Last updated 2 years ago
Can Project Catalyst collectively build the best AI Art Generator native to Cardano for everyone in the community to use? Can Project Catalyst collaborate and grow with this DAO tool?
This is the total amount allocated to Catalyst Built AI Art Generator đ .
Project Catalyst will have a unified vision that can onboard Cardano users by providing the best AI Art Generator service in the World.
Project Catalyst builds the most secure, reliable, and social AI Art Generator that showcases Cardano's DID, CNFT, DAO, and AI capabilities.
@pace had a vote of 70+ community members that decided these were the proper budget weightings for Project Catalyst. However, the community has no unified vision. These categories and budgets can provide the basis for the work that needs to be done to build the AI Art Generator.
Community & Outreach - $1,800,000 in ADA
Products & Integrations - $3,000,000 in ADA
Governance & Identity - $2,000,000 in ADA
Development & Infrastructure - $2,925,000 in ADA
Nurturing Ideas & Teams - $1,000,000 in ADA
Catalyst Contributors - $1,100,000 in ADA
Cardano Contributors - $975,000 in ADA
I propose Project Catalyst utilizes all the community resources to build a unifying project where We can test all of the tools and relationships built so far and finally become a TRUE DAO. The Cardano native Art Generator can provide everyone with a unified vision and by building it, Catalyst can finally show the world how collaborative it can be. If Art doesn't save the World, what does?
To be clear, this proposal assumes that the $12,800,000 in ADA is not the whole F10 fund. It is assumed that IOG is still setting Challenges and there will still be millions in ADA for other goals.
This is a continuation of my Fund5 F7 Challenge Setting proposal: PROJECT CATALYST'S FIRST NFT ART đ