Last updated 2 years ago
There are no enough dRep resources which serve as a starting point for new members and existing members in multiple languages. These are lacking resources to provide active engagement contribution.
Leverage existing Catalyst communities to create a 14 languages dRep hub with language ambassadors from Catalyst community to translate existing dRep resources and provide continuous dRep updates .
This is the total amount allocated to Multilingual dRep Resources.
Leverage existing Catalyst communities to create a 14 languages dRep hub with language ambassadors from Catalyst community to translate existing dRep resources and provide continuous dRep updates .
RFFX team currently translating Catalyst and Cardano resources to Swahili, Multilingual Cardano Hub members, Active Catalyst community members ( Gimbalabs Playground, GTH, C4C, CATH, CETH), PAs and vPA, Front and Backend developer, Funded proposers.
Due to our digital approach, we do not have high running costs and can enable access from around the globe. RFFX itself is running self-sufficiently on its own funding from Fund 8 funded proposal to Translate Catalyst Resource and Cardano to Swahili, so these funds will not be used by our team. They are solely to give all hubs a starting ground of resources.
Since, the dRep information currently is mainly in English a multilingual resources hub will help to communicate the information to reach the community in a an effective way. This hubs will also conduct online and offline meetups in different time zones to get dRep going in other minor zones as of currently the IOG-led dRep events mainly take place in the US and European time zones.
The main challenge we see is that some terms and vocabularies may not have direct language translations and how we are planning to mitigate that is by giving simple relevant explanations of the terms that could easily be understood by a layman.
The timeline is set to be of the duration of 6 months:
There are five main areas for which we ask funds:
Total budget 20000 $
Evans Kisanga
From Tanzania,
IdeaScale: @babaelliot
Discord: NYS#7565
Linked in :
Fullstack Web and App developer ( , )
Member and active contributor in Catalyst communities ( GTH, C4C, CATH, CETH), Catalyst Proposal Assessors
Name: Regina Makungu
From Tanzania,
Ideascale: @reginawills,
LinkedIn: ,
Degree in Accountancy and Finance, ACSI certified by CISS, Operations Manager , Trader in Financial Markets ,
Trainer at RFFXTZ COMPANY LIMITED on Financial Market and Blockchain Technology ,
Marketing expert and content creator
Member and active contributor in Catalyst communities ( GTH, C4C, CATH, CETH)
RFFXTZ Company Ltd
Registered company in Tanzania
Linked In:
Instagram: Rffxtz
Yes, If there will be need for us to tackle some other challenges that arise as we continue building in the Cardano ecosystem and impacting individuals world wide.
All fourteen hubs are running a low-cost and self-sustaining portal for dRep education, information, collaboration and support.
Its a continuation of a previously funded proposal which is translating Cardano and Catalyst resources to swahili aiming at creating multilingual resources for a sustainable Cardano ecosystem.
1.No poverty. As the project will provide employment opportunities
4.Quality education enhanced by the free educational resources in the the hubs will offer
5.Gender equality through opportunity offered by the language ambassadors
8.Decent work and economic growth through the impact of the project implementation.
9.Industry, innovation and infrastructure
10.Reduce inequality through the ecosystem Cardano offer when the project put a multilingual dRep hub
RFFX team currently translating Catalyst and Cardano resources to Swahili, Multilingual Cardano Hub members, Active Catalyst community members ( Gimbalabs Playground, GTH, C4C, CATH, CETH), PAs and vPA, Front and Backend developer, Funded proposers.