Last updated 2 years ago
I ran out of đ to give. The Popularity ranking in Ideascale is wrong and sorts based on who put up a proposal first. dReps need accurate, accessible measurement of community sentiment.
Everyone Start With More đ  and present the proposals according to actual Popularity in Ideascale. Right now, the popularity ranking is wrong, for it ranks according to who put up a proposal first.
This is the total amount allocated to Everyone Start With More đ.
Everyone Start With More đ  and present the proposals according to actual Popularity in Ideascale. Right now, the popularity ranking is wrong, for it ranks according to who put up a proposal first.
Project Catalyst participant.
Everyone Start With More đ  and present the proposals according to actual Popularity in Ideascale. Right now, the popularity ranking is wrong, for it ranks according to who put up a proposal first. Keep the Popularity ranking as the default, but just make sure it is real popularity measured by amount of đ .
dReps need to be aware of community sentiment. This aids them.
Ideascale permissions. I don't know who controls Cardano's Ideascale changes.
I will show this proposal if funded to whoever controls Cardano's Ideascale settings and ask them to change it.
$100 to write this proposal and show it to whoever controls Cardano's Ideascale account if funded.
Who knows
I will show this proposal if funded to whoever controls Cardano's Ideascale settings and ask them to change it.
I will show this proposal if funded to whoever controls Cardano's Ideascale settings and ask them to change it.
Peace and Love
Project Catalyst participant.