7 Recipient, Certified Public Accountant
Yan Tirta
@yantirta - Indonesia: Cardano Indonesia Organizer, Community Advisor, Veteran Community Advisor, Eastern Catalyst School member, Catalyst Challenge Team member, Entrepreneur
Consultant Team
Andy Sibuea
@zicozibu - Indonesia: IT & Blockchain Educator, Eastern Catalyst School member
Felix Weber
@felixweber - France: Cardano Ambassador, Founder of Catalyst Swarm/School, Co-Founder of numerous other Cardano Communities
Stephen Whitenstall
Stephen is the co-founder of Quality-Assurance DAO, Stephen has provided project management consultancy for many Catalyst governance projects since Fund 4 including Catalyst Circle, Audit Circle, Community Governance Oversight, Training & Automation (with Treasury Guild) and Swarm. A Circle V2 representative for funded proposers. He has 30 years experience in development, test management, project management, social enterprises in Investment Banking, Telecoms and Local Government. A philosophy honours graduate with an interest in Blockchain governance.
Yes, we will submit proposal in the next Catalyst Fund to operate our Town Hall, as this Town Hall operates to build communities in each countries of Eastern Hemisphere zone in the long run.
Since this is our first attempt, it is difficult to predict milestone figures, but we aim to increase each of the following indicators by 10% for each FUND.
See "[AUDITABILITY]①" in the table above for KPIs.
See "[AUDITABILITY] ②" for a description of how each solution succeeds.
For this project success looks like:
Basically, Support for non English speaking Proposers from Eastern Town Hall. Education and discussions on liquid democracy, the difference between direct and representative democracy and the future of governance in Catalyst. Translation into 7 languages with support on Discord and Telegram.
No. It is an entirely new one.
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
Cardano Foundation Ambassadors, Catalyst School & Eastern Town Hall Members, Proposal Assessors (PAs) & Veteran PAs, Challenge Team members, Cardano Stake Pool Operators (SPO), IT & Software Engineering, Blockchain devs, Plutus/Atala Prism Pioneers, Educators and Accountants