Last updated 2 years ago
How can we improve the current marketing efforts of the Cardano blockchain to place itself at the go-to solution for anyone who is interested in stepping into the web 3 space?
This is the total amount allocated to Cardano Global Marketing Campaign.
Many blockchains have a marketing campaign from a centralized foundation. We need a way to market Cardano in a decentralized manner.
We "defeat" the FUD, by showing that Cardano is a good blockchain to build on, with a world-wide, evidence-based marketing campaign.
There are a few key metrics to measure when it comes to marketing success, most notably:
Many blockchains have centralized funds and organizations that decide their marketing strategy. Tezos has been successful in advertising itself as an artist-friendly solution, while Polygon is marketing itself as a "all-in-one solution" especially for gaming and Dapps.
We know that Cardano is a superior solution to most of other chains, however our efforts have often come short in defeating the FUD. This challenge is dedicated to creating strategies, materials and executing marketing campaigns that would bring Cardano to the top.
We can creating a strong marketing strategy for different categories of the blockchain: