Last updated 10 months ago
We need Dreps representing diverse regions and cultures. Those Dreps living in underprivileged countries will find difficult to achieve saturation, creating inefficiencies in the governance.
To allow these Dreps to achieve saturation (1% of the total stake) we will provide a campaigning funds and office, so their voices and platforms can be heard abroad, reaching whales and main countries
This is the total amount allocated to Underprivileged DREPS Campaigning.
To allow these Dreps to achieve saturation (1% of the total stake) we will provide a campaigning funds and office, so their voices and platforms can be heard abroad, reaching whales and main countries
LATAM Cardano Community is a community driven project which emerged itself thru engagement in Project Catalyst. We proactively participate in building the Cardano Ecosystem & provide constant services to our Community. Our key members are PA, vPA, Circle, Ambassadors & proposers.
We will generate an underprivileged DREPs campaigning center, for 5 DREPs that will have to apply, contest and be voted by the community (LATAM).
In F8, the total registered Stake was ADA 3,680,777,012 that means that 1%=36,807,770 each DREP should get as delegation in order to be Saturated and optimize de System.
If we consider that in that same Fund, in a Challenge such as Developer Ecosystem, that awarded ADA 1,000,000. The Average positive voting for a proposal to WIN was ADA 151,600,000. then it makes sense to support and help those 5 DREPs to help and vote for the proposals that the underprivileged countries cares the most, securing its representation in Catalyst.
The Campaigning center will act as the DREPs office, coordinating their agendas, looking to create bridges and connections for places to promote their candidacy and ideas. Organizing events, talks and marketing campaigns for those ideas to reach the proper audience.
A webpage will be created to support the candidacy, explaining the DREPs background, expertise, focus in Catalyst and intention of voting in F10.
Also this center will be reporting on the progress, results and actions taken, so the community can also be engaged and aware of the status and good use of the funds.
After the voting, the center will make publicly available all the DREPs votes, and how the funds where used in each case.
in order to function, the DREPs system, is based on Liquid Democracy, as it was explained in the first DREPs workshop by IOG: ( )
For Liquid Democracy to be efficient and reach its goal to maximize voting of the total registered stake, each DREP should be delegated 1% of that stake.
This is well expressed in the Challenge objectives, quote
"(1) The participation rate of Catalyst voting is less than 20%.
(2) Statistics show that 30% of Catalyst voters randomly vote without reading the proposals.
(3) It is difficult for Catalyst users who are not necessarily skilled in technology and English to judge nearly 1,000 proposals.
(4) Potential relevance to Decentralized Consortium Funding and roadmap approval voting through 2025.
For the dRep to function better, the following four elements are necessary
(1) dReps must be diverse.
(2) There should be many dReps.
(3) High delegation participation rate.
(4) Appropriate selection of dReps for delegation.
Failure to achieve (1) and (2) is centralization, and failure to achieve (3) and (4) is Catalyst dysfunction."
This proposal is fully aligned with the challenge objectives.
RISK1: DREPs system is not yet ready for F10, out of IOG decision or roadblocks
MITIGATION: The campaigning office will still be able to produce lots of impacts, first to seek and engage committed people in LATAM that are willing to reach out to wider audiences and take the LATAM story and its message abroad. Second we will be engaging more people into the Cardano family out of the marketing efforts to reach out. As per our understanding DREPs are here to stay, so if not in F10, it will be F11, so all the efforts and investments seems reasonable in pro the community.
RISK2: There are no 5 individuals that come forward as DREPs nominee in LATAM
MITIGATION: It will be unlikely, as we already spoked to several people that would like to become DREPs (more than 5), but even that, the risk is there. So if that's the case, the funds will be equally split into the voted DREPs in the program, seeking to at least reach out to as many ADA delegated as possible, representing LATAM.
RISK2: The saturation levels for delegation in each DREPs are not achieved
MITIGATION: The whole purpose of the campaigning office is exactly to avoid that situation, so its mechanisms should directly aim to avoid that situation. The progress reports and constant monitoring of the campaign will give enough early signs to be able to react and correct the course of actions in case the goals are in jeopardy.
