dRep are the people who have a great influence on the community . But many dRep do not have enough knowledge, experience and time to fully assess the proposals in different challenges.
We make a reference to help dReps who do not have much experience, knowledge and time. They can refer to make voting decisions easier and more accurate
This is the total amount allocated to References for dRep.
We make a reference to help dReps who do not have much experience, knowledge and time. They can refer to make voting decisions easier and more accurate
A youtube channel about Cardano and blockchain knowledge with more than 500 subscribers
We have been CAs and vCAs since fund 7
Admin of 2 communities about Cardano
We have the experience of sharing a lot of knowledge on the zoom meeting for the Cardano communities in Vietnam
dReps will vote on the vast majority of proposals within Project Catalyst and enhance the quality of decision making within each Fund
To do that, dReps have to convince ADA holders to gain delegation from communities. The people who are likely to gain the trust of the community are usually influencers, KOLs or admins of the communities.
Many influencers, KOLs and community admins do not have much experience, time and knowledge to be able to assess proposals and make accurate voting decisions.
Therefore, we create references to the proposals in each fund to help dReps who have the ability to call the delegate community but do not have enough experience, time and knowledge. dReps can refer to this document to make correct voting decisions
This proposal will help to address 2 key Metrics of the challenge
(Number of dReps) How many dReps were onboarded? We'll make it easy to become a dRep. dRep does not require too much time, knowledge and experience. Therefore, almost anyone can become a dRep if they are able to convince people to delegate
(Accuracy of delegate decisions) How well did we create content and tools to make it easier to consider dReps? This reference will help dRep with more information and assessments of the proposals. dRep will be able to make more accurate decisions
This reference can increase centralization if too many dRep use the same reference without making individual assessments.
Solution: We will make this reference public so the community can compare it with dRep's voting decisions and rational assessment . This will help ADA holders know if the dRep is using the document for reference or 100% copy. Thereby reducing the reputation of dRep.
The assessments in this reference are subjective as they are based on the experience and knowledge of the reviewer.
Solution: This is a reference. It is for reference only, not decision making for dRep. Therefore, dRep still has to evaluate the proposal according to dRep's opinion. If dRep has comments on references, you can email us and we will answer their questions.
We will create a Google sheet evaluating proposals with the following levels:
Vote Yes: Very good projects with high PA scores. Proposal has a large community impact. High probability of success.
Maybe Yes: Proposal is at a good level but needs to improve a few more aspects to be successful and to be able to solve the challenge (can vote Yes or no vote)
Not good: Proposal is still sketchy, has not provided enough evidence on the ability to implement the proposal, needs further improvement in many aspects (can vote No or no vote)
Vote No: The proposals are a scam, the proposal does not solve the problem of the challenge, the proposal is not feasible,...
KPI & Plan:
The first month:
We make this reference in google sheet
We will assess the proposals in the governance phase of fund 9 as an initial reference (500 proposals). We will then share this reference with the ADA holder community. This will help introduce dRep to the community to increase the number of dRep. Besides, it also helps to increase dRep's capacity in the future
Fund 10: Assess QA round (14 days)
We will assess and score 1,000 proposals of fund 10 in the QA assessment round. This will make our assessments independent of the proposal's score in the Governance phase.
During the Governance Phase (14 days) we will be sharing this document with the community of ADA holders and those who have signed up to become dRep. This reference will help them make voting decisions easier and more accurate
After fund 10 voting result: We will do a survey of dReps after using this reference to edit and develop for the next funds.
Number of assessments: 1,500
Cost for an assessment: 10$
Total cost: 15,000 USD
Ms. Hannah – Community Admin CA fund 6,7,8
Founder of a Cardano Community (40,000 followers)
One year experience in operating a stake pool (SPO)
Experience in blockchain financial research and investment since 2017
Blockchain product and market research specialist
Telegram: https://t.me/hannahgates
VietCore Team: A team specializing in project evaluation and information sharing of projects on Cardano and other blockchain platforms. Youtube channel with more than 500 subscribers: (10 people) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCe4l3L082unY0__q_0_krzQ/videos
If we are funded, we will return to Catalyst in a later round for further funding.
Every fund needs a reference like this. Therefore, we will create references for each Catalyst fund to assist dRep in making voting decisions easier and more accurate.
We will publicly share the link of this google sheet with the community. So anyone can follow the implementation process as well as the results of this proposal. We will measure the proposal implementation process through the number of proposals we have assessed
We will survey the dReps that use this reference to measure the effectiveness of the reference and how the dReps feel when using this reference.
The number of dRep participating in Catalyst will increase thanks to this reference. Our target is at least 20 people will become dRep after using this reference
The dReps will vote more easily and accurately (we will measure this through surveys - 80% dRep satisfied with this reference)
This is an entirely new proposal
A youtube channel about Cardano and blockchain knowledge with more than 500 subscribers
We have been CAs and vCAs since fund 7
Admin of 2 communities about Cardano
We have the experience of sharing a lot of knowledge on the zoom meeting for the Cardano communities in Vietnam