Organize de dates and the schedule for the program
Publicize the purpose and aims of the Campaigning office so the community is aware of it
Create the Website of the campaign
Produce the open registry and its requirements, for LATAM DREPs to express their candidacy
Produce at least two events, where the community can know who are the candidates and what they stand for
Promote and organize the voting event, to select the 5 DREPs that will represent the community and be supported by the campaigning office
Publicize the results
Set the agenda for each DREP, by understanding and coordinating their focus and vision
Produce a signatory event, where the DREPs pledge to fulfill the willing of their represented and state in black and white what do they stand for, publicize that event and post it in the webpage
Start looking to generate links and bridges to communities, individuals and organizations that are more likely to be aligned with each DREP vision, generate agreements with them
Publicize the website with each DREP full profile and voting strategy
Produce at least 3 different events where the DREPs can promote their vision and strategy. We are talking with another proposal from this fund that wants to produce a DREP debate event (XXX IDEASCALE) so the office can attach to that event
Generate marketing materials and campaigns to get the word out and make DREPs well known
Seek and attach for other proper events where the DREPs can participate, interviews, twitterspaces, etc.
Start measuring and publicize the amount of delegation for each DREP
Track all the actions, spending and metrics and publicize them within the webpage, so the community can audit and transparency is fully achieved
Create an EXIT Survey aim to delegators to understand their opinions and experiences
Review the metrics and results of the campaigns and take any further action to assure DREPs are fully delegated.
Start working with proposers that their proposals are aligned with the DREP strategy to start understanding what will be presented in F10 and start working on the voting strategy
Assure DREPs assistance to all the DREP events, courses and workshops, publicize those events
Understand and promote all the guides, rules and details of the DREP program in order to secure fully adherence to them
Prepare a full disclosure of the voting strategy previous to the voting
Publicize the results and how each DREP voted on the F10
The office will be composed of 3 staff, USD500 per month each = USD 4,500 total
Marketing visual pieces and content creation will be hired and will take USD 1,500 total
Website creation and maintenance USD 1,200 total for the 3 months
Each DREP will be allocated USD 2,500 that will be used as follows:
TOTAL Requested USD 19,700
NOTE: If we take the F8 results, in Developers Ecosystem challenge (to follow the same rationale explained before) the wining proposals had around 866 unique votes with around ₳200.000 each on average. If we take that into account the number of supporters each DREP will have to reach, to get saturation will be around 184 people. Let's round that up, 200 people each.
LATAM Cardano Community core team will help to set up the program and appoint the 3 staffs, as we have the experience and contacts to be able to do it on time and with high quality results
Among our core team we can cite:
Alex Pestchanker (Funded Proposer and CA in F6, 7 and 8, vCA in F7 and F8, Challenge Team member for F7 Grow Latam, Grow Cardano, Funded Proposer subcircle member, Swarm Veteran)
Rodolfo Miranda (Funded Proposer and CA in F6, 7 and 8, vCA in F7 and F8, Challenge Team member for F7 Grow Latam, Grow Cardano and F8 Self Sovereign Identity)
Lucas Macchiavelli (Funded Proposer in F7 and 8, CA in F8, Cardano Ambassador, Swarm contributor)
Jaime Martinez: (Funded Proposer in F7 and 8, CA in F8)
Mauro Andreoli
Juanita Jaramillo R
Victor Corcino
Juan Sierra
If the DREP program finally starts in F10 and this campaigning center achieve its goals, we will definitely continue this program further on. We would like also to make all best practices available for other underprivileged regions in the world to be able to use them.
We will do it via our gitbook
Project Tracking Metrics
・Diversity of dReps: From the 5 DREPs, which languages are represented, natinoal origins, occupations, genders, ages, religions, etc.?
・Number of dReps: Had we achieved the 5 expected DREPs?
・Number of delegates: How much delegates each DREPs got, how much ADA and which % of the total Stake?
・Accuracy of delegate decisions: How many visits the website has? How many people attended to the DREPs events, Did the DREPs voted according to their publicized strategy?
This proposal is entirely new and not a continuation nor an extension of any previous one.
Goal 10. Reduce inequality within and among countries
Goal 17. Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalize the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development
SDG subgoals:
17.16 Enhance the Global Partnership for Sustainable Development, complemented by multi-stakeholder partnerships that mobilize and share knowledge, expertise, technology, and financial resources, to support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals in all countries, in particular developing countries
17.9 Enhance international support for implementing effective and targeted capacity-building in developing countries to support national plans to implement all the Sustainable Development Goals, including through North-South, South-South, and triangular cooperation
9.a Facilitate sustainable and resilient infrastructure development in developing countries through enhanced financial, technological, and technical support to African countries, least developed countries, landlocked developing countries, and small island developing States
NB: Monthly reporting was deprecated from January 2024 and replaced fully by the Milestones Program framework. Learn more here
LATAM Cardano Community is a community driven project which emerged itself thru engagement in Project Catalyst. We proactively participate in building the Cardano Ecosystem & provide constant services to our Community. Our key members are PA, vPA, Circle, Ambassadors & proposers.